
My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

author:Foodie Program

In the summer, the lazy state of life makes us more and more eager for a great breakfast. Today I will introduce you to my family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, and the family rushes to eat on the table! These are the most popular family breakfast options, adults and children are very liked, the appearance of high taste is even better, you also hurry to try it!

1. 【Homemade Pizza】

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

Ingredients: 250 g of high gluten flour 20 g of sugar 3 g of yeast 120 g of milk 1 egg 2 g of salt 15 g of butter 15 g of tomatoes 1 onion 2 spoons of light soy sauce 2 spoons of tomato sauce 2 spoons of pepper 1 spoonful of salt 1 sachet of bacon Pepper to taste of red pepper

Preparation Method:

1, first of all, in addition to salt and butter other materials to form a soft dough, and then add butter and salt into it, kneaded into a smooth dough;

2, then divide the dough into 2 equal parts, roll out into large round cakes, put it on a pizza plate, tidy it up, and then poke a small hole in it; put it in a warm place to wake up to twice the size;

3. Prepare bacon, cut into small pieces and set aside;

4. Prepare your favorite side dishes: shredded onion, shredded green pepper, shredded red pepper;

5, peel the tomatoes and cut into small cubes, cut the onions into small cubes; add the appropriate amount of vegetable oil to the pot, add the diced onions after the oil is hot, stir-fry the aroma, then add the tomatoes, stir-fry the juice, and then add soy sauce, oyster sauce, tomato sauce, pepper, salt and stir well; slowly simmer until the thick state can be;

6, wake up the good pizza, then spread the cool tomato sauce on the pizza base, sprinkle a thick layer of cheese, put the bacon on it, and then sprinkle your favorite vegetables;

7: Finally sprinkle a layer of chopped cheese; preheat the oven, bake at 190 degrees on high and low heat for about 20 minutes, cut into pieces after baking and eat. Our homemade pizza was done, it was simple but tasted amazing!

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

2. 【Potato fried rice】

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

Ingredients: 2 potatoes 1/2 flour 1/2 carrot 1 shallot 2 eggs 2 soy sauce 1 tbsp oyster sauce 1 tbsp salt

1、 Prepare 2 potatoes to peel;

2, then put on the cutting board and cut into small pieces;

3, then put the potatoes in a slightly larger bowl, add a small amount of flour in parts, let each potato wrap in flour; then put the potatoes in the cage drawer, steam for about 5-8 minutes; potatoes can be steamed, can not be steamed for a long time, out of the pot shake open;

4, after the eggs are beaten, put oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, pour in the egg liquid, keep scattering, solidifying;

5: Cut carrots and shallots into small pieces and set aside; add some vegetable oil to the pot, heat the oil and add the carrots

6: Wait until the carrots are soft, add the diced potatoes and crushed eggs and stir-fry well. Then add salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce and stir-fry evenly, and finally add green onion and stir-fry evenly;

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

3. [Ham Chives Bread]

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

Ingredients: 350 g of high gluten flour 1 egg 20 g of milk powder 40 g of sugar 3 g of salt 20 g of butter 140 g of milk 140 g of shallots 2 ham

1: First put the ingredients other than butter and salt in the bread machine bucket, knead into a dough, and then put the butter and salt in and continue kneading the dough:

2, knead the dough out of the thick film can be;

3: Then roll out the dough to the same size as the baking sheet;

4, then put in the baking pan, with a fork to poke a lot of small holes, put in a warm place to wake up to twice the size;

5: Cut the diced ham and shallots into small pieces and set aside; the dough is fermented to twice the size, brushed with a layer of egg liquid on the surface, and then sprinkled with diced ham and green onion;

6, the oven preheats, bake at 180 degrees above and below the heat for about 20 minutes; the oven temperature is for reference only; our small bread is easy to get!

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

4. 【Spinach vermicelli pancake】

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

Ingredients: 300 grams of regular flour 160ml spinach 1 handful of eggs 1 handful of vermicelli 1 spoon of oyster sauce 2 grams of pepper 2 grams of five-spice powder 1/2 tsp of salt A few drops of sesame oil

1, first come and a dough, ordinary flour add about 160ml of water, and into a smooth dough, the surface brush oil, sealed aside to wake up;

2, spinach wash and blanch water, and then put in cool water to soak;

3, then squeeze the spinach dry and chop, the vermicelli soaked in advance soft and chopped, egg scrambled and added, add oyster sauce, pepper, five-spice powder, salt, sesame oil;

4. Finally, mix well. This step can be left after the noodles are rolled out before mixing to prevent the filling from coming out of the water;

5, take out the dough and cut it into a dough that is slightly larger than the skin of the dumplings; then roll out the small dough into a pancake, this step does not need to be rolled too thin; put on the prepared filling;

6, first fold the front and back, and then fold up left and right. The rest is all done; the pan is preheated and brushed with oil, put the cake embryos in it, turn on medium-low heat and fry slowly, fry until both sides are golden brown;

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

5. 【Meat pine shellfish】

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

Ingredients: 4 eggs 50 g Low gluten flour 35 g Sugar 40 g Milk 40 g Corn oil 150 g Meat floss sauce to taste

1, the basin containing egg whites should be clean and oil-free and water-free, add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg whites, add 35 grams of white sugar in parts, and beat until the egg beater has small sharp corners;

2, egg white egg yolk separation, egg yolk add 40 grams of sugar, 40 grams of corn oil, stir well; then sift in 50 grams of low gluten flour, Z shape stirring to no particle smooth state;

3, first divide a part of the meringue into the egg yolk paste, mix well with the method of mixing, and then pour back into the egg white basin, continue to mix evenly; mix until smooth and delicate state;

4: Then pour on top of the baking sheet, the baking tray is spread with silicone oil paper in advance, the surface is smoothed out; the oven is preheated in advance, and the heat is 160 degrees above and below for about 15 minutes (the oven temperature is for reference only). After baking, the heat is shaken out and then placed on the grill to cool;

5, and then use the blur to carve out the circle;

6, prepare homemade pork floss and an appropriate amount of salad dressing; take a cake slice, apply the appropriate amount of salad dressing, then cover another cake slice, and then coat the whole body of the cake with salad dressing; finally put it in the meat floss wrapped in meat floss. Our meat pine shells are ready.

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

6. 【Steamed Cake】

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

Ingredients: 4 eggs 100 g low gluten flour 35 g lemon juice to taste dried cranberries

1、 Beat 4 whole eggs in a clean oil-free and water-free basin, add lemon juice and sugar;

2, with an electric whisk to beat, beat until the whisk is lifted, the dripping egg liquid can stay for 5 seconds without disappearing;

3, and then sift in 100 grams of low powder;

4, mix evenly, can not draw a circle to mix, from the bottom up to mix, mix until you can not see the dry powder, smooth and no particles can be;

5, prepare the appropriate amount of small mold, the bottom pad oil paper, and then pour the batter into it, shake a few times, and then sprinkle the appropriate amount of dried cranberries;

6, boil the water pot steaming, before steaming to cover the tin foil, to prevent water vapor dripping; after the pot slightly cool, with a toothpick to cut around, defilming can be;

My family's favorite 6 breakfasts, delicious and nutritious, not heavy for a week, on the table family rush to eat

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