
A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

author:Sir Literature

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It was a late night winter in December 1957, and it was dark and bitterly cold.

Zhang Yunyi, the founding general of the People's Republic of China who had been busy all day, returned to the office to deal with official documents as usual, at this time the secretary hurriedly sent a letter, Zhang Yunyi was very angry after seeing the content of the letter: "I didn't expect that in New China, there would be such a thing, what is the difference between this and the old society?" ”

So what kind of letter made the founding general so angry, what kind of truth was hidden behind this letter, and was the matter really solved?

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

The founding general of Rong Ma's life

Zhang Yunyi was born in a peasant family in Hainan, and his family has high hopes for him since he was a child, hoping that he can get ahead in the future. Zhang Yunyi showed great courage and courage at a young age, and was admitted to the army primary school in Guangdong at the age of 16 and systematically received military training.

After that, he secretly participated in the League and engaged in armed struggle with the members of the organization. In his young revolutionary career, one of the most thrilling was attacking the governor Yamen during the Xinhai Revolution, but due to the disadvantage of numbers, Zhang Yunyi and his group retreated to a private house.

In order to find out the enemy, Zhang Yunyi dressed up in disguise, went to the street to investigate intelligence, and when he returned, he found that the house had already been surrounded by the Qing army, and none of his comrades were spared, Zhang Yunyi escaped this great danger because he went out, which also further tempered his perseverance and brave character.

During the Northern Expedition, Zhang Yunyi was also appointed chief of staff of the 12th Division of the Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army, and forged ahead in the war and played the title of the "Iron Army" of the Fourth Army.

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

But during the revolution, Zhang Yunyi deeply realized that only the Communist Party could save China, and one day in October 1926, he secretly joined the Communist Party of China. Years later, when his son asked his father why he wanted to join the party, Zhang Yunyi said: "The society at that time was very dark, and I joined the Communist Party to liberate the working people."

After that, Zhang Yunyi participated in the Long March, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the War of Liberation, all of which made outstanding contributions. Especially during the Liberation War, he was responsible for land reform and support in East China.

Zhang Yunyi saved money by streamlining the establishment and cleaning up assets, and ensured the supply of materials on the front line. After the meeting, he set an example and took the initiative to cancel his food privileges, and did his daily life like ordinary soldiers, so that the whole army was more closely united.

After the founding of New China, Zhang Yunyi was awarded the rank of general for his outstanding contributions to the revolutionary cause. This rank was not only an outstanding achievement of his military talent, but also a recognition of his contribution by the whole party and the whole army.

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

Love the army like a son, uphold justice

Continuing from the beginning, it turned out that the letter that Zhang Yunyi saw was a letter from a company commander, saying that after the land reform in his hometown, his father was deliberately retaliated against because he offended the village leaders because of some behavior.

The company commander also said that he could not go home in the army and could not solve the problem in time, and was very anxious, so he wrote a letter to the central authorities out of helplessness, hoping to help solve the problem.

Through the above description, we learned that Zhang Yunyi led the army to fight for a long time, and he had already had different emotions, and when he saw his soldiers defending the country on the front line, his relatives were bullied, which would make the soldiers have concerns and could not devote themselves to the cause of the army, which can explain why he was so angry after seeing the letter.

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

In order to better solve this matter, Zhang Yunyi also happened to want to go to Qingdao to investigate the work, and immediately decided to rush to Wendeng County, Qingdao City to find out. In this way, a few days later, the group braved heavy snow and embarked on a trip to Shandong by car.

Zhang Yunyi, who was inspecting the work in Qingdao, did not forget the request of the company commander of the troops, and as soon as he finished his work, he asked the secretary to inquire about the route to Wendeng County.

Considering the heavy workload during the inspection in Qingdao, the secretary persuaded: "It is about to snow, and you are busy with official business, plus the road from here to Wendeng City is still very long, in case there is any important matter here that you need to deal with personally, or I will help you go to the village and communicate with the local leaders."

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

Under the persuasion of the secretary, Zhang Yunyi agreed to let his secretary go, and before leaving, he told the secretary to find out the problem of the company commander's father being bullied by the local village cadres, to meet with the old man, and to strive for a peaceful solution, so as not to make our soldiers chill. The secretary agreed, and then went to Wendeng County.

Not long after, after the secretary returned, he reported the situation to Zhang Yunyi, saying that he had passed with the leaders of Wendeng County, and they promised to go to the village to verify the situation, and returned the old man's innocence, and said that General Zhang could rest assured.

According to his many years of experience, Zhang Yunyi listened to it and thought that it was estimated that it would be difficult to effectively solve this matter, or he had to go there himself to really work. Then he asked the secretary: "Have you seen the father of the company commander?" What the old man said".

