
Grasp the focus of achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement

author:China Industry Network

Original title: Grasp the focus of achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement

Self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology are the foundation of national strength and security. A deep grasp of the great significance, rich connotation and practical requirements of accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement will help us accelerate the realization of high-quality development and solidly promote Chinese-style modernization. Continental's ranking in the Global Innovation Index (GII) rose from 34th in 2012 to 11th in 2022, becoming the only middle-income economy in the top 30. It can be seen that structural changes are gradually taking place in the accumulation and progress of scientific and technological innovation on the mainland. To achieve self-reliance in science and technology and enhance the ability of independent innovation, the mainland has many favorable conditions. In terms of moving from technological catch-up to frontier leadership, we have the advantages of continuously expanding R&D scale, the advantages of low-cost scientific research that are difficult to replace, the advantages of scientific and technological infrastructure to enter the global "first square", the rapid learning ability and iterative advantages of enterprise innovation, and the institutional advantages of "concentrating on doing big things" in specific fields. In terms of new momentum for the development of the digital economy, the digital economy provides important support for the mainland to shape new advantages in international competition under the new technological revolution. We also have the advantages of a relatively complete scientific research and industrial technology research and development system, a full-category industrial system, internationally competitive industrial clusters, a resilient supply chain and an ultra-large-scale market. Generally speaking, mainland scientific and technological innovation is in a critical stage from quantitative change to qualitative change, and the development momentum is positive and good.

To achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, it is necessary to coordinate the relationship between development and security. On the one hand, the technological breakthrough required for the advanced industrial base depends on the basic and overall progress of science and technology, and the mainland must have strong scientific and technological capabilities to achieve lane change and overtaking in the new technological revolution. The law of scientific and technological development shows that the improvement of scientific and technological level is difficult to achieve leapfrog development, and it must be accelerated in continuous accumulation; On the other hand, the realistic logic of the big power game determines that security factors must be taken into account in the development of science and technology, and ensuring security and preventing risks is more important than ever. Therefore, in order to achieve self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, we must firmly follow the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the "four aspects", enhance basic research and original innovation capabilities in a higher level of open cooperation, play chess and win the initiative in the development of science and technology and industry, solve the "stuck neck" problem in core key areas related to national security, form an asymmetric strategy in key areas with advantages, promote development and ensure safety in mutual integration, and realize the leap of scientific and technological development from quantity to quality. And make it truly a strategic support for national development.

In addition, we must coordinate the following aspects. The first is the relationship between mature technology catch-up and cutting-edge technological breakthroughs. Mature technology catch-up is still an important driving force for promoting the mainland's technological progress and industrial transformation and upgrading in a relatively long period of time, and cutting-edge technological breakthroughs will help form new kinetic energy and new advantages for future development. The second is the relationship between security and controllability and open innovation. Security and controllability is not to engage in closed innovation, open innovation is not to give up security, security and controllability can be obtained through open innovation. The third is the relationship between autonomy and globalization. The autonomy of key core technologies and participation in the global division of labor and scientific and technological cooperation are not contradictory, and the two can promote each other. Fourth, the relationship between the scientific and technological system under the new national system and the key core technology research system, from the traditional national system to the new national system, the core is to handle the relationship between the government and the market well under the conditions of the socialist market economy and in the process of tackling key core technologies, so as to achieve coordinated efforts between the two sides.

To achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, we must give full play to the role of the new-type national system. At present, the development of science and technology and industry on the mainland has entered a new stage. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Continental has formed a competitive advantage based on system integration and architecture innovation by actively participating in globalization. In the past decade, with the improvement of technical level and manufacturing capacity, Continental's innovation demand and ability in intermediate products such as parts and components have been significantly enhanced. The transformation from integrated innovation to integrated innovation and intermediate product innovation means obvious changes in product characteristics, technical characteristics, knowledge, industry, market, technology acquisition methods, etc., and the role of the government and the market and the organization need to be adjusted accordingly. We should note that technological success does not necessarily mean product success, and successful product development does not mean product success in market competition. This is an important difference between technical logic and market logic. To solve this problem, on the one hand, in the market competition-oriented technology research and development, we must give full play to the role of enterprises as the main body of innovation, let competition force enterprises to develop and innovate, and let enterprises benefit from R & D innovation; On the other hand, the government should give more support to the research and development of cutting-edge technologies that reflect the major needs of the country and the major core technologies and commonalities that business entities cannot and are unwilling to do. Give full play to the role of strategic scientific and technological forces, coordinate all aspects of forces to concentrate on tackling key problems, strengthen capital investment, innovate scientific research organization methods, and build a platform for industry-university-research cooperation. We must adhere to the system concept and promote the integration of policy chain, innovation chain and industrial chain. It is necessary to establish a stable, sustained and diversified long-term investment mechanism, effectively implement the main responsibility and rights of key research units, better support the early market development of independent innovative products, solve the problem of "whether there is or not" of key core technologies with a package of policies, and give more play to market mechanisms to solve the problem of "good use" of key core technologies and their products.

To achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, it is necessary to further deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system and improve the overall efficiency of the national innovation system. In terms of government functions, through deepening reform, the concept of science and technology management and government functions can meet the needs of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement in the new situation; In terms of allocation efficiency, further improve the management and organization and implementation mechanism of science and technology plans through deepening reform; In terms of demand condensation, the national demand and industrial development needs have been effectively supported by deepening reform; In terms of scientific research capabilities, strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength and the forces of all parties through deepening reform, and promote effective coordination; In terms of stimulating the vitality of factors, we will break the constraints on the vitality of key innovation factors such as talents and technology through deepening reform; In terms of transformation conditions, through deepening reform, improve the financial system, market mechanism and regional innovation factor layout that is conducive to scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

For local governments, whether it is basic research, key core technology research and development, or promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the growth of emerging industries, they must base themselves on local characteristics and form unique advantages in seizing the opportunities of the new technological revolution. In terms of basic research, more attention should be paid to solving the basic problems extracted in industrial upgrading, and local science and technology plans and policy support should better play the role of enterprises and market forces, solve common industrial technical problems, and better play the supporting role of government science and technology plans in local industrial development and technological progress.

(Ma Mingjie, the author is the director and researcher of the Innovation and Development Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council)

Source: Xinhua Daily

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