
Chicken stewed with cucumber

author:Soup nourishes the face

Chicken casserole cucumber pot time: 1 hour

【Ingredients】1 cucumber, 8 field chickens, 15 grams of goji berries.

【Seasoning】 2 green onions, 25 grams of ginger, 1 tbsp salt, 2 tsp each of monosodium glutamate and cooking wine, 5 tsp pepper.


1 cucumber washed, scooped and cut into pieces.

2 chicken cut and washed, cut into pieces, put in boiling water and slightly blanched, washed with clean water, wiped dry, add ingredients and mix well, set aside

3 Put the soup ingredients into the soup pot together, and pour a small half pot of water, after boiling, change to a medium-low heat for 1 hour until the ingredients are cooked and the soup is thick, season and serve while hot.

【Shopping Tips】

Wild field chickens may have parasites, so it is best to pay attention to the selection of artificially bred field chickens when purchasing.

Chicken stewed with cucumber