
It doesn't look like an Earth species, how many have you seen?

author:Burn a cigarette

1. Sphinx cat

The Sphinx cat is also known as the "Canadian Hairless Cat". It is an extremely rare genetic variant of the woolless gene in the genetic breeding process of domestic cats in the Americas or Europe. The Sphinx cat is wedge-shaped , with large ears and a bloated body , with a Yoda-shaped head. The whole appearance makes the Sphinx cat not only not give people a cute feeling compared to domestic cats, but also make people feel terrible.

It doesn't look like an Earth species, how many have you seen?

2. Elf shark

Although it has a dreamy name, but it does not look dreamy at all, the elf shark's skin is not only extremely thin, but also translucent due to the lack of pigment, which makes the bright red muscles of the elf shark clearly visible, which is also the main reason for its overall pink appearance.

It doesn't look like an Earth species, how many have you seen?

3. Proboscis monkey

The main feature of the proboscis monkey is its large and long nose. But zoologists don't yet know what its proboscis is used for. Proboscis monkeys live mainly in the Kalimantan region of Southeast Asia. Male proboscis monkeys have larger noses as they age, and at their largest they can grow to the size of an eggplant.

It doesn't look like an Earth species, how many have you seen?

4. Star-nosed mole

The star-nosed mole lives mainly in eastern North America, eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. The star-nosed mole is the only member of the family Star-nosed Mole and the genus Star-nosed Mole. The star-nosed mole is characterized by its 21 tentacles at the tip of the nose, which surround the tip of the nose like the light of a star, hence the name.

It doesn't look like an Earth species, how many have you seen?

5. Great East African mole

Timid rodents living in the Kalahari Desert in Africa expend a thousand times more stamina than walking on the ground. The Great East African mole did not dare to leave its burrow. Like periscopes, they watch for danger as they eat, sometimes relying on the help of songbirds that catch insects next to their dung heaps.

It doesn't look like an Earth species, how many have you seen?

6. Messey blunt-mouthed salamander

Commonly known as hexagonal dinosaurs, the Messeum is an amphibian known for its unique appearance and juvenile sexual maturity. It is kept as a pet worldwide (especially in North America and other places), has a pronounced intercostal groove, lateral compression of the tail, a broad head, small eyes, and difficult to move.

It doesn't look like an Earth species, how many have you seen?

7. Water drop fish

The drip fish, also known as the sad fish (black hello) or the soft thorn du father fish, bobo fish, because of the weeping face, known as the "world's most sad expression" fish. There is a real reason for this seabed monster fish to be depressed: Scientists warn that the dripfish is threatened with extinction due to deep-sea fishing operations.

It doesn't look like an Earth species, how many have you seen?

8. Atlantikus

It is no more than 8 cm long and lives off the coasts of South Africa and Australia. It is a strange mollusk belonging to the sea slug species, which is very beautiful and resembles an "alien creature". A gastropod suborder nudibranchus. Blue Angel is small in size - 5.8 cm Blue Angel (Graucos Atlantikus) pounces on marine life, is toxic, poisonous tubes, and protects itself with its venom.

It doesn't look like an Earth species, how many have you seen?

In fact, the most mysterious area on the earth is the ocean, especially the deep sea part, but due to technical limitations, the deep sea area can not be fully explored, I believe that when we can fully explore the deep sea area, we will definitely find something that we usually dare not imagine.