
Tomorrow Dragon Boat Festival, remember to eat "long beans, shou fruit, hanging vegetables", strong seasonality, meaning very good long beans (cowpea) - long life, away from the disease Shou guo (peach) - healthy and long life, many seeds and many blessings hanging vegetables (eggplant) - not afraid of mosquito bites - there is something to say -

author:Ahu's snack light

Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanyang Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, May Festival, the word "Duan" here in Ancient Chinese is the beginning, the meaning of the beginning, because there are three "five" days in each month, so the first "five" day is called "Duan Wu", the Dragon Boat Festival comes from the ancient period of "dragon sacrifice" activities, and the Zongzi we eat is a "sacrifice" at that time.

Tomorrow Dragon Boat Festival, remember to eat "long beans, shou fruit, hanging vegetables", strong seasonality, meaning very good long beans (cowpea) - long life, away from the disease Shou guo (peach) - healthy and long life, many seeds and many blessings hanging vegetables (eggplant) - not afraid of mosquito bites - there is something to say -

In addition to eating rice dumplings, there are many foods worth eating, such as boiled eggs, steamed garlic, etc., mainly containing a beautiful meaning in it, today for everyone to share another 3 kinds of Dragon Boat food, are seasonal vegetables and fruits, and eat them in the Dragon Boat Festival, they also have a very beautiful meaning, to understand it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > long bean (cowpea) - long life and 100 years old, away from disease</h1>

The long beans here are cowpeas, when living in the countryside, the family vegetable garden has to plant a lot every summer, and the result is that you can't eat it all, and finally you will pick it down and bundle it up and sell it on the street, leaving some of it to be made into kimchi, and it will also be dried in the sun, left until winter to eat, the delicious taste of dried beans and roasted meat, you have tasted it.

Tomorrow Dragon Boat Festival, remember to eat "long beans, shou fruit, hanging vegetables", strong seasonality, meaning very good long beans (cowpea) - long life, away from the disease Shou guo (peach) - healthy and long life, many seeds and many blessings hanging vegetables (eggplant) - not afraid of mosquito bites - there is something to say -

Folk saying, the Dragon Boat Festival, eating long beans has a long life and a hundred years, far from the meaning of the disease, there is also said that the Dragon Boat Festival, eating long beans is not afraid of snake bites, in short, it is an emotional sustenance that people look forward to good health, but long beans are rich in protein and vitamins, and sexual sweetness is very suitable for eating more in summer, we have a saying in the countryside: do not eat long beans sorry for summer.

How to eat long beans, you can boil after cold mixing, you can roast meat, stir-fry, but my favorite is to wrap dumplings, always feel that the use of long beans to wrap dumplings has a special fragrance, when eating people can't stop, don't put meat, otherwise there is no such taste, special dumpling stuffing method attached below for your reference.

Tomorrow Dragon Boat Festival, remember to eat "long beans, shou fruit, hanging vegetables", strong seasonality, meaning very good long beans (cowpea) - long life, away from the disease Shou guo (peach) - healthy and long life, many seeds and many blessings hanging vegetables (eggplant) - not afraid of mosquito bites - there is something to say -

Vegetarian cowpea dumpling filling

Ingredients: 1 handful of cowpeas, 4 eggs, fungus, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, peanut oil

Wash the cowpea, blanch it directly into the pot, remove it and cool it with cold water, then cut into small cubes and set aside.

Beat the 4 eggs and stir-fry them into the cowpeas, and chop them into the cowpeas after soaking the dried fungus.

Add salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil and peanut oil and stir well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > fruit (peach) - health and longevity, many children and many blessings</h1>

In addition to the watermelon in summer, the most enjoyable thing is the peach, the ancients believed that the peach is the fruit eaten by the immortal family, mortals eat the peach can be healthy and long-lived, more children and more blessings, so it is called shouguo, xian peach. Because of its handsome and elegant appearance, peaches also often appear in some traditional art works and are a symbol of good fortune and good fortune.

