
Mountain Eastern European Mickey's Knowledge Encyclopedia of Western Food: Western Secret Sauce Recipes Western Kitchen Essentials

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Thai chutney


Ingredients: 100 grams of lemongrass, 30 grams of southern ginger, 40 grams of thai pepper, 10 grams of fragrant leaves, 50 grams of sugar, 30 grams of Thai fish sauce, 40 grams of lime, 30 grams of coriander, 20 grams of garlic, 350 ml of mineral water.

Preparation: Stir lemongrass, ginger, thai pepper, coriander, fragrant leaves, lime, coriander and garlic in a blender and season with sugar, Thai fish sauce and mineral water.

Features: Sour and spicy taste.

Suitable for: Mostly used to make a variety of seafood, vegetable salad, but also as a dip for fried products, steamed fish, or mixed with fresh fruits (sweet orange, grapefruit), onions to make fruit salad.

Mountain Eastern European Mickey's Knowledge Encyclopedia of Western Food: Western Secret Sauce Recipes Western Kitchen Essentials

French salad dressing


Ingredients: 120 g of minced onion, 1 liter of salad oil, 350 ml of white vinegar, 600 ml of tomato paste, 120 g of sugar, 2 raw egg yolks, 2 g of minced garlic, 20 g of mustard.

Preparation: Mix egg yolks and salad oil well, add other ingredients and mix well.

Features: The taste is based on manaisi sauce, with garlic, mustard and other blends, and it can be seen in various Western restaurants.

Suitable for cold vegetable salad, a kind of sauce for mixed salad, generally single-heeled head plate salad, such as vegetable salad, pastoral salad.

Mountain Eastern European Mickey's Knowledge Encyclopedia of Western Food: Western Secret Sauce Recipes Western Kitchen Essentials

Italian juice


Ingredients: 160 g of black vinegar, 160 g of red wine vinegar, 10 g of chopped coriander, 160 g of olive oil, 10 g of salt, 10 g of pine nuts.


1. After mixing black vinegar and red wine vinegar, collect the juice over low heat for about 0.5 hours.

2. Add olive oil, salt, pine nuts and coriander and mix well to taste.

Features: The taste is sour and slightly sweet, and the fragrance of coriander and pine nuts plays an appetizing role.

Scope of application: used for vegetable salad, cold vegetable salad, as a basic juice appears in a variety of cold vegetable head plates, such as pastoral salad.

Mountain Eastern European Mickey's Knowledge Encyclopedia of Western Food: Western Secret Sauce Recipes Western Kitchen Essentials

Perilla oil juice


Ingredients: 100 g perilla, 20 g olive oil, 5 g salt.

Preparation: Put the raw materials into a blender and crush, remove the filter juice.

Features: Pure taste, fragrance, perilla flavor.

Suitable for: Used to cook all kinds of spaghetti, often with the pouring sauce when plated, such as spaghetti, pasta, etc.

TIPS: Chinese food can be used as a drizzle for meat ingredients.

Mountain Eastern European Mickey's Knowledge Encyclopedia of Western Food: Western Secret Sauce Recipes Western Kitchen Essentials

Pine nut sauce


Ingredients: Roasted pine nuts 80 g, perilla 40 g, olive oil 10 g, salt 5 g, parmesan cheese 10 g, garlic 20 g.

Preparation: Put pine nuts, olive oil, perilla, garlic, salt, and parmesan cheese in a blender and beat well.

Features: The taste is rich, and the aroma of garlic is perfectly combined with perilla, pine nut kernels, and parmesan cheese.

Suitable for: Sauces for a variety of afternoon tea snacks, with fresh small tomatoes or various thick soups, such as tomato bread soup, vegetable soup.

Mountain Eastern European Mickey's Knowledge Encyclopedia of Western Food: Western Secret Sauce Recipes Western Kitchen Essentials

Stuffed and stuffed bread sauce


Ingredients: 20 grams of large tomatoes, 1 green pepper, 1/2 bottle of green water olive, 1/2 bottle of black water olive, 100 grams of honey, 30 grams of salt, 15 grams of sugar, 10 grams of chili peppers, 300 grams of olive oil, 20 grams of onions.

1: Put the tomatoes in boiling water and heat for half a minute, remove the skin and cut into small pieces.

2: Cut into small pieces of green pepper, green water olive, black water olive and onion.

3. Mix all the raw materials well.

Features: Refreshing taste, sweet, slightly sour.

Suitable for: for bread sauce, can also be used for a variety of seafood salads, such as Italian bread, seafood plate.

Mountain Eastern European Mickey's Knowledge Encyclopedia of Western Food: Western Secret Sauce Recipes Western Kitchen Essentials

Thousand Island salad dressing


Ingredients: 2 liters of manais salad dressing, 150 grams of tomato sauce, 50 grams of chili sauce, 20 grams of pepper, 30 grams of lemon juice, 100 grams of sour cucumber minced, 5 minced eggs, 100 grams of minced onion, 30 grams of minced coriander, 50 ml of white vinegar.

Preparation: Add mannai, tomato sauce, white vinegar sauce, lemon juice and pepper to the container.

Features: The taste is sweet and sour, and various auxiliary materials are based on manaisi sauce to regulate the taste.

Suitable for: for cold vegetable salad, lettuce salad, often with Italian juice, single heel plate.

Mountain Eastern European Mickey's Knowledge Encyclopedia of Western Food: Western Secret Sauce Recipes Western Kitchen Essentials

Dutch juice


Ingredients: 2 egg yolks, 10 g white vinegar, 80 g butter, 0.5 g chopped coriander, 10 g parsley leaves, 10 g tali root (a dried spice), 10 g coriander root.

1: Beat the egg yolks and white vinegar evenly.

2: Add butter, chopped coriander, coriander leaves, tali root, coriander root and beat well.

Features: Rich in flavor and refreshing in taste.

Suitable for: used for cold vegetables to start the plate, but also for hot seafood sauces, such as grilled seafood.

Tip: For Chinese food, it can be used as a dipping sauce for crispy pigeons, fried lamb chops, and seafood.

Mountain Eastern European Mickey's Knowledge Encyclopedia of Western Food: Western Secret Sauce Recipes Western Kitchen Essentials

Fruit yellow peach sauce


Ingredients: 100 g of yellow peach, 15 g of olive oil, 5 g of salt, 2 g of sugar.

Preparation: Put the yellow peaches, olive oil, salt and sugar in a blender and beat well.

Features: with a strong yellow peach flavor, the taste is refreshing, sweet, the color is light yellow and beautiful.

Suitable for: For English afternoon tea, it can also be used as a head plate for cold dishes, such as a special salad.

Tip: Chinese chefs can use dips to make a variety of desserts.

Mountain Eastern European Mickey's Knowledge Encyclopedia of Western Food: Western Secret Sauce Recipes Western Kitchen Essentials

Red wine juice

Ingredients: 4 kg of chicken rack, 300-400 g of onion, 1.25 ml of red wine, 100 g of carrots and celery, 5 g of olive oil.

1: Put olive oil in the pot, when it is 70% hot, add onion, carrots, celery and stir-fry incense, add chicken rack, 10 kg of water to boil, change the heat to low and simmer for 2 hours.

2: Filter the boiled soup to cool and add red wine to taste.

Features: Rich in taste and mellow aftertaste.

Applicable: Mainly used for steak, lamb chops and other grilled dishes, such as coffee lamb chops, steak steaks.

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