
23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

author:Pony food diagram
23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy conch

Ingredients: conch meat, red pepper pieces, ginger, green onion, minced garlic, dried chili pepper, peppercorns, sesame oil, bean paste, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, vinegar, fresh soup.

1. Wash the conch meat, change the flower knife and blanch it in boiling water.

2. Heat the oil pot, stir-fry the bean paste, green onion, ginger, minced garlic, dried chili pepper and peppercorns until fragrant, add fresh soup, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, vinegar and conch, red pepper cubes and stir-fry well, drizzle with sesame oil.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy field snails

Ingredients: snails, green onions, sesame seeds, ginger, minced garlic, coriander leaves, spices, dried chili pepper segments, peppercorns, soy sauce, sesame oil, chicken essence, bean paste, fresh soup.

1. Treat the snails cleanly and blanch them in boiling water, remove and set aside.

2. Heat the oil pot, sauté the bean paste, ginger, minced garlic, spices, dried chili pepper segments, add fresh soup, monosodium glutamate and snails and cook and remove.

3. Heat the oil pan, stir-fry the peppercorns, soy sauce, sesame oil, green onion, sesame seeds and snails, and sprinkle the coriander leaves.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy marinated duck tongue

1. Wash the duck tongue, heat the oil in a wok, put ginger slices, minced garlic, dried red pepper segments and stir-fry, add water, duck tongue, soy sauce soy sauce, white sugar, large ingredients, salt, brine for half an hour, fish out the duck tongue, put on the plate after cold, add MSG, chili oil and mix well, sprinkle green onions and cooked sesame seeds.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy tofu

1. Cut or slice the tofu, fry golden brown, heat the pot, sauté the sugar red, heat the water, tofu, salt, cooking wine, collect the juice, put it out and let it cool.

2. Put the oil in the pot, put the green onion ginger, chili pepper, fry the large ingredients until fragrant, pour into the tofu, add the chili oil and mix well.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy tamales

Ingredients: pork belly, rice, star anise, dried red pepper, cooking wine, curd milk, sweet noodle sauce, dark soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sugar and minced Pixian hot sauce.

1. Wash the non-stick pan and heat it over high heat until there is no water in the pan. Reduce to medium-low heat and pour the rice (do not wash to keep dry) into the pan.

2. Sauté until the rice turns slightly yellow, add star anise and dried red pepper to continue sautéing until fragrant. After 2 minutes, pour out the rice, remove the peppers and star anise and set aside.

3. After the fried rice is naturally cooled, crush it with a blender for about 5 seconds, and the rice can be beaten into fine particles. Don't make the rice too long, and don't beat the rice into too delicate rice noodles.

4. Cut the pork belly into large pieces, add the sautéed star anise, mix in cooking wine, curd milk, sweet noodle sauce, dark soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sugar and minced Pixian hot sauce, stir well and marinate for 15 minutes.

5. Add the beaten rice noodles to the pork belly, grasp and mix well with your hands.

6. Spread a layer of lotus leaves on the bottom of the small steamer basket and spread out the pieces of pork belly into the plate.

7. Pour more water into the steamer, bring to a boil on high heat and adjust to medium heat, put into the steamer basket, cover the lid, steam for more than one and a half hours, and take it out.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Fragrant drunken pig's trotters

Ingredients: Pig's trotters, minced ginger, green onion, mash sauce, soy sauce, tomato sauce, salt, rock sugar, water starch, cooking wine.

1. Handle the trotters cleanly and chop them into pieces.

2. Heat the oil pan, add tomato sauce, ginger and shallots, cooking wine, mixed with water, pig's trotter pieces, dark soy sauce, rock sugar, salt, mash sauce, and heat over high heat for 1 hour.

3. Reduce the heat to low heat until the trotters are fully cooked. Clip out and plate.

4. Grease the water starch in the pot and drizzle on the pig's trotters.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy back to the pot pork head meat

1. Wash the pork head, marinate and slice; wash the green peppers, remove the stalks and seeds, and cut into diamond-shaped slices.

