
Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

author:Popular science becomes a flower

In recent years, humans have captured many, many giant animals, especially giant fish, but also many terrestrial behemoths have been caught.

If humans hadn't actually captured these "goblin monsters", you might never have been able to imagine how big they could grow!

As the saying goes, there are no wonders in the world, and there are even more strange things in the animal kingdom.

You may have seen a lot of very large animals, but I believe that after you read the most animals listed in this article, you will understand what is the largest animal in the world, and what is called a small witch!

The following "goblin" animals are so large that it will make people wonder if this cargo is from an alien planet! Let's take a look at the giant animals that have been captured in human history:

1#, Indonesia captures the world's largest snake 15 meters long! Weighs 447 kg!

Recently, a small park in Indonesia exhibited a very rare snake, 14.85 meters long and weighing 447 kilograms, which is the longest and largest snake ever discovered by humans in the past 100 years, and the longest known snake in the world.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

According to British media reports on December 30, the big snake was found in a primeval forest on the indonesian island of Sumatra in western Indonesia, and the locals caught it and sold it to the park, and the park's management named the big snake "Osmanthus Flower".

Although the name sounds gentle, it is said that the large mouth of the "osmanthus flower" is very scary once opened, and it can easily swallow an entire person.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Indonesian local media reported that the snake was tested by academic institutions such as the National Institute of Sciences and the Agricultural Research Institute to confirm its length, weight and breed.

Many zoologists say they have never seen a snake this big or so long.

2#, the world's largest mosquito!

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

The Guinness Book of Records (also known as the Guinness Book of World Records) is currently the largest mosquito in the world, about forty centimeters long, and the largest mosquito in the world is almost as large as a human face in the Tokyo Museum, almost frightening!

There are 2 species of giant mosquitoes in existence: one is a purple giant mosquito that grows at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, and the other is a golden-bellied giant mosquito that is active below 1,000 meters, and their body size is about 10 times larger than that of ordinary mosquitoes, about the size of human fingers.

These two giant mosquitoes are extremely rare, about 10 times larger than the average mosquito, and researchers call them "giant mosquitoes".

3#, the largest carp in the world

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Britain's "Sun" reported that a fishing expert in Thailand caught the world's largest carp.

The fish weighed 120 kilograms and was spotted on July 2 in Lake Sam Lan in Thailand. What's even more amazing is that it was actually released 23 years ago. According to reports, the largest carp caught by humans before this was 40 kg.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

I was watching fish in Hangzhou's Flower Harbor, and I had seen carp half a meter long, and I already thought it was very frightening. It is really unimaginable that there are still 2 meters long carp in the world. Don't forget, goldfish is also a species of carp.

However, this fish is not the largest fish ever caught with a fishing rod, and in the summer of 2001, a 185-kilogram Arapaima fish was caught.

4#, the world's largest bat

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

The Peruvian army captures the world's largest bat the size of an adult

The monster you see is a bit like the hell monster in the magic movie, but it's not a "bat" from hell, a real human being.

How big are the "bats"? This may already have the answer in your mind, seeing this huge "bat", today you will change your view of the size of the "bat".

The Peruvian army captured this giant "bat," almost the size of a human, a big guy who has always frightened the locals bordering the Peruvian Amazon jungle because it often attacks humans who cross the jungle.

5#, the Philippines captures the world's largest crocodile

It is 6.4 meters long and weighs 1075 kg

Philippine officials said on the 6th that a saltwater crocodile weighing more than one ton was captured in a village in the Philippines. It is reported that this crocodile has attacked humans and livestock on several occasions.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

The captured crocodile is 6.4 meters long and weighs 1,075 kilograms. According to a crocodile catcher, the disappearance of a farmer and several buffaloes in the village of Bunawan in July may have been related to the crocodile.

An official from the Philippine Environment Department said it was probably the largest crocodile ever caught.

The official said current records show that the largest crocodile previously arrested was 5.48 meters long. He said it was the biggest guy he had dealt with in his 20 years in office and estimated the male crocodile was over 50 years old.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

The official added, "Local residents can breathe a sigh of relief, but we're not sure if the crocodile is the man-eater." Because there are other crocodiles in this area. ”

The crocodile-catching team is employed by go-vern-ment's crocodile farm.

Since the 15th of last month, the team members began to use chicken, pork and dog meat as bait to catch crocodiles, and finally on the 3rd, with the help of 30 local villagers, they caught crocodiles in a stream with the help of 30 local villagers.

