
With stewed seeds like white jelly and evocative sea cucumbers, the food here is truly delicious

author:Gourmet plums

In addition to the extremely beautiful natural scenery, Shandong also brings together many rich resources such as humanities and cuisine, and many cuisines here have a long history, and today Xiaobian will take you to understand the cuisine of this large province.

With stewed seeds like white jelly and evocative sea cucumbers, the food here is truly delicious

Yantai stew is also a very famous snack, because it is with squash starch as the main material, and the cooled starch presents a jelly shape, the color is translucent and crystalline, just like the milky white jelly, very tempting, the local residents like to cut this dish into cubes, add a variety of condiments, and add sesame sauce after the stew becomes fragrant, and this dish is also a must-have cold dish on many wedding feasts, and it and cool powder is a little different, that is, it is more tendon, Q bomb, very tough.

With stewed seeds like white jelly and evocative sea cucumbers, the food here is truly delicious

In Qingdao because of the abundant production of sea cucumbers here, so the local residents are extremely fond of using sea cucumbers as a delicacy to entertain guests, and meat foam sea cucumber is a very traditional dish, this dish has both the aroma of meat, but also retains the unique umami taste of sea cucumbers, sea cucumbers because of rich nutrition, and very good for the body, so it is also evaluated as a sea treasure, so it is also loved and welcomed by everyone, and the combination of meat foam and sea cucumbers, not only retains the deliciousness of sea cucumbers, but also looks very beautiful, The sea cucumber poured into the sauce not only tastes spicy, but also bites very tender and smooth, which is endlessly evocative.

With stewed seeds like white jelly and evocative sea cucumbers, the food here is truly delicious

Texas grilled chicken, in fact, this cuisine originated from the real beginning of the Ming Dynasty, famous is in the Qing Dynasty period, and has been passed down to the present, this cuisine has a variety of effects, and eat up the flesh and bone separation, the meat is very crispy and crispy, the color is almost transparent, it looks very tempting, especially when the grilled chicken just came out of the pot, far away can smell its aroma, and the appearance has a very elegant state, like a proud chicken looking into the distance, and will be integrated into the bone marrow, Therefore, even the bones have a very delicious taste, the main thing is that this dish has the effect of nourishing the body, whenever this dish is served, many diners are amazed by its beautiful shape, calling it an artistic treasure in food.

With stewed seeds like white jelly and evocative sea cucumbers, the food here is truly delicious

Shell abalone has always been a traditional dish of this province, generally the abalone we taste in the restaurant is peeled off the shell, and the abalone here is with the shell, so such abalone retains the original umami taste, and the local chefs like to cook it with fish meat, ham meat, winter shoots, etc., and the advantage of this is that the abalone absorbs the delicious meat and fresh shoots, so that the abalone, which is extremely delicious, becomes more umami, and the abalone meat is extremely tender. Whether it is abalone itself or the addition of many ingredients, such a delicacy is also very nutritious.

With stewed seeds like white jelly and evocative sea cucumbers, the food here is truly delicious

Oil burst conch is also famous, because it is fried over high heat, so this dish has an extremely crisp and tender flavor, the oil aroma will retain the deliciousness of the conch in his body, and the addition of peppers, mushrooms and other ingredients, but also cover up the conch itself fishy, Xiaobian feels that especially with the addition of pepper, it is simply a very low dish, first taste the stimulating spicy taste, and then chew carefully can also taste the fat meat texture of the conch, it can be said to be extremely delicious.

With stewed seeds like white jelly and evocative sea cucumbers, the food here is truly delicious

Macun's fried bun is also very famous, the fried bun here is very different from other places, that is, limited, because unlike the general vegetables, now the filling here is mostly lamb or beef, so when a pot comes out, not only has the fragrance of flour, but also accompanied by the thick aroma of meat, just smell the aroma has made people can't help but want to taste a bite, and the fried bun has an extremely golden and attractive color, especially the outer crispy layer of thin skin wrapped around the whole bun, very crisp Although it is a meat filling, it is not greasy at all, and the fried buns here are very large, which makes people feel very satisfied.

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