
Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

author:Thirteen Kan Entertainment

Now in this society, the marriage issue of boys and girls has become a major concern on the whole network, and even the blind date industry has become hot

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

But in any era, boys and girls blind dates can not bypass the house, car and tickets, for some girls, youth is only a few years, so in the best time to meet the best talent is the most important, even if the person in front of him does not like it, at least there must be money, can ensure her future rich life

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

It is a pity that they also overlooked one thing, that is, all rich people, regardless of IQ or means, are not comparable to these girls

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

Some time ago, the author once watched a blind date variety show, a young and beautiful female guest put forward his own conditions during the blind date, first of all, the man must have a house and a car in the city, the area of the house is no less than 180 square meters, the car must also be their own designated name brand, and where two people get married, the man's bride price to the woman must not be less than 500,000

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

To be honest, although the heroine is also very beautiful, this marriage condition has almost eliminated 90% of the boys, and the rest can be called rich

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

And that is, after filtering out most of the male guests, a local tyrant finally entered the girl's field of vision, this eldest brother after hearing the woman's request, very tactfully said: Your requirements may be a little high for me, after all, I live in a villa in the city, and the car I drive is more expensive than the brand you requested

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

For this answer, the girl was of course happy, feeling that the male guest was funny and humorous, and the only thing that did not meet her heart was that he was older than his age, older and very average

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

Of course, for local tycoons, appearance can be smoothed with money, so after hearing the comments of the female guest, she generously said that if the other party marries her, then it is not difficult to add 2 million more to the bride price

The bride price of 2.5 million yuan is undoubtedly a huge amount of money for the woman, so the two quickly talked about marriage

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

However, this local tyrant obviously underestimated the ambition of the female guest, and when talking about the issue of property, the woman even directly proposed that after the two people got married, they would also add their names to the house book of the man's villa, on the grounds that they could prevent themselves from being swept out one day, which could be an extra guarantee

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

In fact, when the two sides talked here, the male guest was already displeased, because after he understood, he wanted to know that the woman's income was only a few thousand yuan per month, and there was no fixed deposit and assets, so much was required, and it was completely an empty glove white wolf

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

So he also put forward a requirement for girls, that is, after marriage, the woman must quit all her work and concentrate on spare tires at home, and it is not an ordinary spare tire, and she needs to have more children in a few years, of course, the local tyrants will not treat her badly, and each child will give the woman the corresponding cash and house rewards

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

In fact, once this kind of marriage is established, there is no difference between marrying into a wealthy family, but after this girl's many considerations, she still feels that she is a little aggrieved when she marries a local tycoon, and does not want to become a so-called fertility machine, so this blind date is still a pity to end

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

After watching this program, the biggest feeling to the author is that there are now some girls who have indeed materialized love, although material is the basis of marriage, but too material view of mate selection, love as a clearly priced commodity, can only say that such love may find a true person, most boys encounter such girls, will be inferior and disgusted to walk away

Beauty: I look good, the bride price is at least 2.5 million, rich: Yes, but you must have children

Of course, we also believe that the vast majority of girls have different views on mate selection, and only a small number of people maintain this concept of marriage, after all, people have their own aspirations, and some people may like this type of girl

I wonder what everyone here thinks about this matter?

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