
What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

author:Sohu City
What are Lanzhou's ambitions?


Hardcore and romantic city

The Yellow River is gushing, and the Lanshan Mountains are cang

Loess Plateau, Mongolian Plateau, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Meet at the perimeter

The Silk Road headed west

It's a place where you can connect the world

Since ancient times, any regime has been slightly more extensive in the northwest

All will fight for the Hexi Pass in Gansu

Here you can look back at history

The beef noodles are piping hot

The chant of a folk band

Authentic fireworks can be seen here

And the far side in the song

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Night view of Zhongshan Bridge


Chengguo Gaolan North

Yau Sai noodles are slightly green

Lanzhou is located in the central part of Gansu Province

The Asian monsoon zone is demarcated from the non-monsoon zone

To the west is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

It is bordered by the Guanzhong Plain to the east

It is bordered by the Mongolian Plateau to the north

It borders the Sichuan Basin to the south

Choke the throat of the Western Corridor

It is one of the central cities in the western region

An important node of the Silk Road Economic Belt

A strategic platform for the country to open up to the west

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Silk Road Pass / Basemap from Arcgis

22 million years ago

The Tibetan Plateau has risen and stood

Blocks water vapor from the Indian Ocean

The interior is in drought

Forming large deserts

Strong winter winds run rampant

Roll with wild sand

Advance eastward along the edge of the Tibetan Plateau

Under the interception of Longshan, Taihang Mountain, and Qinling Mountains

Dust particles are constantly settling on the side of the mountain range

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Desert wind and smoke, Jiuquan City

Carried by wind and sand over the years

All the bare spots on the surface

All are covered with loess

Wide and flat is for the "mound"

Narrow and undulating is for "墚"

Above the cone-shaped mountain tip is the "峁"

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Earth fingerprints

Countless mounds, mounds, and mounds are connected into pieces

It became the Loess Plateau

Concentrates 70% of the earth's loess

The thickest place can reach more than 400 meters

It is the largest, thickest, and most continuous in the world

Loess cover area

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

The total thickness of loess in Xijin Village, Qilihe District, Lanzhou is 409.93 meters

The texture of the loess is uniform and fertile

Loose and porous, water-permeable and breathable

Conducive to grassland growth

It is ideal for putting ranches

It is also easy to cultivate dryland

Early farming civilizations were born

This is a land that is suitable for grazing and farming

Nature became later

Confrontation positions between the Central Plains and nomadic tribes

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Flock, Silver City

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Wheat Field, Jinchang City

It is also due to the loose soil structure

Hundreds of rivers flow through the plateau

Pouring rainfall forms rain floods

Under the onslaught of fierce erosion

The soil fell apart

The plateau was cut into ravines and fragmented

Generations of ancestors are on top of this ravine

Sort out the layers of terraces

Turquoise corn, pale gray cranberries

Yellow wheat, scattered in the field

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Fields in Yuzhong County, Lanzhou

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Lanzhou Yongdeng County Heicheng Village Huahai Farm, county new agriculture

The Yellow River departs from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Roar all the way through the mountains

Cooperation in water intrusion, weathering, tectonic movement

Transformed into miracles that amaze the world

"Danxia sandwiches the bright moon, huaxing out of the clouds"

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Danxia landform of Bitter Water Town, Yongdeng County, Lanzhou

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Yellow River Stone Forest (in Jingtai County, about 140KM from Lanzhou)

The Yellow River receives the sediment carried by the tributaries in its entirety

The spectacle of "one stone of water, six buckets of mud" is formed

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

The middle section of the Red Mountain Gorge of the Yellow River

Arrived in Lanzhou

In a basin sandwiched between two columns of mountains

The river became calm and gentle

Travel from southwest to northeast

It forms a beaded river valley between the canyon and the basin

The bottom of the basin has been alluvial for a long time

It also forms a river beach of different sizes

The main city of Lanzhou is scattered on these river beaches

Lanzhou also became the only one

The capital of the province run through by the Yellow River

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Long river sunset

These alluvial river beaches are fertile

In ancient times, people farmed and grazed their cattle along the river

Modern, the concrete jungle stretches out on the river beach

But the expansion of the city was soon stopped

Lanzhou is sandwiched between the north and south mountains

To the south are Cui Jia Ling, Gao Lan Shan and Xigu Nan Ling

To the north are Hutou Cliff, GuanshanLing and Baita Mountain

Make it a narrow and long city

It is about 30 KM long in an east-west direction

The narrowest point from north to south is only 5KM

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Aerial panoramic view of Lanzhou