6#, the world's largest goldfish

French fishermen catch the world's largest goldfish, which cannot fit in any fish tank.

That might look like a mega jackpot, right? But I'm afraid there's no fish tank in the world that can hold this big guy!

According to British media reports, the orange koi weighs 30 pounds, equivalent to the weight of a girl with an average age of three years, and it is considered the largest fish species of its kind to date.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

It took Monsieur Raphael ten minutes to catch this huge guy out of the lake in southern France, when a group of anglers told him that they had spent 6 years trying to catch the legendary "King Goldfish".

Mr. Raphael said: "At first we didn't know what the end of the fishing line was, only that the guy who was hooked was definitely a 'behemoth'.

7#, the largest frog in the world


African men capture the world's largest frog, weighing up to 3 kilograms, and the Macrosynic Frog (Conraua goliath) is currently the largest frog in the world, with a maximum length of 33 centimeters from the tip of its nose to its anus and a maximum weight of 3 kilograms.

They live in a narrower range and are mainly concentrated in west Africa.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Macroharmosaurus frogs can live up to 15 years and eat scorpions, insects and smaller frogs. They have sensitive hearing, but no vocal sacs.


In November 2010, foreign media took a photo of a giant African bullfrog, when the frog covered with acne-like frogs and wrinkled skin was enjoying its delicacies triumphantly in front of the camera, completely ignoring the rats in its mouth and desperately struggling to survive.

This carnivorous amphibian tends to be grumpy, can jump up to 12 feet tall, and has sharp teeth that are said to feel like broken glass when it closes its mouth.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

DanGarrick, senior superintendent of the Tropical Pavilion at Newquay Zoo, is an expert in feeding this greedy bullfrog.

8#, the world's largest eel

German fishermen catch the world's largest eel with a length of 2.4 meters, weighing 75 kilograms and being over the age of 100 According to German media reports.

A 65-year-old fisherman in Bremerhaven, Germany, caught an eel 2.4 meters long and weighing 75 kilograms, which is supposed to be the largest eel found in the world so far.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

The picture shows Vogt (left) with an eel

The eel catcher is named Willig, who has been fishing since 44 years ago.

Verish said: "This eel was caught in the Vishne River. That morning, as usual, I began to lay out my fishing nets on the river, and near noon I began to pull the nets.

When I lifted the net up, I couldn't believe my eyes, there was an oversized eel in the net, and I thought it was catfish at first. ”

Verig believes that judging by size, the eel should be at least 100 years old.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Pictured: Verig and his fishing boat

Verig then sold the big guy to the local Fiedlers fish market.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Pictured: An eel caught

Vogt, deputy director of the marketing department, said: "We will keep this eel or exhibit it in the museum so that our customers will also have the opportunity to see it." ”

9#, the world's largest catfish

The Mekong Basin catches the world's largest catfish weighing 646 pounds (293 kg) and 9 feet (2.7 m) in length.

A fishing team caught a 646-pound (293 kg) Mekong giant catfish weighing 9 feet (2.7 m) in the Mekong River basin of Thailand in 2005.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Catfish are generally scaleless, have a mucusy surface, a flat head and a large mouth, and four whiskers on the upper and lower jaws, which can be used to distinguish the taste. Catfish have three major sizes, namely a large mouth, a large head, and a large belly.

10#, the world's largest shark was caught off the coast of China

It weighs up to 8 tons

The world's largest shark is a whale shark, about 10 meters long and weighing 8 tons, caught off the coast of China.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Pictured: Local fishermen cut the flesh of sharks after capture

11#, Indonesian jungle captures the world's largest wasp

It can reach a length of 6.35 cm

In August 2011, a new wasp was found on the remote Indonesian island of Sulawesi, known as the "warrior wasp."

This new member of the fearsome wasp family had a huge jaw and was longer than the front legs.

If attacked by them, it is an absolute nightmare.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Nicknamed the Komodo Dragon, the male can reach a length of up to 2.5 inches (about 6.35 centimeters).

12#, the world's largest earthworm

The longest forest found in South America is more than 2 meters long

In the forests of South America, there is a giant subspecies of the caecilian, known as "Minhocao", which means giant earthworm. Legend has it that this creature existed in the age of the dinosaurs. Most of the reports of the discovery of this creature are in Brazil.

