
When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp

author:Sweet Autumn Sister cuisine

For the love of food, if you use one sentence to describe it, it is: only food and love can not be disappointed. Hello everyone, I am Sweet Autumn Sister, share a food production every day, friends who like food are welcome to pay attention to Sweet Autumn, Sister Cuisine, learn together, communicate with each other.

Hello everyone, I am Sweet Autumn Sister, I used to be inseparable from all kinds of candy during the New Year, especially when there are children at home. If you don't want to give your child too much sugar, you will find a way to make all kinds of sugar pastry blocks with rice flowers. Using it instead of candy, the children also liked it. Today, Sweet Autumn Sister will share with you a traditional Chinese dessert, the old-fashioned method of making rice crisp, crispy and fragrant and sold outside as a child. Let's start making it.

When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp

1. First, pour a little cooking oil into the pot, pour in the raw peanuts, turn on the heat and slowly fry.

When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp

2. Pour 100 ml of water, 60 g of white sugar in a clean pot and stir until completely melted without any particles. Then add 150 grams of maltose, which I bought here is very viscous. Place in a pot and bring to low heat, stirring slowly to melt.

When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp
When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp

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3. After the pan is lathered, add 50 grams of corn oil, or add the same amount of butter, the taste will be better. Slowly simmer over a low flame until the cannon starts, becoming very viscous, about this look.

When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp
When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp

4. We pour in the sautéed peanuts and stir them over. Then add this puffed rice, which is puffed by the machine at high temperatures. After pouring into the pot, be sure to quickly stir evenly, so that the rice bubbles are evenly dipped in the boiled syrup. Probably this way the ball will not disperse, you can turn off the heat and come out of the pot.

When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp
When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp

5. Put into the prepared mold and use a shovel to flatten and press firmly. After the rice crisp is naturally cooled, it can be reversed on the board to release the mold. The rice puff pastry must be pressed tightly so that it is not easy to break, and finally cut into your favorite shape, and it is finished.

When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp
When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp

Traditional rice puff pastry is still more exquisite in terms of ingredients and ingredients, and the production process is also more cumbersome. My family version of the rice crisp, the production process is relatively simple, the ingredients can also be selected according to their own preferences, the finished product taste crisp and sweet, the color is white, refreshing slag, after eating the mouth left a fragrant aftertaste, very delicious. Well, today's video is shared here. If you like it, just try it. I am Sweet Autumn Sister, like my video thank you for leaving a comment plus forward Oh, thank you for your support, we will see you in the next issue. Bye!

When making rice candy, some people boil the sugar first, and some people fry it directly, which is not right! Teach you the right way, crisp

Ingredient List:

Rice 260 g 100 ml water 60 g white sugar 50 g corn oil 150 g maltose


1. Ingredients can be selected according to personal preferences;

2, when boiling syrup, the heat should be small, so as not to overcook, into a light coffee color;

3. When mixing ingredients, it should be fast, so as to avoid dilute sugar solidification, uneven mixing, and affect the quality of the finished product;

4, it is recommended that you do not directly fry rice, this method out of the taste is greasy and hard. If rice is to be handled well, and it is not hard, there are very key technologies in it, and home-made is not recommended to try. You can buy a variety of puffed rice in the finished product, and then operate according to the method above by Sweet Autumn Sister, which basically will not fail.

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