
Authentic bacon hot pot, spicy and flavorful rice, simple operation, one will learn

author:Qianxiang little sister

There is such a dish, it accompanies people from the end of the year to the beginning of the year, it is an indispensable dish on the table of people in the New Year, and whenever people make it, we know that the New Year is coming, and the new clothes, new shoes and old money that children are looking forward to will also be there. The adults got up early, the women boiled hot water in the kitchen, and the men gathered together to sharpen knives, boiling water, lifting the table, taking the basin, everyone was happily preparing to kill the New Year pig, killing the New Year pig is a very grand thing for people, on this day people will get together, help each other to kill the New Year pig, you help my family kill today, I will help you kill tomorrow, this is a unique scene in the countryside.

At the beginning of the year, it symbolizes the imminent start of a new year. After killing the pig, the host family will pick out the best part of the pig to treat the neighbors and thank them for their hard work. Women cook in the kitchen, pork stew cabbage, stir-fried pork liver, boiled pork soup, and pig soup is used to mix pig blood to make another dish, which is also a must-eat dish for pigs to kill the New Year, and the men cut the pork into thin strips outside, and then marinate it with edible salt and five spices, do you know why you want to do this, why you want to marinate the pork? Come here, Qianxiang little sister to tell you the answer.


Ingredients: pork, salt, five-spice powder

Steps: 1: Cut the pork into thin strips and marinate with salt and five-spice powder for four to five days

Authentic bacon hot pot, spicy and flavorful rice, simple operation, one will learn

2: Smoke the marinated pork with firewood for about a week

3: When the pork is turned into bacon, remove it

4, put the bacon into the pot on high heat, of course, the pot can also add blood and others, when the chopsticks can pass through the bacon,

Authentic bacon hot pot, spicy and flavorful rice, simple operation, one will learn

5: Fish out the bacon, cut it into thin slices and eat it once with the boiled blood

Authentic bacon hot pot, spicy and flavorful rice, simple operation, one will learn

Bacon hot pot

Ingredients: Bacon, garlic sprouts, green onion, ginger and garlic, millet pepper, pickled pepper, peppercorn, minced pepper, salt, vegetables you like to eat

Steps: 1: Slice the bacon, millet pepper and pepper and set aside

Authentic bacon hot pot, spicy and flavorful rice, simple operation, one will learn

2: Pat the garlic seedlings and cut them obliquely, chop the onion, ginger and garlic and set aside

Authentic bacon hot pot, spicy and flavorful rice, simple operation, one will learn

3: Sauté the bacon in a pan until oil is removed

4, then directly stir-fry the shallots, ginger and garlic in the oil that has just boiled out of the bacon (if the oil in the pan is enough, you don't need to add oil, if it is not enough, you need to add)

5: Stir-fry the peppercorns, then add the minced peppercorns and stir-fry

Authentic bacon hot pot, spicy and flavorful rice, simple operation, one will learn

6: Stir-fry the pepper for about 2 minutes, then add the pickled pepper and millet pepper and stir-fry

7: Stir-fry for 5 or 6 minutes, then add bacon for stir-frying, stir-fry for about 2 minutes and add cold boiling water

8: Bring to a boil over high heat, add garlic seedlings, and then add the vegetables you like to eat

Authentic bacon hot pot, spicy and flavorful rice, simple operation, one will learn

There are many ways to make bacon, each with its own characteristics, but what has always remained true is that it symbolizes the arrival of the New Year and represents people's hope for the coming year. Bacon also contains phosphorus, potassium, sodium, fat, protein, carbohydrates and other elements. But the elderly should not eat; Patients with stomach and duodenal ulcers fast. Pay attention to the little sister of Qianxiang and take you to unlock a delicacy every day.

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