Giant earthworms living in South America, it is said that the longest can reach more than 2 meters, longer than the average long snake, just sounds scary enough, let's take a look at the real body of these giant earthworms.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

13#, the world's largest fly

Biologically, flies are typical of "completely metamorphosed insects." At the end of the 1970s, there were more than 120,000 species of insects in 132 families of dipterodactyls in the world, of which there were more than 34,000 species of flies in 64 families.

The main fly species are house flies, city flies, mercerized green flies, and large-headed goldflies. This is the giant fly found so far, does it feel quite scary?

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

If this giant fly as large as a silver coin can be multiplied in batches, it is estimated that the barbecue shop can produce new products again...

14#, the world's largest piranha

British anglers catch the world's largest piranha, which is 5 feet long and weighs 100 pounds (about 45 kilograms).

In October 2010, British angler Jeremy Wade caught one of the world's largest known piranhas in Africa's Congo River Basin.

Jeremy, 52, was himself startled by the large, fierce-looking piranha. He went to great lengths to get his prey to show off its creepy sharp teeth in front of the camera.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

The 5-foot-long, 100-pound (45-kilogram) fish that Jeremy caught was still shocking.

15#, the British man accidentally caught a giant lobster Giant tongs can cut human hands

In December 2009, 42-year-old Simon Sharp had recently been fishing off the coast of Devon, hoping to catch some Dover flounder, but when he closed the net, he found a giant lobster lying in the net.

In wife Lizzie? With Sharp's help, he finally dragged the lobster to the boat.

Sharp found that the lobster reached a length of 3 feet (about 0.914 meters) from the shrimp claws to the tail after straightening. Its shrimp claws are 14 inches (35.56 cm) long and 8 inches (20.32 cm) wide, and the strength is enough to cut off one of a person's hands.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

16#, California Beach found 4 meters long giant "kingfish"

Super rare

In December 2010, residents of the Malibu area of California, U.S.A., found the carcass of a rare giant kingfish over 4 meters long on a beach.

Local wildlife conservation agencies say the wild large band fish lives in the tropical deep sea far from land and is the longest known "teleost fish" in the world.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

They have a fierce temperament, sharp teeth, feed on small octopuses and a variety of other fish, and are named for their graceful and beautiful posture when swimming in the water.

17#, the United States captured the world's largest sea lice

In April 2010, Fox News published a set of photographs showing a rare giant deep-sea lice (also known as a king pod) caught by An American fisherman in the sea.

Giant deep-sea lice are important scavengers in the deep sea, spreading in deep-sea areas, from 560 feet (about 170 meters) deep to 7,020 feet (2.1 kilometers) and the dark deep zone below, where water pressure is high and temperatures are extremely low — about 39 degrees Fahrenheit (about 3.9 degrees Celsius).

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years
Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

18#, the world's largest horse

This is the first group photo of the tallest horse and the shortest horse in the world.

The taller horse in the picture is called "Radar", a Belgian pack horse, the holder of the Guinness Book of World Records, and the tallest live horse in the world.

The 9-year-old "Radar" stands at a height of 2.02 meters from the horse's hoof to the horse's shoulder and weighs 1088 kilograms.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Radar's appetite is staggering, drinking 20 gallons of water and eating 8 kilograms of grain a day.

19#, the world's largest dog

The Great Dane is known as the "easy-going giant" in the dog world, this dog has a kind personality and is powerful. The Great Dan Dog "George the Giant" in Tucson, Arizona, reached a height of 1.09 meters, setting two world records and remaining until February 15, 2010.

On October 17, 2013, "George the Great" died of illness.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

20#, the world's largest turtle

The tortoise is the largest of the tortoises, named after the thickness of its legs that resemble elephant feet. It is found in tropical islands in the Pacific ocean and the Indian Ocean, including the Galapagos Islands off the west coast of South America and the Seychelles and Aldabra Islands in the Indian Ocean.

Its shell is 1.5 meters long, the height of the crawl can reach 0.8 meters, weighs 200-300 kg, can carry 1-2 people on its back, and the female turtle lays 90-150 eggs at a time. It is reported to have a lifespan of up to 300 years.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

The turtle weighs more than 300 kilograms and is nearly 2 meters long, making it the largest of any surviving wild turtle.

21#, the world's largest cow

The British cow, called the "Gentle Giant", is like a small elephant, standing at 6 feet 6 inches (1.95 meters). In addition, "chili peppers" weigh more than a ton, and the 9-year-old "chili peppers" are still growing.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Despite his tall stature, "Chili Pepper" only likes to eat grass, occasionally eating some banana cabbage as a snack.

