
A family letter from 1972, a reunion 51 years overdue

author:Changde All Media

A yellowed family letter carries the family affection that is forever abandoned. Recently, the police of the Shaping Police Station of the Taoyuan County Public Security Bureau successfully helped Sichuan find relatives in Hunan through a family letter from 51 years ago.

A family letter from 1972, a reunion 51 years overdue

One day at the end of June this year, a Sichuan man surnamed Zhan walked into the Shaping Police Station in Taoyuan County, holding a yellowed letter in his hand and telling the police his appeal: He wanted to find his grandmother's relatives in her hometown. Her grandmother's name was Li Guixiu, as early as the forties, because she was dissatisfied with the arranged marriage arranged by her family, she ran away from home in a fit of anger, and later married a Sichuan military officer who served in Changde.

Now that his grandmother and father are dead, he knows very little about his hometown, relying only on a handwritten letter from 51 years ago to search for clues about his hometown.

The letter was written by Yang Zhongyong, the grandmother's nephew, who is now 80 years old, and the letter recorded in detail that the grandmother had four siblings, one of whom was named Li Shengpan, who was sent to the fourth production team of the Xinghua Brigade of the former Luhua Commune in Taoyuan County in the 70s. According to the only detailed address recorded in the letter, Tan and his wife came to Hunan from Sichuan and embarked on a journey to find their relatives.

They first came to the Taoyuan County Public Security Bureau, and according to the guidance of the relevant departments of the county bureau, they came to the address in the letter, now Shaping Town, Taoyuan County.

Walking into the Shaping Town Police Station, the couple explained their intentions to the staff: because their father had wanted to find his mother's relatives for many years, but because of his advanced age and the absence of his children, the journey to find his relatives had been stranded until his father died last year. As he spoke, the eyes of the husband and wife gradually turned red, and tears swirled in their eye sockets.

After verifying the identity and intentions of the man, the staff immediately contacted the village cadres to inquire about the whereabouts of the old man. Because of the age, the village cadres changed from term to term, and it took several trips to contact an old cadre in the village, who said that there was indeed a man named Li Shengpan, who left the local area after a few years of decentralization.

The clue was interrupted, and at this time, the husband and wife mentioned that there was also a place name in the letter - Chaqiping, and after some search and inquiry, the local people said that they were not familiar with this place name.

Seeing this situation, the police could only help find Li Shengpan's information in the population information system, but the system showed that there was no such person. Based on experience, the police judged that it may be homophones and different words. The police once again searched in the same name and surname, and this time found that the old man's name was "Side" instead of "Pan". The information showed that the old man had passed away, but the identity information of the old man's daughter-in-law was still there, and the police immediately dialed the phone number of the old man's daughter-in-law.

The old man's daughter-in-law said that when her in-laws were alive, they did mention to her that there was a relative who was far away in Sichuan, but the specific information was not clear, and she wanted to confirm it with her husband.

Mr. and Mrs. Tan sat in the household registration room of the police station and waited anxiously. Soon, the old man's daughter-in-law called, indicating that there was indeed such a thing, and provided the staff with a phone number, and the owner of the phone number was Yang Lao, who wrote the letter.

The staff immediately dialed Yang Lao's phone, but Yang was old and his hearing was not very good, and he could not hear the staff's words clearly. The staff contacted Yang Lao's son again, and added WeChat to each other, confirming that the letter was Yang Lao's handwriting, and it turned out that the tea qiping in the letter was Yang Lao's address - Yuanling County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province.

After confirming the information, the staff told the couple about the situation, and after getting the information from their relatives, the tears of the couple could not stop flowing, and the staff was also touched by this scene in front of them to moisten their eyes.

Tan excitedly dialed the phone of Li Shengbian's old man and daughter-in-law, and learned that they are now living in Changde, and their relatives said on the phone that they would come to pick up a reunion, but Tan said that he did not want to cause trouble to his relatives and decided to take a car to Changde to recognize his relatives.

Under the guidance of the staff, the couple smoothly boarded the shuttle bus to Changde.

A family letter from 1972, a reunion 51 years overdue
A family letter from 1972, a reunion 51 years overdue

The next day, Tan shared a photo with his relatives with the staff, and after reuniting with Changde's relatives, the group immediately set off to Yuanling County to find Yang Lao, and sent a group photo of the family reunion.

(Correspondent: Liu Wenjing, Wang Shuqun)