The specific terrain of two mountains sandwiched by a river

Laid the ribbon pattern of Lanzhou

Lanzhou rose and fell for the next millennium

You can also find the reasons in this pattern

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

The confrontation between the city and the mountain

Gaolan Mountain in the south of the city is the highest peak in Lanzhou

It is also a barrier to Lanzhou City

"Tall and thick, it is shaped like a dragon, like two wings

The east-west ring of Gongzhou City, extending for more than 20 miles"

The Yellow River that runs through the city is a ribbon on Lanzhou's shoulders

Nourished the dry earth

Relieves the thirst of the wind and sand

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

The water of the Yellow River waters out the sweetest melon fruit, lanzhou specialty white orchid melon

A place in the arms of the Loess Plateau

The story of Lanzhou begins here

More than two thousand years

Guarding the Silk Road, ushering in the delivery

It is connected by special customs and customs

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

On both sides of the Yellow River


Taoyun Longcao is exhausted

The road to Lanzhou is the polar edge

The history of Lanzhou

As deep as the loess here

Because "according to the north and south, it is the domain of the throat of the east and the west"

Lanzhou is a place where soldiers must fight

Every inch of land has undergone the baptism of the Jingo Iron Horse

More because of "barrier to the Central Plains, contact the Western Regions, belt ten thousand miles"

Lanzhou is an important commercial and trade town on the Silk Road

The hustle and bustle of the old camel bells and markets is still in your ears

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Lanzhou lights

4,000 years ago

Humans have flourished here

From the Shang Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period

The Qiangrong people live here and live nomadically

However, Lanzhou has no system yet

It is also not included in administrative divisions

Qin is divided into 36 counties

The First Emperor ordered Meng Tian to lead 300,000 elite troops to attack the Xiongnu in the north

In the former land of Yiqu, Longxi County and Beidi County were placed

Lanzhou became a dependency of Longxi County

Officially entered the jurisdiction of the central government

Yuzhong County (around present-day Donggang Town, Chengguan District) was established.

Lanzhou ushered in the first immigration in history

Tens of thousands of people came to Yuzhong Tun to reclaim the border

To the west and north of the border

It continues to be controlled by nomads

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

White Pagoda Temple

Lanzhou's original role was not that of the Silk Road Metropolis

It is a military fortress that guards the pass

During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

The youngest hussar general Huo went ill

Cross the Yellow River deep into the desert north to attack the hinterland of the Xiongnu

The veteran general Li Xi was ordered to find a ferry on the Yellow River

To counter the army

He chose Lanzhou, a gentle and narrow strip with parallel river valleys

The army is here to move forward and backward

So a garrison fortress appeared on the yellow river, Jincheng

The meaning is impenetrable

The terrain surrounded by mountains and mountains is easy to defend and difficult to attack

Plus the Yellow River flows through

It is a veritable jintang city pool

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Sheepskin raft, a river crossing tool in Lanzhou in ancient times

The sixth year of the first year of the Han Zhao Emperor (81 BC)

The government of the Western Han Dynasty was known for its "border plugs and vast distances" and "Qiangfan as an enemy"

Jincheng County and Jincheng County (present-day Xigu, Lanzhou) were established.

The Central Plains regime valued Lanzhou in the border areas

Militarily, Lanzhou is an important port in the upper reaches of the Yellow River

Controlling the river is dangerous and easy to defend

In terms of transportation, Lanzhou guards the Hexi Corridor

The most prime location on the Silk Road

To the north, it can be from Ningxia to Mongolia

The northwest is connected to the western region of Xinjiang

The southwest is connected to Qinghai tibet

To the south from Lintao County to Sichuan

To the east, you can follow the Yellow River through Longyou to Guanzhong

Economically, the lanzhou river valley oasis can be supplied

Lanzhou has full military, transportation and economic advantages

Thus successive dynasties have taken it

As a base for developing the northwest and operating the northwest

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Today Lanzhou, Chehe

The Western Han Dynasty opened up territory and expanded the territory, and guarded the border and guarded the pass