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

The secretary said that he did not look at it, and he also ignored this point. Zhang Yunyi's psychology must be clear that the other party can't seriously deal with it if he can't see an authoritative person, and after educating the secretary, he immediately said that he would go there in person to avoid other problems in the future.

The group once again embarked on the journey to Wendeng County. Even if heavy snow fell on the way there, the harsh cold could not cool Zhang Yunyi's hot heart for the people.

In order to better understand the ins and outs of things, Zhang Yunyi showed his mature and sophisticated side. After arriving in Wendeng County, he did not go to the Wendeng County Government at the first time, but went directly to the old man's home to learn about the situation directly in person.

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

The moment the old man saw Zhang Yunyi, he was very moved, because he never thought that he could let such a big person as Zhang Yunyi personally solve it. After Zhang Yunyi learned the situation, it turned out that the old man touched the interests of the village cadres because of the interest problem in the process of land reform, and then the village cadres were in a retaliatory mentality, and seeing that the old man's son was not at home and no one came forward, he bullied the old man and even wanted to fight.

Zhang Yunyi clarified the situation, and then the county leaders and village cadres also went to the old man's home to apologize, and at the same time the village cadres also said that they should not abuse their power, and the county leaders also reflected on their bureaucracy and took the initiative to correct it in the future.

After educating the relevant leaders, Zhang Yunyi also stressed that no matter what work he does, he must serve the people and cannot be separated from the masses of the people. In the end, the matter was resolved satisfactorily.

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

After this incident, the old father of the company commander of the army often thanked Zhang Yunyi for sending hometown specialties in order to express his gratitude, but Zhang Yunyi said that the hometown gifting is our trust, and we should do things for the people.

How can such a founding general not be respected and supported by the soldiers, and how can the country not be at ease? This also plays a good role in bringing our military and people closer together, so that the people trust the country and the government more.

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

A low-key and simple career life

After the liberation of Guangxi, considering the complicated situation in the border areas, the central government needed to find a person with courage and courage to manage Guangxi, and in the end, the central government handed this heavy responsibility to Zhang Yunyi.

Zhang Yunyi serves as the secretary of the provincial party committee in Guangxi, and although he is in a high position, he does not stay in the office, but often feels the atmosphere of the city and fireworks on the road outside.

Zhang Yunyi often dressed like ordinary peasants when walking outside, talking with the citizens on the ground, and there was no leader's frame at all; He also often went to the countryside to inspect the development of local agriculture, listen to the opinions of the peasants, and understand first-hand information, truly fulfilling the party's mass line.

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

On a certain occasion, when Zhang Yunyi took a car to the office, he met two woodcutters collecting firewood on the way, and immediately got out of the car to greet the two of them in a friendly manner. However, due to the rampant bandits in Guangxi at that time, the woodcutter saw Zhang Yunyi with bodyguards with guns beside him, and immediately did not dare to speak to him. Zhang Yunyi immediately revealed his identity, and finally the three talked happily.

In addition to being close to the people at work, Zhang Yunyi is also very low-key towards his family. Zhang Yunyi's son Zhang Guangdong once recalled that from elementary school to high school, in the parent column in the file, every time my father asked to fill in only my mother's name, not my name, and the same was true when I was admitted to university.

Zhang Guangdong couldn't help but ask his father: "Why don't you let me fill in your father's name?" ”

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

Zhang Yunyi replied: "Mom is also a parent, there is no problem with this." ”

Zhang Guangdong asked again: "Then when others ask me where my father went, how can I answer?" ”

"You said your father went on a business trip," Zhang Yunyi replied. In this way, Zhang Guangdong did not know that his father was a founding general during his studies. Perhaps he also does not want others to know his identity and have other special treatment, so that his son is like everyone else, which is a good grind for his son.

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

On November 19, 1974, General Zhang Yunyi died of illness at the age of 82, and this revolutionary general, who was a year older than Chairman Mao, left us forever.

This is exactly "the raging waves rolling in the sky, the sound of the drums of the Red Army." After Zhang Yunyi's death, a memorial hall was built in Wenchang City, Hainan Province.

A company commander wrote that his father was bullied by village cadres, and the founding congress personally dealt with it

A tall and mighty bronze statue with a god in his eyes looks into the distance, watching how the land and people he once fought for are moving step by step towards revival.

Although we cannot experience the arduous life of our revolutionary ancestors, in the current new era, we should inherit their red spirit, carry forward the arduous and simple style, undertake the great task of national rejuvenation and the changes of the times, and build a beautiful motherland together.