
Jian Yang: One city, many foods, one story

author:Jian Yang those things

In the early morning, the sun shines through the window. Open your eyes, pick up a piece of rice candy and put it in your mouth, the full sweetness is enough to comfort the whole winter. Lazy in the afternoon, holding a cup of yogurt, the silky texture is wrapped around the tip of the tongue, and the sweet and sour taste is moistened to the heart.

Some people say that the fastest way to understand a city is to use the taste buds. Jian Yang also has a unique taste imprint, when the sweet and sour taste is mixed on the tip of the tongue, each bite is like listening to a story told. Today, the reporter takes you into the "Shuxing Brand" of the "Ten Specialties of Jianyang" Samsung Rice Candy and Yangsen Dairy to explore the city mark belonging to Jianyang.

Jian Yang: One city, many foods, one story

"Shu Xing Brand" Samsung Rice Candy


Founded in 1917, it has been famous for its exquisite materials, fine workmanship and unique flavor for more than 100 years.


Sweet and crispy, sweet but not greasy, refreshing residue.

Century-old cuisine

Blend in with taste bud memories

"In the past, there were very few kinds of candy, and a piece of rice candy was the sweetness that everyone had been waiting for for a long time." In a side food store, Mr. Li, a citizen, was purchasing "Shuxing brand" Samsung rice candy. In his memory, when he was a child, he followed the adults of his family to the scene, and he could often see someone carrying a white paper bag containing pieces of rice candy. Now, he always puts a few bags of rice candy at home.

Subsequently, as soon as Mr. Li ripped open the rice candy package, the sweet smell of sweetness drilled into his nose and flowed into his heart. "There are peanuts, walnuts, and black sesame seeds in it, and when you bite it, it's crisp and fragrant, and you like it, young and old." He picked up a piece of rice candy and said that he didn't know when it became an indispensable part of his life.

Jian Yang: One city, many foods, one story

As the most profound sweet taste in the memory of Jianyang people, "Shuxing Brand" Samsung rice candy has a long history. According to the "Chronicle of Samsung Supply and Marketing Society", in 1917, Zhou Lieguang, a person in the Samsung field, bought back 200 catties of cane seeds because of his inspection of the sugar industry, and opened a sugar mill, Jingguo preserved fruit and sauce garden in Sanxing Town, named "Yishengzhen" and "Yisheng Garden". The rice candy produced by "Yishengzhen" is famous for its exquisite materials, fine workmanship and unique flavor. For more than 100 years, Samsung rice candy has endured for a long time, integrated into the taste memory of Jianyang people, and has become a bright special food business card in our city.

In recent years, the "Shuxing Brand" Samsung rice candy is selling well inside and outside the province, and has won gold and silver awards at the Beijing Food Expo and the Sichuan Bashu Food Festival.

Fine workmanship

It has undergone 12 processes

Walking into the Shuxing Rice Sugar Factory, accompanied by the fragrant aroma of clear and mellow rice, the reporter met the sixth generation of heirs Zhou Chonglin. Only to see him carry the rice bag, tie up the horse, throw both hands, the glutinous rice will be poured into the pool, a series of actions let the reporter stunned.

"What you're seeing now is the soaking part of raw material making. Drain, drain, soak again, we repeat these steps every day. While picking up the dustpan, Zhou Chonglin introduced to reporters that the selection and production of raw materials is the key to ensuring the taste of rice candy. Soon, he drained the glutinous rice, put it in a pool, and stirred it with iron bars. "The cooking process in the production of raw materials is the most important and the most difficult. The cooking temperature should be suitable to ensure that the rice candy is crispy to eat. There is no hard standard and it is a great test of craftsmanship. He told reporters that after the glutinous rice is steamed, it needs to be hoisted to the roof to dry, and after the temperature is reduced, the glutinous rice is rubbed into a grain, put into the machine to dry, and the production of raw materials is completed.

Jian Yang: One city, many foods, one story

Over the years, Samsung rice candy has been famous for its complicated craftsmanship, fine workmanship, and beautiful white color. How did such a complex craftsmanship pass down? Zhou Chonglin's answer was very firm, requiring time and patience. "Selection, soaking, steaming, cooling, primary drying, shade, secondary drying, shade, ingredients, frying, cooling, molding, Samsung rice candy's 12 production links are not easy to learn." He said that in order to learn this craft well, we must invest a lot of time and energy, study and practice diligently, in order to form experience and find the right feel.

Innovative convergence

Quality takes it to the next level

Before entering another factory, the reporter heard a rumbling sound, and Zhou Chonglin's apprentice was stir-frying yin rice. The young man was very sharp in his movements, pouring maltose, sugar, and lard into the pot spoonful after spoonful, and constantly stirring with the spatula. When the liquid is milky white and steaming hot, then pour the yin rice into the pot and stir-fry. The board on the other side is covered with rice candy, which looks attractive in color. Zhou Chonglin pinched a piece of rice candy, and with a gentle press, the rice candy became powdered. "The sweet and crispy rice candy, refreshing and slag, is qualified." Before he could finish speaking, he immediately picked up a wooden board and crushed the rice candy thinly. Then, he picked up a board and covered the whole piece of rice candy. After the plate is turned over, the whole piece of rice candy is fed into a cutter. However, in more than ten seconds, pieces of neatly cut and uniformly surfaced rice candy were presented in front of the reporter's eyes.