2. Put the pot on the fire, put the oil to heat, put the oil to heat, add the marinated pork head slices and simmer, add the green pepper slices, dried pepper segments, peppercorns, garlic slices. Stir-fry slices of ginger and green onion, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, sesame oil, and cooking wine and stir-fry well.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy stewed pot fish

Ingredients: fresh fish, crispy paste, vegetable ingredients (ginger slices, shredded onion, carrot slices, celery knots, green pepper pieces, etc.), dried chili pepper shreds, fresh orange peel shreds, salt, cooking wine, pepper, monosodium glutamate, wood ginger seed oil, salad oil each appropriate amount.

1. After slaughtering and curing the fresh fish, open a large piece, leave the head and tail of the pot and add vegetable material, salt, cooking wine and pepper to marinate for 5 minutes;

2, when the oil is boiled to 50% heat in the net pot, the fish head, tail and fish fillet are hung with crispy paste, and when the frying pan is golden brown, pour out the draining oil;

3: Heat a little oil in the pot, stir-fry the dried chili pepper and fresh orange peel, pour in the fish fillets, etc., add salt and MSG and stir-fry well, pour a little wood ginger oil before the pot can be plated.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy dried sautéed mushrooms

1. Sautéed pepper salt: Fry the salt dry under the pot, fry the pepper noodles, and fry the coarse and fine pepper noodles out of the pot for later.

2. Treat the mushrooms cleanly and tear the strips for later.

3. Whole egg paste: beat the eggs well, add corn starch, flour to an appropriate amount, stir well, add salt, monosodium glutamate, a little peppercorns and mix well.

4. Put the mushroom strips into the whole egg paste and mix well, fry them golden in the pan to drain the oil and set aside.

5. Put the wok on the high heat, heat the oil, stir-fry the dried peppercorns, you can add onions, celery and other side dishes to stir-fry, add mushrooms and stir-fry evenly, sprinkle with pepper salt, and put it on the plate.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy dried pot chicken

Ingredients: tender chicken, soybean sprouts, chives, garlic, ginger, dried red pepper, star anise, peppercorns, sautéed white sesame seeds, salt, eggs, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, chicken essence, cooking wine, hot boiled water, black pepper powder, balsamic vinegar.  

1. Cut the chicken into cubes, cut the chives into long pieces, chop the garlic and ginger into minced pieces, and cut off the roots of the soybean sprouts.

2. Cut the dried red pepper into sections.

3. Add salt to the diced chicken and marinate a little 1/4 egg for 30 minutes.

4. Put soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, chicken essence, cooking wine, and water into a bowl and mix well.

5. Heat the wok, add a little oil, cool oil into the chicken nuggets, sauté over medium heat.

6. Slowly fry until the chicken nuggets shrink and the grease inside is forced out.

7. Heat the pan, pour the oil into the pot again, add the peppercorns, star anise, ginger and garlic, white onion, dried red pepper and sauté over low heat to bring out the aroma.

8. Pour in the chicken nuggets, drizzle with seasonings, black pepper, stir-fry over high heat, add chives and balsamic vinegar and stir-fry until the water is completely dry.

9. Heat the dry pot on the heat, add a little oil, add the soybean sprouts and salt, and slowly fry until the soybean sprouts are broken.

10. Pour the chicken nuggets on the dry pot, sprinkle with white sesame seeds, and eat them while heating on the dry pot.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy yellow spicy dice

Ingredients: Yellow spicy diced, soybean sprouts, celery, garlic sprouts, bean paste, dried chili festival peppercorns, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, pepper, monosodium glutamate chicken essence, sesame oil, hot pot base, salad oil.

1: Treat the yellow and spicy diced well, add salt, ginger and shallots, and marinate in cooking wine.

2: Heat the pan with oil, watercress, hot pot base, ginger and garlic rice, add fresh soup, soybean sprouts, celery, garlic seedlings, cooking wine, salt, cooked and fished out of the poured dish.

3: Heat the yellow and spicy diced, simmer over low heat, season after cooking: MSG, chicken essence, stir-fry out of the pot and pour on the dish.

4: Dried peppercorns under the oil in a hot pan, sauté until fragrant, and drizzle on the fish.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy cucumber

Ingredients: Cucumber, green and red pepper shreds, ginger and shallots, peppercorns, vinegar, sugar, salt, sesame oil.

1. Wash and cut the cucumber at both ends, cut it in half, dig out the melon, make a coat shape, cut it into long segments, and place the green skin flat in a colander.

2. Heat sesame oil in a wok and pour over the cucumber until the cucumber is green and remove the remaining oil when the pattern appears, and place it in a bowl.