Tomorrow Dragon Boat Festival, remember to eat "long beans, shou fruit, hanging vegetables", strong seasonality, meaning very good long beans (cowpea) - long life, away from the disease Shou guo (peach) - healthy and long life, many seeds and many blessings hanging vegetables (eggplant) - not afraid of mosquito bites - there is something to say -

There is a folk saying that "peaches nourish people, and apricots hurt people." "It can be seen that the status of peaches in people's hearts is still very high, peaches are rich in vitamins, minerals, citric acid, malic acid and fiber, have the effect of quenching thirst, moisturizing the intestines and replenishing the heart, rich in sucrose, eating in summer can supplement physical strength, relieve heat and dryness."

Tomorrow Dragon Boat Festival, remember to eat "long beans, shou fruit, hanging vegetables", strong seasonality, meaning very good long beans (cowpea) - long life, away from the disease Shou guo (peach) - healthy and long life, many seeds and many blessings hanging vegetables (eggplant) - not afraid of mosquito bites - there is something to say -

However, eat peaches must pay attention to the selection, under the same variety, some peaches that are too large should not be bought, because the internal peach core of this peach may burst and deteriorate, and the peach meat has very little moisture. Don't buy peaches without peach hair (except nectarines) because you don't know what the peach hair was washed off (I've seen ones with washing powder). Peaches without a fruity flavor should not be bought, they are not sweet, and they may not be ripe.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > hanging vegetables (eggplant) - not afraid of mosquito bites</h1>

The so-called hanging vegetables, in fact, refers to eggplant, folk believe that the lunar calendar May is the "poisonous month", because at this time mosquito breeding, easy to bite human infection diseases, and Hakka dialect in the word "bite" and hanging harmonic sound, so the folk believe that eating hanging vegetables in the Dragon Boat Festival has the meaning of preventing mosquito bites.

Tomorrow Dragon Boat Festival, remember to eat "long beans, shou fruit, hanging vegetables", strong seasonality, meaning very good long beans (cowpea) - long life, away from the disease Shou guo (peach) - healthy and long life, many seeds and many blessings hanging vegetables (eggplant) - not afraid of mosquito bites - there is something to say -

Eggplant is also a seasonal vegetable in summer, but also one of the few purple vegetables, while eggplant is a cold thing, eating eggplant in the summer has the effect of relieving heat and drying, rich in vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals, is rare healthy vegetables. Eggplant eats a lot of ways, stir-fry, stew, burn, fry to quench thirst, but in the summer there must be a summer way to eat, this cold mix eggplant to send to everyone.

Tomorrow Dragon Boat Festival, remember to eat "long beans, shou fruit, hanging vegetables", strong seasonality, meaning very good long beans (cowpea) - long life, away from the disease Shou guo (peach) - healthy and long life, many seeds and many blessings hanging vegetables (eggplant) - not afraid of mosquito bites - there is something to say -

Cold mix eggplant

Ingredients: eggplant, minced garlic, paprika, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, salt, sugar

Wash the eggplant, cut into segments, place on a plate and steam for 10 minutes. You can also steam the eggplant and tear it into strips to make it more flavorful.

Add minced garlic, white sesame seeds, paprika to an empty bowl, pour in hot cooking oil to stimulate the aroma, then add soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, salt and stir to form a sauce and set aside.

Pour the sauce over the steamed eggplant.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" >—there's something to say—</h1>

What to eat in the Dragon Boat Festival, in addition to rice dumplings, but also remember to eat long beans, shou fruits and hanging vegetables, meaning beautiful, and are seasonal vegetables, the ancestors taught us to "eat healthy in season", so don't forget these healthy green vegetables when the big fish and meat.

I am Ahu, a small passerby who likes to study and make food, like today's content can pay attention to me, tomorrow there is wonderful content waiting for you, thank you for reading, see you tomorrow.