
In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

author:Xu Er

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" >10 Swansea Jack</h1>

In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

The Swansea Jack is a black hound who lived with its owner, William Thomas, near the River Tawi in Swansea, Wales, in the 1930s. One day, Jack saw a little boy drowning in the river, and there was no one else there, and it ran in, pulled the boy to the shore with its neck, and successfully saved the boy's life. And that's not all, a few weeks later, Jack rescued another swimmer, this time with witnesses present. Then there's the next, the next, and so on. Over the next decade, Jack reportedly rescued at least 27 people from Wales' most dangerous rivers and docks.

For his rescue, Jack received a silver collar from the Swansea Council, the Bravest Dog of the Year Award, a silver trophy from the Mayor of London and a statue of Jack. It is still widely known today – and may have been the inspiration for premier league football team Swansea Football Club nicknamed "Swansea Jack".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" >9 bamse</h1>

In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

Bamse was a St. Bernard who served on a Norwegian minesweeper during World War II. Despite its cute appearance – Bamse means "cute bear" in Norwegian – it is not only cute but also very strong. The Bamse was originally brought on board by the captain, and when the captain needed to leave the ship on other tasks and try to take the Bamse away, the crew members who liked the Bamse threatened the captain that if Bamse was taken away, they would raise their guns and aim them at the captain. They loved the dog so much that they would rather defect than lose it.

Bamse became legendary in Dundee and Montrose, where the ship was stationed during World War II. It traveled alone on the bus, with a special bus pass tied around its neck to ensure that drunken sailors returned to their posts. At one point, it rescued a crew member who had fallen into the water, and it dived into the water to drag him to safety. In addition, another crew member who was forced into a corner with a knife by the attacker was also rescued. But Bamse is more than just a hero — it's also a messenger of peace. When sailors fight on the boat, it reportedly stands on its hind legs and puts its paws on their shoulders, forcing them to stop as if to say, "Calm, it's not worth it." ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > 8 Bob Railroad Dogs</h1>

In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

Bob was born in South Australia in 1882 and, for some reason, loved trains. It started out as a stray dog, following railroad workers to work until it was rounded up by a dog catcher. But it wasn't a bad thing for Bob, as he was adopted by a well-meaning stand policeman. Its owner takes it with him every day to ride in a guarded van. Unfortunately, its owner was promoted and left the place and parted ways with Bob.

Bob then began wandering alone at the train station. It walked around southern Australia and became a familiar and popular sight on the land's trains.

Sometimes, bob wants to be alone and will find an empty train to hide in and rest. Both the stationmaster and the guards knew his name, and kindly acquiesced in this practice. In the evening, it followed the train driver home, ate a warm meal, slept in a soft place, and returned to the train early the next morning. Because it has been staying at the train station, pedestrians have a strong affection for this cute dog. It received a special bracelet with its name written on it. Bob has had many adventures in his short life and is Australia's famous dog.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" >7 Bumo and Lasas</h1>

In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

In the 1860s, two stray dogs named Boumeau and Lasas were given the right to roam San Francisco, when other stray dogs were rounded up and thrown to Pound. But Bumo is different from Lasas — they're celebrities. Newspapers of the time even made big reports about them for fighting with other puppies, and even Mark Twain took time out of Huckleberry Finn to write their stories.

What makes them so beloved is because of their close friendship. Boomo started out as a stubborn puppy begging people for food, and once when witnessing Lasas fighting with other dogs, Boomo chose to help Lasas and take care of Lasas afterwards. They have been fighting with other dogs before, and they have always won. Until one time Bumo was injured, and Lasas chose to leave. This act was criticized by the media at the time, and every move about the two dogs was within the scope of the media coverage at the time, until the dog finally died. Even after the two dogs died, the media, obsessed with reporting on their events, kept updating the cause of their deaths.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" >6 bari</h1>

In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

The St. Bernard is a famous search and rescue dog, and the St. Bernard Pass is the dangerous snow dividing line between Switzerland and Italy, and monks have bred them for hundreds of years – even dating back to 1695 – to rescue travelers who are lost and buried in the snow. They patrol in pairs so that when they find victims, one dog can dig them out and sit on them for warmth, while the other returns to the monastery for help. This brings us to the second St. Bernard on the list, Barry, who saved 40 lives in 12 years in the early 1800s.

