
The Korean Open is hotly discussing the best team of the LPL summer tournament: the second team won the MVP is really hilarious!

author:Beta watches the game

The All-NBS Team for the Summer Season was announced, Scout won the regular-season MVP, and Tangyuan was named Rookie of the Year. One team upper single bin, playing wild kanavi, middle single knight, lower road Ruler plus ON, second team upper single 369, playing wild xun, middle single scout, lower road ELK plus missing, third team upper single shanji, playing wild tian, middle single yagao, lower road JKL plus Liu Qingsong. Soon this result also triggered a large number of LCK netizens heated discussion, let's take a look at what their views are!

The Korean Open is hotly discussing the best team of the LPL summer tournament: the second team won the MVP is really hilarious!

-Bin, Kanavi, Knight, Ruler and ON, this lineup is really good.

-What? Is scout MVP?

-So powerful, he has 2 consecutive MVPs.

-To be honest, I thought Xun or Kanavi would win the MVP, but it was a bit strange for the second team to win the MVP.

-What was the situation when the second team got the MVP?


- But Scout really plays well.

- Then why is it just the second formation?

The Korean Open is hotly discussing the best team of the LPL summer tournament: the second team won the MVP is really hilarious!

-scout is MVP, but not for a while.

-Yagao was driven to 3 formations like a dog.

-What a pity.

-The first time I saw the second team player win the MVP.

-How can there be a second team member who wins the MVP?

- It should be that the voting of the MVP is too fragmented.

-Although I won the MVP, but I didn't make the cut, is this like words?

-What is the MVP of the second formation? Ha ha.

-MVP is not a team member.

The Korean Open is hotly discussing the best team of the LPL summer tournament: the second team won the MVP is really hilarious!

-For a while, it was almost the same as expected, but I thought Kanavi should win the MVP.

-It is worthy of being a human MVP, a man who gets an MVP more often than eating, as long as he plays a game, he can get an MVP, why did God create an MVP and let Scout be born?

-The MVP of the second team is unprecedented, right?

-Ruler is back for a while.

- Is it MVP, but is it a second formation?

-It's the first time I've seen the second team take the MVP.

- No, it's obviously an MVP, why in the second formation, it's too unspeakable.

The Korean Open is hotly discussing the best team of the LPL summer tournament: the second team won the MVP is really hilarious!

-There are only 2 first-place players in the first team, and the MVP is the second team. If this is LCK's selection, something big will happen.

-Wow, ON God was finally selected for a while.

- 2nd in class, but 1st in school.

-How fierce is the competition between the first team and the second team? It is obviously MVP, but it is only a single in the second team.

-How did BLG get the first place?

-Will LPL also disclose who chose whom?

-It's a little strange that the second team took the MVP. How big of a difference is there?

- First Team: Ranked according to the regular season ranking. MVP: It's for players who play well. It looks like that's how it was judged.

The Korean Open is hotly discussing the best team of the LPL summer tournament: the second team won the MVP is really hilarious!

-It's really funny that the second team got the MVP.

-Although BLG is the first place, it is still much worse than JDG.

-What is the MVP of the second team? It's MVP, how can it be only the second formation?

-It's really a novel idea to win the MVP in the second team.

- Why is Knight a burst, but scout is MVP?

-Second team MVP Nishihachiah.

-Scout is the MVP, it's hilarious.

-I think if the votes are too scattered, there will be a second MVP, which is really magical.

- No, is scout an MVP?

-MVP should be for a group of players. It seems that this is the case, and the person who voted for the MVP scout also voted for his best team, but the BLG and JDG split the votes too badly to make this happen.

- For the first time in his life, Yagao was named to the All-Tournament team.

- Wait, kanavi isn't an MVP.

So, do you have anything to say about the views of these LCK netizens? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.