22#, the world's largest pig


A pig in Liaoning, China, weighs 1800 pounds. The pig, which died on February 5, 2004, has been made into specimens and preserved at the Liaoning Agricultural Exhibition Hall.

The pig was 2.5 meters long when it died, with a waist circumference of 2.23 meters and fangs 14.4 centimeters long.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

According to this pig's owner, Xu Changjin, a five-guarantee old man in Zhuangkou Village, Songshu Town, Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province, introduced that the pig is 5 years old and has been raising it with good quality food and pigsty.


Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Huge wild boar

June 2007. An American teenager named James claimed that he alone killed a huge wild boar with a pistol that was more than three meters long and weighed nearly 500 kilograms.

At one point, it was believed that the teenager had the audacity to break the "national record" for the size of wild boars in the United States.

23#, the largest wild deer

The stag, named "Emperor Exmoor", is the largest wild animal in Britain. The "Emperor exmoor" is about 9 feet tall and weighs 300 pounds (about 136 kilograms).

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Unfortunately, this wild stag has been hunted by hunters.

24# The longest hare in the world

The world's longest hare is called "Amy", and its length (from the end of the nose to the end of the tail) has reached 4 feet (about 1.2 meters).

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

It is a "continental giant rabbit", and now Amy is 3 years old and weighs 3.5 stones (about 22 kg).

25#, giant jellyfish flood part of Japan

Researchers say that due to human overfishing and other human activities, huge jellyfish have appeared in some parts of the earth's seas, and they are becoming the "masters" of some seas.

In December 2009, researchers even discovered a very large jellyfish about the size of a Japanese sumo wrestler.

Biologist Dr Richardson says Japanese fishermen have run into real trouble with giant jellyfish, which can even tear through fishing nets.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

"There is a super large jellyfish called Echizen jellyfish in the waters near Japan, which can reach a diameter of 2 meters and weigh 200 kilograms, which is about the size of a Japanese sumo wrestler," he said. This jellyfish is the largest jellyfish in the world. ”

26#, a British man retrieves a giant sea bass from the mouth of a crocodile

In October 2009, an art teacher in Northern Ireland, England, had to wrestle with crocodiles for a Nile bass while fishing in Uganda, an African country.

Smith, 37, drove a small boat in the Victoria Nile River valley and caught a 1.8-meter-long, 249-pound (about 112-kilogram) giant perch, which was targeted by crocodiles in the river.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

After nearly being hit by a crocodile in the river, Smith started a small boat and dragged the giant bass away.

27#, British anglers Spain catch 84 kg of giant catfish

Weight 185 lb (83.91 kg)

In September 2011, a British fishing enthusiast, John Whitaker, caught a giant catfish weighing 185 pounds (83.91 kg) in the Ebro River in Spain.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

John gleefully said, "It's definitely going to be a fisherman's legend, the best fishing day of my life."

28#, the largest stingray caught in the world

It took 13 adults to subdue her, and 34-year-old American biologist Zab Hogan caught a giant stingray 4.2 meters long and 1.8 meters wide in Cambodia's Night Bow River, and it took 13 people 90 minutes to catch it.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

The giant freshwater stingray in the picture, scientifically known as the Chaffura chaophraya, is the largest known stingray and the largest poisonous fish.

From the measurements of the captured individuals and the descriptions of fishermen, the Chaffy narrow-tailed stingray may be the largest freshwater fish in the world, comparable to the deep-sea monster, with a body length (counting more than 2 meters of tail) of more than 4 meters and a weight of 500 to 600 kg.

29#, captured by a British film crew in a Pacific island nation

The world's largest rat is about the size of a domestic cat.

In August 2009, a BBC film crew found a giant rat in an extinct crater in the Pacific island nation of Papua New Guinea, one of the largest rats in the world.

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years
Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Gordon Buchanan, the BBC cameraman who first spotted the giant rat, said: "This rat is about the size of my cat."

The film crew caught a mouse measured, it is 82 cm long from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail, weighs nearly 1.5 kg, and has thick silver-gray hairs.

Scientists say the fur is good for it to survive in the cold environment of the mountaintop.

30#, the world's largest leech

Beware of giant phobia! Take stock of the 30 giant creatures captured around the world in the past 100 years

Malaysia has found one of the world's largest leeches (leeches), with a body length of up to 1.5 meters, which can swallow a chicken raw!" Leech (leech) king "It's none other than it, and I think you don't want to be glued to it."

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