
Low-key flowering, high-profile medicinal figs

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine
Low-key flowering, high-profile medicinal figs

Pushing affection does not enter the world is flashy, and Baihui is more than yan mo man boasts.

The fruit is ripe and the peach has fewer cores, and the taste is the same as the sea jujube like a melon.

The empty hue has no flowers to spit out, leaving leaves for fear of smoke and dust.

A kind of Zen machine to clear the brain, the blue yarn outside the window.

- "The Fig" Qing and Ding

The poem above praises the fig. Figs everyone knows, it can be fruit, can be soup, can also be Chinese medicine, today we talk about figs.

Low-key flowering, high-profile medicinal figs

The history of figs

Figs, also known as Ying Ri Guo, Wisdom Fruit, Youtan Bowl, Tianxian Fruit, GuDuzi. Figs are the fruit of the figs of the mulberry family. Because the fig leaves are thick and thick green, and the flowers are very small, often covered by branches and leaves, it is not easy to be found, when the fruit is exposed, the flower has fallen off, so people think that it is not flowering and real, so it is named fig. Originating in southern Arabia, it was later introduced to Syria, Turkey and other places, and is currently cultivated in the countries along the Mediterranean coast.

Many experts and scholars in ancient and modern China and abroad have long studied and inferred that figs are the wisdom fruit stolen by "Adam and Eve" in the Bible and The Old Testament; and the beautiful and wide leaves of figs naturally became the first costume of human beings described in the Bible.

Low-key flowering, high-profile medicinal figs

Fig is one of the earliest fruit tree species cultivated by humans, together with grapes, dates and olives, known as the world's earliest domesticated cultivation of the "four ancient fruits". It has been cultivated for nearly 5,000 years from about 3,000 BC.

Around the Time of the Tang Dynasty, figs were introduced to China along the Silk Road and are now spread throughout most parts of the country. The earliest record of figs in China appears in the Tang Dynasty Duan Chengshi's "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" (860) volume XVIII: "Four or five zhang long, leafy leaves. The leaves have five leaves, like eucalyptus, flowerless and solid, red, like eucalyptus." Therefore, it can be seen that figs are about 1300 years old in China.

Do figs really bear fruit without flowering?

Not really. Flowers are the organs of sexual reproduction of plants, and they will not be "flowered but not real" or "solid but not flowered". The fig buries its flowers deep in its fat sac-shaped flower tray. The top of the flower tray is sunken in, the male and female flowers are wrapped in it, only a small opening is opened in the upper part, and there are many small flowers growing around the depression, forming a flower tray unique to the fig tree, which is botanically called the hidden head inflorescence; figs also need pollination to reproduce, because the flower bud is hidden inside, so the wasp that helps it pollinate needs to climb into the fig to pollinate the flower.

Low-key flowering, high-profile medicinal figs

Female wasps burrow into figs through narrow holes in the upper part to lay their eggs and then die. Its eggs hatch, in which the male first hatches and then flies out of the figs, looking for figs with female wasps to enter, mate with them, and then die. Female wasps carry fertilized eggs and pollen away and begin a new cycle. Dead wasps are broken down by figs into proteins that can be absorbed by plants.

The figs in the medicine cabinet were air-dried, pointed, hard, and clumped with yellow-brown spots.

Herbal figs

Chinese medicine believes that figs have a sweet taste, flat, into the spleen, stomach meridians, have a healthy stomach and intestines, clear heat, detoxification, milk and swelling.

The "Yunnan Materia Medica" says that it "applies all nameless swelling and poison, carbuncle scabies, leprosy sores, yellow water sores, fish mouth stool poison, milk knots, acne sores and broken".

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" says that it "cures five hemorrhoids, sharpens the throat, reduces swelling and pain, and detoxifies sores".

"Food Materia Medica" says that it is "appetizing and stops diarrhea".

The "Diet Recipe for Living with The Breath" says that it is "clear of heat and moisturize the intestines".