Lanzhou is an important military supply town on the way

Since the opening of the Silk Road

After traveling back and forth to Shang Jia Xi out of Chang'an

No matter how many points it is on the wrong side

Lanzhou is a must-have

Or West out of Yang Pass

Or go north to Ningxia

or south to Qinghai

All need to depart from Lanzhou for recuperation

Jincheng is also an important place for Guancheng to obtain good horses in Hexi

Tea and horse markets, east-west trade exchanges are frequent

"Five-way goods to make up one will also be"

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Yellow River Building

To the Sui and Tang dynasties

The dynasty wanted to trade widely and secure the frontier

And stabilize Mongolia, Qinghai-Tibet, Xinjiang

And even further afield in Central Asia

Lanzhou is both a strategic hub and a core location

Its urban function has long been more than limited to military fortresses

And shoulder more political and economic responsibilities

Therefore, The Sui Emperor Yang Jian changed Jincheng County to Lanzhou

It is named after Gao Lan Mountain

It is the governor of Lanzhou

The name of Lanzhou first appeared

The name is compared to the Golden City

Less sharpness, more expectations

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Five Springs Mountain

Lanzhou serves as a transportation hub in the northwest

There are many mutual markets outside the tongs

During the Tang Dynasty, he was rich and prosperous

Pioneering the land splendor of the Silk Road

As Sima Guang described in the Zizhi Tongjian

"Lu Yan looks at each other, Sang Ma Fei Ye."

There is no one who is rich in the world."

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Ancient and modern

Such treasure lands are also the envy of foreign tribes

Tang Dynasty Emperor Guangde's first year (763)

Tubo raised troops to invade Dazhenguan

During the Anshi Rebellion, Long Right was lost

The city of Lanzhou became a pasture for Tubo

By the time of the fifth dynasty, Tubo was gradually declining

Uighur (Uyghur ancestors) forces penetrated deep into Lanzhou

Control of the Hexi Passage

Silk fabrics and tea leaves were exchanged for horses and houtang

The number of Uighurs who went to the Later Tang to do business reached 1,000

The annual trading volume of silk fabrics reaches hundreds of thousands of horses

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

The key road under the stars

It was not until 1081 that the Song army captured Lanzhou

More than 300 years later, Lanzhou returned to the territory of the Central Plains Dynasty

At this time, Lanzhou was the front line of the Xia, Song and Jin wars

For defensive reasons

The construction of the city was regarded as a top priority

The fortress and the city wall were continuously renovated and reinforced

It also extended the scope of Lanzhou City to the Yellow River

Later, it was to increase the defensive force

Emperor Zhezong of Song restored Jincheng Pass

"The city is three feet high, and the pool is one and a half feet deep...

Down to the Yellow River, build four doors, build each floor to pave the floors."

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Linhe Town, photographed at the end of the Qing Dynasty

However, the Song Dynasty was never able to capture the west of Wusheling

Loss of control of the Hexi Corridor

The overland Silk Road was interrupted

Lanzhou is difficult to reproduce the bustle of the past

In the Yuan Dynasty, the basic war around Lanzhou stopped

The city's defense system gradually weakened

Ming Hongwu II (1369)

The Ming army captured Lanzhou and placed Lanzhou Wei the following year

In 1372, the general Feng Sheng of Zhengxi

Pursue the remnants of the Yuan army to Lanzhou

The Ming army built a pontoon bridge in the seven miles west of the city

In order to consolidate the western region, the march was paid

The pontoon bridge was preserved

Named Zhenyuan Pontoon Bridge

It is the first fixed bridge in Lanzhou

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Zhenyuan Pontoon Bridge, photographed at the beginning of the Republic of China

Lanzhou became a fortress for the Ming Dynasty to defend against foreign enemies

Urban construction ushered in great development

9 Guomen were opened and 16 enemy buildings were opened

Jianwen First Year (1399)

Zhu Yi, the King of Su, led the guards of Ganzhou to move to Fanzhou Prefecture

Defend the city with three points of sergeant and seven points of sergeant Tun Tian

