
Skill | Master Dish 84: Mushroom tofu is tender and lubricated, tender and smooth, tender and creamy tenderloin cucumber soup

author:10 points for men

Compiled | men's help instructors

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Column B: Skills: Cooking

Skill | Master Dish 84: Mushroom tofu is tender and lubricated, tender and smooth, tender and creamy tenderloin cucumber soup

Today's dish is mushroom tofu

Ingredients: 50 g of fresh mushrooms, 1 piece of tofu.

Seasoning: 75 grams of cooking oil, 2 grams of refined salt, 15 grams of soy sauce, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 10 grams of rice wine, 50 grams of broth, 40 grams of water starch, 10 grams of sesame oil, 2 grams of minced green onion, 2 grams of minced ginger.


(1) Blanch the mushrooms with boiling water and drain the water; cut the tofu into 0.8 cm cubes, and blanch them with boiling water to drain the water.

(2) Take a small bowl and add broth, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, water starch and sesame oil to form a marinade.

(3) Heat a spoon on a fire, add cooking oil (50 grams), when hot, use minced green onion and ginger to simmer in a pot, then add fresh mushrooms and diced tofu and sauté, then pour in the right marinade and simmer.

【Cooking Tips】

This dish is silver red after making, tender and lubricated, and salty.

Skill | Master Dish 84: Mushroom tofu is tender and lubricated, tender and smooth, tender and creamy tenderloin cucumber soup

Pumpkin edamame soup

【Ingredients: half a pound of pumpkin, 2 pairs of edamame, a number of goji berries】

【Seasoning: clear soup, cooking oil, salt, chicken essence, minced green onion】


1. Wash each ingredient, cut the pumpkin into pieces, and peel off the edamame.

2. Sauté the chopped chives in hot oil in a wok, then add the broth, edamame, pumpkin and chicken essence, bring to a boil on high heat and reduce the heat to cook for half an hour, add salt.

Nutrition Tips:

Readers who are anorexic and tired can try to eat some edamame, in addition, it also has a certain emollient effect.

Skill | Master Dish 84: Mushroom tofu is tender and lubricated, tender and smooth, tender and creamy tenderloin cucumber soup

Tenderloin cucumber soup

【Ingredients: pork tenderloin 2 two, squeezed vegetables 1 two, cucumber 1, rape rape, goji berries a few】

【Seasoning: clear soup, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, salt, sesame oil】

1. Wash all the ingredients, cut the pork tenderloin into thin slices and blanch the water, cut the cucumber and squeezed vegetables into thin slices, and tear the rapeseed into pieces.

2. After cooking the broth and pork tenderloin slices in the soup pot, add cooking wine, salt, goji berries, rape pieces, cucumber slices, squeezed vegetable slices, boil over high heat, add MSG, and drizzle with sesame oil.

Skill | Master Dish 84: Mushroom tofu is tender and lubricated, tender and smooth, tender and creamy tenderloin cucumber soup

Healthy Eating - Dishes recommended

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