
I did a physical examination because of tinnitus, but I didn't expect that it would take two days just to check it

author:Watch the sea and listen to the wind LQ


Z said that he had severe tinnitus recently, and we went to the hospital in the morning to make an appointment in the neurology department, thinking that there would be no problems with the ear at this age, so we checked the cerebrovascular situation.

At 7:50 in the morning, I arrived at the door of the department, and the numbering machine did not work, so I first measured my blood pressure on the machine that automatically measured blood pressure. Normal.

At eight and five o'clock, the doctor began to call the patient to see the patient

I did a physical examination because of tinnitus, but I didn't expect that it would take two days just to check it

The corridors of the consultation rooms are dimly lit

After three minutes of consultation, I took a pen to measure the eye roll, and then opened four lists for examination

There were few people in the EEG room, and the results came out quickly and there were no abnormalities

There is also a B-ultrasound, a CT, an MRI.

Sunday is a lot of people, and you have to wait a long time for any test.

There are few people to see CT, do this first, and the result comes out two hours later, and the self-service printer is taken up

I did a physical examination because of tinnitus, but I didn't expect that it would take two days just to check it

Be a big waiter for the B ultrasound. See that it's already nine o'clock, I haven't eaten in the morning, and I can't stay away, I want to wait until the inspection is done before eating [laughs]

When you come to the hospital, you have to listen to the doctor, people say to check anything, more money is more money, can not be troublesome, wait patiently.

I did a physical examination because of tinnitus, but I didn't expect that it would take two days just to check it

B ultrasound did it, the result came out immediately, we still don't understand, the doctor said that after all the done, let him see [cool drag] [cool drag] [cool drag]

I thought it was done all morning, and I only did three things, two results, it was almost ten o'clock, and there was an MRI, saying that it would be done at nine o'clock tomorrow, so this afternoon I took the CT film, or let the doctor not see it, he said that he did it all and then looked at it [cool drag] [laughs]

Really speechless, after watching for a long time, there is no result, tomorrow I have to take another leave [cool drag] to delay another day. Why don't people love physical examinations, such a simple examination is really too laborious!

Before there is no instrument examination, the doctor will not say what is wrong with you, what is probably going on, he will only open a bunch of lists for you to run around, with a confused look [pitiful] [pitiful]

Don't say anything, look at the light clouds and smoke are floating clouds.