In addition, immigrants from the southeastern provinces continued to pour in

Move lantun reclamation, build water conservancy

It has achieved the largest group of water wheels in the Yellow River Basin

Economic development, people prosper

By the time of Chenghua, Lanzhou was already there

"Inside and outside the city, the military and civilians have no less than ten thousand areas"

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Lanzhou Waterwheel Expo Park

Since the Qing Dynasty

Raise troops against Qinghai, Tibet, and Xinjiang

Lanzhou is a key place for troops to gather and transit

Because it controls the four sides

Compared with Gongchang (present-day Longxi), it was closer to the front line

It is closer to the central government than Liangzhou

Mountain packing, easy to defend and difficult to attack

It is a wonderful node to control Gansu and move west

Thus, the Fifth Year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1666)

Shaanxi and Gansu were divided and Gansu Province was established

The provincial capital was moved from Gongchang to Lanzhou

Three years later, the second division of the government and the second division of the bureau also moved to Lanzhou

Twenty-ninth year of Qianlong (1764)

The governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, Yamen, moved from Xi'an to Lanzhou

At this point, Lanzhou's political status was established and continues to this day

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Today Lanzhou is a dense building complex

The stability and prosperity of the prosperous world of Kangqian

and the decline of the Maritime Silk Road after the policy of sea ban

Bring Lanzhou commerce back to life

The Ganxin Commercial Road and the Gansu-Tibet Commercial Road intersect here

It has become a transit station for the trade of fur and medicinal materials in the northwest

And the introduction of exotic cash crops

It has opened a new pattern of agriculture and handicraft industry in Lanzhou

Shisha, lilies, melons and fruits are well-known

Among them, shisha was the largest export commodity in Lanzhou in the Qing Dynasty

More than a decade after the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War

Lanzhou's shisha industry has developed to its peak

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Lanzhou shisha packaging

Russian Potanin in a travelogue

This describes Lanzhou in the Guangxu Decade (1884).

"It's a real provincial capital city

I have never seen such a big city west of Baoji Province."

However, the population of the Ming and Qing dynasties soared

This leads to large-scale deforestation

Forest vegetation has disappeared in large numbers

Soil erosion is even worse

It also buried environmental hazards

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

In the 1920s, the old city wall of Lanzhou


Lights are bustling with three city fires

Colorful scattered one city flowers

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were frequent incidents at border passes

Lanzhou embarked on the road of modernization in the killing and logging campaign

In 1872, Zuo Zongtang suppressed the Northwest Hui uprising

At the same time, Tsarist Russia, which was eyeing the tiger, frequently harassed

Zuo Zongtang was very important in Chen Sai's defense

Led 80,000 Lake Xiang disciples from Lanzhou

Carry the coffin to the west and recover Xinjiang

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?


After that, this foreign affairs sent a famous minister

Lanzhou was used as the center of the northwest

Control the chaos in Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Qinghai-Tibet

Ensure the prosperity and stability of Central and Northern China

He first moved the Xi'an Machinery Bureau to Lanzhou

Changed to Lanzhou Manufacturing Bureau

Manufacture of munitions

Later, the Lanzhou Weaving Bureau was built

This is the first modern woolen weaving factory in China

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?


In 1906, Lanzhou Guan Iron Works was born successively

Lanzhou yang wax pancreas factory, official newspaper bookstore and other modern enterprises

In 1910, the government and businessmen jointly established the earliest match industry in Gansu

Bright Match Company

Military and civilian industries were able to develop

Lanzhou was the first to open the northwest wind

Take the lead in entering the threshold of industrialization

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

In 1917, the Lanzhou Manufacturing Bureau was in the old site of the Cuiyingmen Gongyuan

Early 20th century

With the continuous invasion of Western capitalist countries

The interior has also been forced into the world economic system

Fur, shisha and other local products are exported in large quantities

A large number of materials were imported from the eastern coast

Lanzhou's transportation, commerce, and finance industries

Unprecedented development

In 1907, Lanzhou had its first iron bridge

By the Gansu General Bureau of Foreign Affairs and the German Tailai Foreign Firm

Cooperative construction

It still stands on the banks of the Yellow River

It has become a landmark in Lanzhou

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Zhongshan Bridge

At the beginning of the People's Republic, Sun Yat-sen was in the "Founding Strategy"