3. Put the wok on the fire, add sesame oil to heat, first fry the peppercorns, fish out the don't, then put the red pepper shreds, green onion and ginger shreds under the pot, add vinegar, sugar and salt to fry into the juice, pour on the cucumber and mix well, you can put the green skin up on the plate.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy shredded tofu

Ingredients: Shredded tofu, red pepper, coriander leaves, chili oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil.

1. Change the tofu shreds into segments, soak in warm water, put in boiling water, fish into cold boiling water, drain, put into the dish and set aside. Remove the seeds from the red peppers, wash and cut into strips. Wash the parsley leaves and cut into segments.

2. Put the shredded tofu, red pepper shredded, coriander segments together in a large bowl, add chili oil, salt, monosodium glutamate and sesame oil to taste, mix well and put on the plate.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy duck paradise

1: First rinse the duck paradise (that is, the lips of the duck, the market has bagged products for sale) with running water, and then put it into a boiling water pot with ginger and shallots and cooking wine to cook until it is just cooked, and then fish it out and soak it in ice water with lemon juice to set aside.

2: Add salt, chicken powder, oyster sauce, abalone juice, delicious soy sauce, spicy fresh sauce, copied soy sauce, Boryeong vinegar, sugar, beef sauce, chicken juice, red oil, sesame oil and pepper oil, mix well and put into a plate with wild coriander festivals, and finally sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds and garnish with mint leaves.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy rabbit head

Ingredients Five-spiced rabbit head or fresh rabbit head, green and red pepper, onion, ginger onion garlic, spicy sauce, chili noodles, salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate chicken essence, sesame oil, old oil, cooked sesame seeds.

1. Onion, green and red pepper chopped into cubes.

2. Treat the rabbit head clean, add ginger shallots, pepper, cooking wine, and blanch the water.

3. Halogen: Halogen on low heat for 30 minutes. (To make brine: 1. Star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, licorice, cumin, grass fruit, white buckle and other hot water soaked in incense.) 2. Sauté sugar color. 3. Stir-fried vegetarian spices: hot pot under the oil, under ginger and onion, celery, shallots, onions, carrots, boiled fragrant, boiled dry fished out, and then under the appropriate amount of white wine, soaked spices and water, add sugar color, salt out of the flavor under the rabbit head marinade) marinate in half cut.

4. 40% or 50% oil temperature rabbit head over oil.

4. Heat the pan under the oil, under the spicy sauce, old oil or red oil, chili noodles, ginger garlic rice, under 1 of the ingredients sautéed fragrantly.

5. Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate chicken essence, sesame oil, cooking wine, rabbit head, cooked sesame seeds, green onion can be added celery, stir-fry evenly and start the pot.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy shredded dog meat

Ingredients: Dog tenderloin, ginger and garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, rice wine, wet starch, sesame oil, vegetable oil, green onion, red pepper.

1. Cut the dog meat into coarse strips, put it in a basin of salt, monosodium glutamate, rice wine and wet starch, mix well, and marinate until flavorful.

2. Heat the wok over high heat, pour vegetable oil and heat it to 30% or 40%, put the shredded dog meat into the oil pan and slip it out, pour into a colander and drain the oil.

3. Leave an appropriate amount of oil in the wok, add ginger and garlic and sauté until golden brown, then add shredded dog meat, green onion, red pepper shreds, salt, monosodium glutamate, and rice wine to turn over and cook until cooked, drizzle with sesame oil, and put on the plate.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy meat crab

Ingredients: meat crab, spicy sauce, ginger, garlic, green onion, salt, cooking wine, pepper, sugar, sesame oil, cooked peanut rice, dried fine starch, monosodium glutamate, vegetable oil, chili oil.

1. Wash the crab after slaughter, uncover the shell, chop into small pieces, put it in a bowl, add salt, cooking wine, pepper and mix well, marinate for 10 minutes, then stick to the dry fine starch.

2. Heat vegetable oil until 60% heat, fry the crab until golden brown.

3. Leave a little oil in the pot, stir-fry the chili sauce, ginger and garlic until fragrant, add the meat and crab, cook the cooking wine, chili oil, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, stir-fry evenly, pour in sesame oil, start the pot and serve, sprinkle with green onions and cooked crushed peanuts and rice.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy potato chips with steamed buns

Ingredients: potatoes, flour, sesame paste, peanut butter, chili noodles, pepper noodles, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, vinegar, allspice or thirteen spices, shallot ginger, onion, salad oil.