The "Qunfang Spectrum" introduces its functions in the most detail: "First, it is edible and nutritious; second, it can be made of dried fruits; the third is often for good food, picked and served for food for up to three months, rich in nutrients; fourth, large branch cuttings, which are fruitful this year; fifth, the leaves are holy medicines for medical hemorrhoids; sixth, unripe fruits can be made into sugar-stained dense fruits; seventh, they can be planted in the soil and can be planted anywhere."

Low-key flowering, high-profile medicinal figs

Common prescriptions

1. Cure throat sting: fresh figs are dried, ground, and blown. (Quanzhou Materia Medica)

2, cure lung heat hoarseness: fig five dollars, water frying and blending rock sugar. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)

3. Cure hemorrhoids, prolapse, constipation: eat raw figs or ten dried fruits, a section of pig intestine, and decoction. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)

4, cure long-term diarrhea: five to seven figs, fried in water. (Hunan Medicine)

5. Hair milk: fig two two, tree sweet potato root two two, golden needle flower root four to six two, milk pulp vine two two, stewed pig front hoof service. (Chongqing Herbal Medicine)

Contraindications to use

1. Patients with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should be used with caution; those with moderate cold should not eat.

2. It should not be eaten with sour foods (kiwifruit, oranges, grapefruit, plums).

3. Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus should not be consumed.

Fig diet

Sugar stained figs

Low-key flowering, high-profile medicinal figs

Ingredients: 500 g of figs, 250 g of sugar.

Directions: Wash, place in a pot, flatten each fruit with a spoon, add sugar and marinate for 1 day. After the fruit is soaked in the sugar juice, simmer over low heat until the juice is slightly dry, stop the fire and let it cool, mix in 250 grams of sugar, put on a plate and air dry for a few days, then eat.

Efficacy: This fruit has the effect of digesting appetizers and clearing throats. Indications for the treatment of spleen and stomach weakness, loss of appetite, stagnation of breath and chest tightness, sore throat, hoarseness and sputum production and other symptoms.

Fig stewed pig's trotters

Low-key flowering, high-profile medicinal figs

Ingredients: 200 g figs, 100 g needle vegetables, 2 pig's trotters.

Directions: First, cut the pig's trotters into small pieces, add ginger, pepper, garlic and some water and simmer together with figs until they are cooked, then add nasturtiums and cook for 30 minutes, add salt, monosodium glutamate and green onion to taste.

Efficacy: This formula has the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, and menstruation of the milk. It is suitable for liver depression and stagnation, insufficient milk on the fire, poor appetite, deficiency of qi and blood, and neurasthenia.

Fig rhombus barley porridge

Low-key flowering, high-profile medicinal figs

Ingredients: 10 figs, 60 grams of diamond horn (grinding), 60 grams of barley, 100 grams of japonica rice.

Directions: Add japonica rice, figs and barley to the porridge, and when the porridge is cooked to a thick thickness, add the diamond horn powder and an appropriate amount of rock sugar, and cook for a while to eat.

Efficacy: This formula has the effect of strengthening spleen and qi, cough and expectorant, dehumidifying water, and anti-cancer. Indications for the treatment of loss of appetite, indigestion, cough and phlegm, hemorrhoids and blood in the stool, edema and diarrhea, but also for various cancers and auxiliary dietary therapy.

Fig almond sherry paste

Low-key flowering, high-profile medicinal figs

Ingredients: 5 to 7 figs, 15 grams of northern almonds, 1 sydney pear, Huaishan powder, sugar to taste.

Directions: Soak the northern almonds in boiling water and peel them, peel and wash the pears, take the meat and chop them, mash them with the figs, put them into a small basin, add Huaishan powder and sugar, add an appropriate amount of water to make a paste, and then pour into a pot of boiling water and stir and cook continuously.

Efficacy: This formula has the effect of nourishing yin and rejuvenating jin, moisturizing the lungs and dissolving phlegm. It is suitable for lung cancer, stomach cancer and lung yin burning in radiotherapy, dry cough or yellow sputum cough, dry mouth and throat, hoarseness, poor appetite, and also suitable for intestinal cancer and constipation. ■

【Source: The content of this article is synthesized from Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.]


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