It depicts the first blueprint for China's modernization

The Founding Father of the Nation gave Lanzhou the lofty status of "the land capital of China"

According to its "Industrial Plan"

There will be 13 railways converging in Lanzhou

It is a transportation center that truly connects the four sides

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Today's Lanzhou, the tracks are staggered

In September 1912, the Beiyang government signed a contract with Belgium

Longqin-Yuhai Railway Loan Contract

The plan is based on the Bilo Railway

Extend east-west and build the Longhai Railway

Unicom Lanzhou-Lianyungang

Helplessly, the founding father's grand vision of Lanzhou and even China

It was not possible for the poor and weak state of the time to achieve it

It was interrupted by successive wars

It was not until more than 40 years later that the Longhai Line really reached Lanzhou

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Today's Longhai Line, taken in 2016

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Lanzhou was due to its military industrial attributes

Become a strategic rear center

Soviet military supplies to China

Transported along the ancient Silk Road to Lanzhou

The National Government has also moved a large number of talents and funds

In July 1942, the Lanzhou Municipal Government was formally established

Number of factories in Lanzhou from 1938 to 1944

From 27 to 246

Mechanical engineering, glass, chemical pharmaceuticals

The industrial category is basically sound

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Silver Beach Yellow River Bridge

In the early days of the founding of New China

Yumen oilfield was discovered in western Gansu

It is highly valued

The petrochemical refining base was chosen

There is an industrial base in Xigu District, Lanzhou

In 1952, Lanzhou Station was completed and put into use

The following year, the "First Five-Year Plan" was launched

Lanzhou is listed as a key construction city

Usher in a new golden period of construction

In 5 years, the construction investment reached 720 million

There are 156 key projects in the country

There are 8 settled in Lanzhou (Lanlian, Lanhua, etc.)

Petrochemical experts and workers from all over the country rushed to Lanzhou to support the construction

This is the birthplace of the development of the Great Northwest

Lanzhou's heavy industry has grown by leaps and bounds

It has become the largest petrochemical industrial base in western China

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Yumen Oilfield, 1951

According to incomplete statistics

From 1949 to 1959

The population of Lanzhou has grown rapidly from 100,000 to 700,000

At that time, the Lanzhou Railway Station was always noisy

The poet Gong Liu described

"The roads in Lanzhou are dusty

Piles of bricks and tiles piles of mud

The factory here is installing machines

The school over there smells of paint...

Every muscle in the city reveals the power of life."

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Lanzhou Railway Station / China Railway in 1955

In 1957, Lanzhou's GDP reached 233 million yuan

Annual growth rate of 48.5%

Even during the Cultural Revolution

Lanzhou's economic growth rate also remained at 13.2%

Lanzhou, which is located inland, became inland in a short time

The fastest growing city in the world after World War II

At that time, it was called the "Lanzhou phenomenon"

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Zhongshan Bridge / Old Shadow Pavilion in 1983

In the 1970s, Lanzhou's GDP entered the top 20 in the country

But the oil fields began to dry up

And after the reform and opening up

Coastal areas lead to opening up and industrial upgrading

Like many resource-based cities

Lanzhou, with heavy industry as the main body of development

A huge crisis began to be faced

In the 2020 National GDP Rankings

Lanzhou ranked 95th in the country with 288.7 billion yuan

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Heavy industry has seriously deteriorated the environment, and Lanzhou is in the smog

Despite many provinces in the Midwest in recent years

Propose a strong provincial capital strategy

Wuhan and Xi'an have risen

But it is very difficult for Lanzhou to replicate this route

Gansu spans more than 1,600 kilometers from east to west

And the economic power is decentralized

It is really difficult for Lanzhou to coordinate the resources of the province

Not to mention radiation drive

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Lanzhou National Fitness Center

Face this dilemma

Lanzhou is well aware of the importance of "road"

From the Silk Road to the Tang Dynasty Ancient Road to the Longhai Line

Traffic Xing is Lanzhou Xing

A highly dense modern transport network

It has been spread in Lanzhou

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Aerial photo of the Small West Lake Interchange

