
Just because he ate a bottle of canned pears, my husband beat his pregnant wife to the point of miscarriage: this was left for my father to eat

author:Gold Medal Mediation TV

The daughter said it wasn't the father she wanted. The wife said that such a husband made her desperate. But Mr. Zhou said that he did not come today to theoretically reconcile with them, but for his son, because in his son's heart, there was no longer his position as a father. But for his father's expectations, the son bluntly said that his father was not important to him and did not care. As the head of the family, What did he do to become such an embarrassing presence in this family. Can today's mediation bring the family back together?

Just because he ate a bottle of canned pears, my husband beat his pregnant wife to the point of miscarriage: this was left for my father to eat

At the beginning of the mediation, the wife pointed the finger at the husband, and the husband said that the son had the greatest problem, but a pair of children thought that the marriage of mom and dad was already a kind of harm to them. When it comes to appeals, the family basically says their own words, does not echo each other, and sounds very complicated. But his wife, Ms. Huang, said that things at their home were actually very simple, because all the damage came from her husband Lao Zhou.

Just because he ate a bottle of canned pears, my husband beat his pregnant wife to the point of miscarriage: this was left for my father to eat

First and foremost was domestic violence, when she was five months pregnant in 1986. That day she ate a bottle of canned pears at home, and when her husband found out, he angrily said: This is for my father to eat. This made her unhappy, and she replied: What if I eat it. Immediately after that, her husband did something to her, which made her very unbearable. Later, she found out that she had miscarried, and this matter she had always been haunted by and unforgettable.

Just because he ate a bottle of canned pears, my husband beat his pregnant wife to the point of miscarriage: this was left for my father to eat

Lao Zhou explained that in this matter, he knew that his behavior was inappropriate, but he was that character. Pears can be eaten by anyone, but mainly the wife did not eat them in front of him, which made him feel uncomfortable and said casually. Who knew that his wife was like a barrel of explosives that had been lit, and his temper suddenly broke out, which made him finally uncontrollable.

Ms. Huang said that this was just one of the things, and in 2005, the beating was even more fierce, and it was still in front of her daughter at that time, which made her very unacceptable. Finally, because she was afraid that her husband would beat her to death, she took a kitchen knife and slashed three knives in her hand, which stopped her husband's crazy behavior, which left a lot of psychological shadows on her.

Just because he ate a bottle of canned pears, my husband beat his pregnant wife to the point of miscarriage: this was left for my father to eat

The eldest daughter told us that when she first graduated, she had a little bit of mild depression and had been sick all the time. But as a father, instead of caring at all, he said that she was talking nonsense, not only splashing her with cold water, but also beating her with his hands. When I was a child, because of my good grades and fewer mistakes, I didn't play much. And this time let her completely understand her father's personality, every time she encounters a problem, her father's solution is very simple and rude, which is very unacceptable.

Just because he ate a bottle of canned pears, my husband beat his pregnant wife to the point of miscarriage: this was left for my father to eat

Lao Zhou explained that in order to live, he was already under a lot of pressure, and he had to face his wife's endless quarrels every day, which made him depressed all the time. At that time, because of her depression, her daughter always scolded other people in the courtyard, so that she did not talk less and did not listen, and he could only take that way.

Just because he ate a bottle of canned pears, my husband beat his pregnant wife to the point of miscarriage: this was left for my father to eat

For the mother, the daughter also has dissatisfaction, she said, every time the mother will be dissatisfied with the father, to complain to them, for a long time, such a negative energy catharsis, so that she has always lived a very depressed life, she is very worried, such a state will not affect her next generation.

Just because he ate a bottle of canned pears, my husband beat his pregnant wife to the point of miscarriage: this was left for my father to eat

His son Xiao Zhou told us that he grew up on his own, and in his growth process, his parents have always been absent. Since elementary school, he has been at the home of relatives. After junior high school, it is he who takes care of himself, and for his father, he knows that he will beat him, everything else is vague, which is why he will have such an attitude towards his father. In his opinion, all this is now caused by his father himself.

Just because he ate a bottle of canned pears, my husband beat his pregnant wife to the point of miscarriage: this was left for my father to eat

The observer wants to remind Lao Zhou that if he continues to commit violence against his relatives, then the end will eventually be rebellion. At the same time, the lawyer reminded Ms. Huang that after domestic violence, she must do a good job of injury examination and a series of measures, which is very important for the subsequent protection of rights. In addition, the Sultan also wants to remind Ms. Huang that long and repeated nagging is sometimes a verbal violence. Finally, I also hope that the couple can face up to the harm they have caused to their children.

After the secret room came out, Lao Zhou's performance surprised everyone, especially the sons and daughters on the field. When Lao Zhou walked to his wife with flowers in his hand, they saw hope, and their faces showed rare surprise and touch. Such a picture makes us fully feel the power of change. We hope that this power can continue forever, so that every member of this family will henceforth have a home full of vitality, harmony and warmth.

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