Barry's most famous rescue was a small child who got lost and was trapped in dangerous snow and ice. Barry manages to find the boy and keep him warm until rescue arrives. But even so, no one was able to rescue them. So Barry let the child climb on its back and pull it to safety inch by inch. Barry was very effective as a rescue dog, and after his death, there was always a dog named Barry in the monastery – a tradition that continues to this day.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" >5 Bud Nelson</h1>

In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

Just a glance at Bud Nelson is enough to tell you that this is a great dog. In this blurry black-and-white photo, it is an old dog wearing goggles, and the person in the photo is the owner of Bud Nelson, a doctor named Horatio Nelson. Horatio was the first person to drive across the United States in 1903. It also made Bud Nelsonde the first dog to drive across the United States.

At the time, the car was still in its infancy, which meant driving was neither safe nor fun. The car is a roofless monster with little suspension to protect them from most of the unpaved roads, and makes a lot of noise while spewing out toxic fumes. But Bud Nelson was braver on this matter than some at the time. It put on its eye-protecting goggles and sat there looking as happy as it was in the photo, all the way across the North American continent.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" >4 oni</h1>

In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

It is widely believed that onney's original owner was a postman, because, like The Railway Dog Bob's obsession with trains, Orney loves the smell and texture of pouches. As long as someone had a mail bag in their hand, Orney would start to follow, and the post office staff at the time just thought it was funny at first, and they always took Oni with them. They later realize that the train on which Orney was riding has never crashed, which makes Oni a talisman of good luck. So, they started giving it ornaments and medals, hanging on its collar. Later, Oni got a small jacket because it had so many medals that the collar could not be hung. Even in order to praise this brave dog, In the end, Oni also had his own stamp.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" > 3 pickles</h1>

In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

In 1966, the World Cup was held in England, which was a big deal for the British. Maybe the reason they take it so seriously is because they have a feeling they might win – and they did – so you can imagine how frustrated they were when the World Cup was stolen four months before the tournament started. To avoid international embarrassment, people frantically searched for cups, which were eventually found by a brave sheepdog named Kimchi. Kimchi is being walked by his master, who sniffs something out of the bushes – kimchi finds the missing World Cup.

After Kimchi won the Cup, its name appeared in news reports across the UK. As the heroic dog that saved the country from international embarrassment, it received widespread attention, even attending a banquet in its name, where it was given a bone and a check for £1,000. It later starred in several TV shows.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" >2 Rolf</h1>

In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

Rolf was either the smartest dog in history or a huge lie by the Nazis at the time. Either way, it's a legend. According to the Nazis, Rolf could speak. The Nazis made a lot of bizarre plans during World War II, one of which was to try to train an army of ultra-intelligent dogs.

The smartest of these "super dogs" is Rolf. Apparently, Rolf was able to speak by tapping a plank with his paws and using a special dog Morse code to communicate with humans. It is with this password that it can talk to people. The Nazis of the time claimed that they could appreciate poetry, express pride in the Nazi regime, and vent their blind hatred of the French. He even expressed interest in fighting on the front line. You certainly don't believe dogs can talk, but Hitler does. He developed a keen interest in Rolf, a famous figure in history who created the world's first racist dog, which was really ridiculous enough.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" >1 fedo</h1>

In addition to the loyal dog Hachiko, ten world-famous dogs 10 Swansea Jack 9 Bamsee 8 Bob Railway Dog 7 Bumo and Lasas 6 Bari 5 Bud Nelson 4 Oni 3 Kimchi 2 Rolf 1 Fido

There are many stories about dogs keeping vigils for their dead owners years later. The most famous loyal dogs are Hachiko from Japan and Bobby from Scotland. There are a lot of books and even movies about them. But there was an equally loyal dog in history that you may not know.

Fido was born in Italy during World War II. A kiln worker found it dying and took it home to take care of it. Thus, he received fidelity for the rest of Fido's life.

Every day, Fido waited for his master at the same bus stop until he got off the bus – and Italy was bombed almost every day. But one day, Fido's host did not return. He was killed in an air raid while at work. After that, Fido waited for his master at the station for 14 years.

Fido's story spread throughout Italy, both during the war and long after the war. Surviving footage shows a large crowd watching it go to the bus stop every day, watching everyone get off the bus and then walk away disappointed as the bus gets off.

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