Longhai, Lanxin, Lanyu, Zhonglan, etc

High-speed rail trunk lines intersect here

National Highways 312 and 109 intersect here

"Eight horizontal and eight vertical" land bridge passage

Lanzhou is an important hub node

Metro rail transit and intercity high-speed rail in the city

Historic progress has been made in the construction of the western trunk line airport

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport

The Lanyu Line is even more open to the northwest and southwest

After connecting with the Chengdu-Kunming and Guiguang-Guangzhou Railways

Let Lanzhou connect to the southwest

It then extends to the south and southeast coasts of China

It forms the shortest passage from the northwest to the sea through Lanzhou

Opens a new window open to Southeast Asia

Extend the tentacles to the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

High-speed rail wading through mountains and waters

Lanzhou, which is wrapped in mountains

The entire basin has been almost completely urbanized

The narrow terrain space has also caused a land shortage crisis in Lanzhou

It is difficult to expand large-scale satellite areas

Face this dilemma

Lanzhou selected the Qinwang River, about 40 kilometers north of the city

Construction of Lanzhou New District

This is the first state-level new area in the northwest

At present, more than 760 projects have been introduced

The total investment is more than 370 billion yuan

Develop green chemical industry, new materials, food, medicine

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Qinwangchuan, huge land space with airport advantages

And a series of ecological environment construction

Afforestation, return of farmland to grassland

The green area of the north and south mountains has been increased to 580,000 mu

World Climate Conference in Paris 2015

Lanzhou won the "Today's Change and Progress Award"

Nowadays, "Lanzhou Blue" has become the norm

After getting rid of the old impression of pollution and smog

Lanzhou is shouldering the hope of the northwest

Regain the glory of the Silk Road

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Lanzhou Blue


Snow net Hu Tian herding horse also

Yueming Qiang Di Shu building

As the most important transit city on the Silk Road

Lanzhou welcomed too many passers-by

Diverse ethnic groups, complex cultures

Bring together a splendid civilization

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Baitashan Park Guanhun Pavilion carved beams and columns

Treasures collected by the Gansu Museum

Excavated from Lingtai, Wuwei, Zhangye, Dunhuang, and Tianshui

The most precious cultural relics in the Longyuan area

It tells the vivid story of the Silk Road

Faience vases are uniform in shape and delicate in texture

The bronze horse hissed with its head held high and galloped

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

The treasure of Gambo Town Hall, Ma Ta Fei Yan

On the way to the east of Buddhism

Gansu was the first to hear about Buddhism

During the Tang Zhenguan period

King Gaochang (present-day Turpan) entered Chang'an to pay homage to the Tang Emperor

On the way back to Lanzhou, he donated funds to build Jiafu Temple

This is the first stupa in Lanzhou

Later, Puzhao Temple, Zhuangyan Temple, and Yunfeng Temple were successively built

After the Anshi Rebellion, during the Tubo occupation of Lanzhou

Tibetan Buddhism entered Lanzhou

After the Yuan Empire unified its territory

The Tibetan King sent lama emissaries to visit

However, he died of illness while passing through Lanzhou

Genghis Khan ordered the construction of the White Pagoda here to commemorate it

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Islam was also introduced along the Silk Road

Today Lanzhou has a Muslim population of about 80,000

About 5% of the total population

There are 84 mosques throughout the city

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Xiguan Great Temple

The Yellow River is a birthmark that Lanzhou carried at birth

Also give the culture here

Infused with earthy power

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Yellow River Mother Sculpture

Lanta is probably the closest university to the Yellow River

Probably the loneliest one, the 985

But it is like the knight of the Dragon Gate Inn

Tough and heroic and romantic

In 1909, the Gansu Official Law and Politics School was established

In 1945, it became the National Lanzhou University

It is the highest institution of learning in the Northwest

After liberation, it was renamed Lanzhou University

With the construction of New China to the Great Northwest, we forge ahead

Established organic chemistry and nuclear physics

Geology and geography and other ace majors

In 1995, Science magazine selected it

The 13 most outstanding universities in China

Landa is in sixth place

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Landa Stone Hall

Another business card of Lanzhou is a book

March 1981

Gansu People's Publishing House founded "Readers"