1. Prepare an appropriate amount of potatoes to peel and wash, cut into thin and even slices, soak in water and soak in starch for later.

2. Add an appropriate amount of flour to the pot, an appropriate amount of baking powder, add 40 degrees of warm water and evenly, knead into a smooth dough, cover the lid and wake up for half an hour, knead the dough after waking up, roll out the strips of glue into a white dough cake of uniform size, heat the pan and heat it directly into the cake blank to cook it to put it for later.

3. Take a large bowl, add the appropriate amount of peanut butter, sesame paste, oyster sauce, soy sauce and stir well.

4. Take another pot, add an appropriate amount of chili noodles, pepper noodles, five spice powder or thirteen spices, balsamic vinegar a little stir well, put the pot on the fire, pour in the appropriate amount of salad oil to cook, add green onion, ginger, onion, fried incense fish out, burn until slightly smoke, splash on the prepared chili noodles, while pouring and stirring to become chili oil.

5. Mix the appropriate amount of chili oil with the sesame sauce, add salt, monosodium glutamate, a little sugar, and the salt should be slightly heavier to highlight the flavor of the sauce.

6. Boil water in a pot, boil and add potato chips to blanch until it is broken, remove and cool for use.

7. Cut the cake with a knife, then wrap the potato chips with sauce and put them into the cake to eat, or add some lettuce leaves.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy duck gizzards

1. Treat the duck gizzard cleanly, slice it, put it in a pot and cook it, drain it, pot it, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, chili oil, marinate until the duck gizzard tastes good, remove and plate.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy Overlord Elbow

Ingredients: Pork knuckles, ginger slices, green onion, cooked sesame seeds, dried chili pepper segments, pepper, cooking wine, caramel, peppercorns, salt, white vinegar, sugar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, red brine.

1. After blanching the pork knuckle, coat the skin with caramel and white vinegar, fry in the pan until the skin is brownish red, then put it in the red brine pot and remove it, and cut a few knives in the elbow meat.

2. Fry the dried pepper segments, peppercorns, ginger slices, lower elbows, salt, pepper, sugar, cooking wine and stir-fry evenly, drizzle sesame oil, take out the elbow and plate, pour the pepper segments and peppercorns in the pot on the elbow, sprinkle sesame seeds and green onions.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy horse noodle fish

Ingredients: horse noodle fish, sesame seeds, vegetable oil, salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, chili oil, oyster sauce, soy sauce and soy sauce.

1. Treat the fish cleanly, cut the fish body with a knife, smear with salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, chili oil, and marinate for 2 hours.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a wok, add chili oil and horse noodle fish, fry until the fish is cooked, add salt, oyster sauce and soy sauce, simmer until the fish tastes.

3. After cooling, fish out the horse noodle fish, serve the plate, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy striped fish

Ingredients: with fish, cucumber strips, spicy sauce, dried chili, peppercorns, peppercorns, cooking wine, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sugar, pepper oil, sesame oil, ginger garlic, a little salt.

1. Bring the fish to clean and change the knife.

2. Add pepper, salt and cooking wine to taste

3. Fry in a pan of 50% oil until golden brown.

4. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, sauté the ginger and garlic slices until fragrant, add the dried chili peppers, peppercorns, spicy sauce, and add the fish.

5. Seasoning: a little sugar, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, a little salt, cooking wine, pepper oil, sesame oil, stir-fry out of the pot and plate.

23 spicy dishes with rich ingredients, including cold dishes and hot stir-fry, showing a variety of dishes

Spicy cucumber peel

Ingredients: Cucumber, red pepper, salt, ginger shredded, peppercorns, dried red pepper, sugar, sesame oil.

1. Wash and cut the cucumber into long pieces, peel off the melon and part of the cucumber flesh, take the 0.3 cm thick cucumber skin, wash the red pepper, remove the stem and the seeds, and cut into strips.

2. Add cucumber peel and salt to the dish, mix well, marinate for 15 minutes, decant the water, sprinkle with shredded ginger and fresh red pepper. Heat sesame oil in a wok, add peppercorns, dried red peppers, fry until fragrant, turn off the heat, pour into a dish with cucumber skins, add sugar, and mix well.

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