Jian Yang: One city, many foods, one story

"Now that the rice candy is selling well, traditional handmade can no longer meet the current production needs. It is undeniable that machines can be made faster, which can reduce labor costs and bring more profits. However, Samsung rice candy can be passed down for a hundred years by quality, blindly using machine production, can not guarantee the taste of rice candy, is to smash the signboard, we must adhere to the traditional handicraft. Zhou Chonglin said that in order to better cater to the market and inherit skills, Shuxing Rice Sugar Factory has carried out technical reforms many times, introduced cutting machines and packaging equipment, integrated traditional technology with modern technology, complete various testing methods, and the quality has reached a higher level. It is understood that the next Shuxing Rice Sugar Factory is ready to build a raw material base for rice candy production, open a rice sugar museum, establish a rice sugar experience hall, develop local tourism, and drive the surrounding economy.

Jian Yang: One city, many foods, one story

Janssen Dairy

Based on more than 20 years of our city, after experiencing wind and rain, hard work, always adhere to the noble pursuit of dairy processing, constantly reform and innovation, and return consumers with fresh and high-quality milk.

Always adhere to the concept of quality service, to bring consumers fresh, nutritious, green and healthy specialty dairy products.


Start with a sip of a simmering pan

"People take in milk, increase nutrition, and are able to strengthen their physical fitness. A glass of milk may seem simple, but it means a lot. In 1991, Yang Lin, chairman of Sichuan Yangsen Dairy Co., Ltd., held this original intention and retired to his hometown of Jianyang and began his entrepreneurial career in dairy products.

What is expertise? Where is the source of milk? How to do the post-service? The start-up is just getting started, and various problems are coming. "The more difficult it is, the more we have to face it." Yang Lin and his wife Wang Chaoying began to divide labor and cooperate, Wang Chaoying was responsible for distribution and post-service, and Yang Lin was responsible for raw materials and milk making. Without technology, Yang Lin invited professionals to provide technical guidance through friends of the Sichuan Dairy Association; without a milk source, Yang Lin raised 10 cows by himself and enrolled in animal husbandry and veterinary courses at Sichuan University; without equipment and tools, in order to save costs, he could do it himself, and the necessities that could not be made were purchased.

Jian Yang: One city, many foods, one story

On July 18, 1998, the first boiling milk pot of Janssen Dairy was ignited, and Yang Lin's "husband and wife workshop" - Janssen Dairy Factory was officially opened. In the store of less than 50 square meters, there is only a large pot, a milk fermentation facility, a quick-freezing room, and a simple packaging machine, but the couple's concerted efforts have made Janssen Dairy slowly gain popularity in our city. With the increasing number of consumer groups, workshops can no longer meet the demand for production. In 2000, Yang Lin began to examine the operation and development in the past three years, improved the production conditions and business ideas, and transformed the "husband and wife workshop" from the "pure manual era" to semi-automated production.


It has 17 modern production lines

Tank trucks transport raw milk to the outside of the production workshop, pipes are connected to the tank truck to input raw milk into the workshop, and bottles of dairy products are continuously transported on the production line. Nowadays, walking in the huge production workshop of Sichuan Janssen Dairy Co., Ltd., it is rare to see the figure of workers, various advanced equipment and precision instruments, making this all-stainless steel production line look very safe and reliable.

"From the milk tanker to the production line, all the qualified raw milk is enclosed in the pipe, and not a drop of milk is exposed in the air." The relevant person in charge of the company told reporters that there are 17 such production lines in the entire production workshop, only two or three workers occasionally check the equipment and transfer procedures, and the fastest production line can produce 12,000 bottles per hour, which is equivalent to producing 3.33 bottles per second.

Jian Yang: One city, many foods, one story

In this modern workshop, after the raw milk enters the production workshop through the storage tank, it is first sterilized. "The company uses pasteurization, which requires a sterilization temperature of 75-85 degrees Celsius to ensure the sterility of dairy products." The relevant person in charge of the company said that in addition to the aseptic treatment of the milk itself, all transportation pipelines and filling machines are also required to be sterile. Every 15 minutes, at the end of a transport cycle, the pipes are sterilized at high temperatures.

"The quality of milk is related to people's health, and we must not be sloppy." The relevant person in charge of the company told reporters that the company actively introduces foreign advanced testing equipment, and creates a professional inspection and quality control team to achieve all-round quality monitoring from raw materials into the factory, production process and finished product factory inspection.


Produced from the source of high-quality milk

"Whoever gets the milk gets the world", which is the golden rule of the dairy industry. Sichuan Janssen Dairy Co., Ltd. also recognizes that having a high-quality milk source is the key to making high-quality dairy products. Over the years, the company has always insisted on providing its own milk source, and asked the pasture company to provide forage and animal husbandry veterinary guidance to the cows of the cooperative farmers. The milk source base is equipped with advanced automatic milking equipment, and the cattle farm adopts the "six unifications" of unified milking in the upper hall, unified epidemic prevention and treatment, unified grass breeding, unified management, unified feeding, and unified manure treatment to ensure the stable quality of fresh dairy products.

Jian Yang: One city, many foods, one story

"The company's breeding base covers an area of more than thousands of acres, the climate is mild, the landform is dominated by shallow hills, the water resources are extremely rich, and the grass is abundant all year round. The unique advantages of natural resources have created an ideal paradise for dairy cattle ecological breeding, providing milk source guarantee for the production of high-quality products. According to the relevant person in charge of the company, from 2006 to 2009, Sichuan Yangsen Dairy Co., Ltd. has established a number of breeding bases such as Jianyang Wangu Dairy Farming Professional Cooperative, Jianyang Yuqing Dairy Farming Professional Cooperative, and Jianyang Youan Dairy Farming Professional Cooperative. (Jiang Xi, Zhou Xue)

Source: Jian Yang Propaganda

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