Hu Yaquan, editor-in-chief of the magazine

Graduated from the Department of Geology and Geography of Lanzhou University

The magazine had a monthly circulation of over 10 million copies at its peak

China is the first, the world is the fourth

In the era of rising tides of thought

This book conveys the most simple beauty and goodness

Influenced the values of a generation

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

The road in front of the publishing house was named Reader's Avenue

Lanzhou is really a crowded city

The mountains drove the people to the banks of the Yellow River

Brings a strong sense of oppression

Add to that the autumn wind and loess in the northwest

It becomes a kind of ferocity that comes to the fore

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Lanzhou writer Zhang Hailong's "North by Northwest, Man with Knife"

It's not hard to understand

Why lanzhou singers singing

There will be such a straight and incandescent, undisguised emotion

Many people know folk songs and know Lanzhou

Start with Song Dongye's "Miss Dong"

"Strangers please give me a Lanzhou"

This corner of the mouth is down for the girl

Love to smoke Lanzhou cigarettes

With the dashing and heavy love of Lanzhou girls

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

In 2015, Song Dongye sang "Miss Dong" for the first time in Lanzhou in front of Miss Dong's prototype

The soul of Chinese folk songs is in the northwest

The roots of northwest folk songs are in Lanzhou

Low absinthe "Lanzhou Lanzhou"

The melody is confused, accompanied by a vast cry

It was a decision to grow up in a farewell to the hometown

Tearing between the nostalgia of the homesickness that has been torn away from home

"Lanzhou, always go out in the early morning

Lanzhou, warm drunkenness at night

In Lanzhou, the endless water of the Yellow River flows eastward

Lanzhou, at the end of the road is the entrance to the sea"

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Low absinthe band

And the Wild Kids band that set the tone for Northwestern folk songs

With a modern unique chorus

It expresses strong elements of rough folk songs

Unrestrained without losing delicacy

Warm without losing affection

"Every time I wake up

Remembering home remembered Lanzhou

I think of the scent of acacia flowers on the side of the road

Think of my good girl."

- "Ballad of the Yellow River"

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Wild Children Band, lead singer Zhang Yu was born in Lanzhou in 1968


Liu Shengxi laughed out of Lanzhou

The seal of the road is the day tour

The people of Lanzhou are like sand blown by the wind

Sharp and wear-resistant, with the encounter

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

In Yuzhong County, farmers are digging lilies

Jincheng Lanzhou was born as a border fortress

Bones are full of iron blood and strength

This kind of personality has long been written into the genes of Lanzhou people

They gulped down meat and drank in large bowls

They are as fiery as fire, happy to take revenge

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

By the Yellow River, the people crossing the river make sheepskin rafts / Junjie POCO

Lanzhou people are simple, rugged and heroic

It's all reflected in the way lamb is eaten

Sheep, choose the lamb of Jingyuan in Gansu

Chop large chunks, weighed by pounds

White water is cooked, which is the simplest hand-grabbed lamb

Can be sliced and steamed hot dipped in oil

Can be cut into strips and dipped directly in salt

Back to basics

The pursuit of the most original tenderness of meat

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Grab the lamb by hand

Cooked lamb

Add shallots, ginger and garlic

Cook in soy sauce and cooking wine

Heat the sauce and simmer slowly

Potato noodles, full of sucking soup

Bite Soul

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Yellow stewed lamb

Eat lamb

There are also more extravagant clear water sheep's heads

The lamb's face meat on both sides of the cheek is the most essence

It is the finale of the lamb restaurant

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Shimizu sheep's head

Good sheep with spicy wine

Wine is full of sincerity

Whether it's entertaining old friends or entertaining guests

At the banquet, Lanzhou people put blunt and hospitable emotions

Play to the fullest

"Drink one brand a year"

It is a drinking legend in Lanzhou

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

A liquor production workshop in Zhangye

If you are not used to drinking spirits

You can also come to a bowl of three forts

This is a bowl of tea special to the Northwest

Originated in Chengdu

After its introduction to the northwest, it was combined with the Muslim custom of drinking tea

Form a unique taste

Take spring tip tea, Linze jujube, Ningxia goji berries

Bitter water roses in Yongdeng County, Xinjiang raisins

Encapsulates the best of the Northwest

Also join Guiyuan from distant Fujian

Boiling water is a dip, colorful, raw and greasy

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Three forts

This bowl of tea is a blend of local customs

It is a portrayal of lanzhou's identity as a hub city

Lanzhou's earlier immigrant flavor came from Jiangnan

A crimson and lovely piece of rotten flesh

It is the Nanjing flavor brought to Lanzhou by King Mingsu

Cut the pork belly into thin slices

The red curd milk is crushed into a puree and smeared between the meats

Basketed and steamed, it is then brewed with sake to add flavor

The steamed rotten meat is very festive in color

Sandwiched in a lotus leaf bun

It is the taste of the old Lanzhou that cannot be abandoned

"Chinese New Year's Eve dish it tastes fresh, and the meat in the tofu milk is rotten"

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Bad meat

Such a delicate and delicate meal

It also only appears in the annual dish

The most everyday fireworks in Lanzhou

It is the barbecue night market in the Great Northwest

The grilled meat here is not skewered, but on the handle

Two skinny clips and one fat

Grease makes the lamb shine

Lamb tripe, lamb liver, lamb loin, tendons, roasted skin

The same can not be less

Red-through spicy seeds are dotted on top

One bite down, all full of blessings (satisfaction)

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Zhengning Road Night Market

The CP of the kebab is not a liquor

More with the Yellow River beer

The appetizer is also indispensable to a piece of ma sanyang potato slices

Potato slices, cold soaked and hot cooked

Pour a large spoonful of oil on the spicy seeds

Light a fire on the tip of your tongue

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Yellow River draft beer

The fire on the tip of the tongue is extinguished by a bowl of desserts

Dunhuang Li Guangxing boiled apricot skin water

Sweet pickles fermented from barley or barley

Sweet with freshness, degreasing and spicy

Peas added to the ash to make gray beans

Add dates and sugar for a sweet and pleasant taste

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Gray beans

However, Lanzhou's most well-known dessert

Definitely milk egg mash

After becoming a hit in the documentary "Tip of the Tongue"

Half of Zhengning Road is full of stalls of "Ma Ye Egg Mash"

The mash tumbles and the milk scents

The eggs bloom in the pan into yellow and white egg flowers

There are also many dried fruit ingredients in the northwest

Raisins, peaches, peanuts, dried fruits, sesame seeds

It tastes soft, smooth and refreshing, sweet and slightly sour

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Milk egg mash

And the face is the most dominant symbol of the city

The first impression of Lanzhou by outsiders

It is generally Lanzhou ramen all over the country

However, Lanzhou people will never recognize the existence of "ramen noodles"

There is only beef noodles in Lanzhou

That is, "cow big"

(Lanzhou ramen is actually the business of Qinghai people)

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Ramen master

Beef noodles are the soul of Lanzhou people

Sold for two million bowls per day

Every morning always starts with "big bowl cattle"

Beef broth tumbles with a mellow aroma

The noodles in the master's hand collided with the board

The broth is bright and fragrant (yiqing)

Radish white net sweet (two white)

Chili oil is red (three red)

Coriander garlic seedlings bright green (four green)

Noodle Yellow Bright Strength Road (Five Yellow)

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Beef noodles at one end, everything is done happily

Lanzhou is like this bowl of beef noodles

There is wheat in the Longdong and Hexi corridors

Beef on the Gannan Plateau

Chili peppers of Tianshui Gangu

Vegetables from the wilderness around Lanzhou

It balances the multi-ethnic diets of Han, Hui, Tibetan, Dongxiang and so on

And on the busy trade routes of the Northwest

Hot and convenient noodle soup

The best choice for a hurried passerby

It is a metaphor for the prosperity of the Silk Road in that year

What are Lanzhou's ambitions?

Colorful in one

It's a lovely city

The history of the iron horse

Cultivated by Lanzhou people into a tasteful life

The noodle shop is crowded

Diners rambled loudly

The raucous breath of life

It's reassuring

A Lanzhou that is lit after a full meal of wine and rice

It is the satisfaction of neon and the spread of night


Planning | Wang Haitao, Lai Haoning

Written by | Qian Qiyao

Map Editing | Qian Qiyao

Typography | Qian Qiyao

Illustration source | VCG, Figureworm