
Honor of Kings: A large number of players are lost, and the Dawning Heroes server is crowded? Seriously you lose!

author:Danqing explained


Honor of Kings: A large number of players are lost, and the Dawning Heroes server is crowded? Seriously you lose!

Text│Danqing explained

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Recently, a certain tooth live broadcast platform, as well as a certain audio short video platform, there have been a large number of rhythmic anchors or bloggers, their content is very similar and close, there is no lack of titles "King Glory player loss, Dawn Hero server is burst, King Glory download volume fell third" and so on.

What are the facts? Is it as rumored to be? If you're really serious, chances are you're going to be taken to the rhythm.

For this problem, we need to calm down and look at it rationally from three perspectives.

Note: The following only represents the author's personal position and opinion, and is not intended to praise or disparage any mobile game manufacturer.

A large number of King Glory players are lost?

I have been playing online and mobile games for many years, and I think that any game, no matter how good or bad it is, will always lose players and new players will be added, which is a very normal phenomenon, which does not explain anything.

In this wave of rhythm and waves, the so-called loss of a large number of King Glory players, where does the data come from? Guess with only the sixth sense? I think no one knows about the flow of gamers except for King official.

Honor of Kings: A large number of players are lost, and the Dawning Heroes server is crowded? Seriously you lose!

Don't you think it's too coincidental? From the rhythm theory on the Internet, it can be found that those players who lost from the glory of the king actually went to the Dawn Hero, and the Dawning Hero happened to prepare a luxurious package for new players, and even did not hesitate to let the new players white the legendary skin?

Why Dawn Heroes, and not other MOBA mobile games, such as Final Battle! Heiankyo", or League of Legends, or Endless Showdown? Is it such a unified choice of Dawning Heroes?

It's not a coincidence, it's a downright marketing event! When King Honor faced problems such as "matching mechanism, skin quality, new and old heroes", the mobile game next door took this opportunity to come to a wave of marketing.

Honor of Kings: A large number of players are lost, and the Dawning Heroes server is crowded? Seriously you lose!

Seriously, you really lose! If you follow the limelight, I can only objectively tell you 4 facts:

(1) The matching mechanism is equal for everyone, if there is a so-called forced balance, then all players are low scores, low win rates, single row and multiple rows of points are different, no matter how stupid a game manufacturer is, it will not oppress players and make players uncomfortable playing;

(2) Regardless of the quality of the skin, there is never a strong buy and sell, you wear the original leather does not prevent you from playing the national uniform, the game itself is free;

(3) New heroes must be innovative in order to maintain freshness, old heroes should be strengthened, and the hundred refining plan is specifically optimized for old heroes, these have begun to be implemented, do new heroes have to be the same as the old hero mechanism? That's better than not producing new heroes;

Honor of Kings: A large number of players are lost, and the Dawning Heroes server is crowded? Seriously you lose!

(4) No matter what kind of Moba mobile game, can not solve the problem of 5 people winning, 5 people losing, as long as the mechanism of winning and losing exists, then you can understand it as "changing soup without changing medicine", when you win, you don't care about what matching mechanism, when you lose, no matter what game you play, you will feel that there is a problem with the matching mechanism, which is common human nature;

The mobile game server next door is crowded?

Dawn Hero, the sense of existence is very low in recent years, the official blog fans are tens of thousands, the announcement messages are only single digits, and the popularity of the game is also very average.

Dawn Heroes, which has also played for a while this year, although the game manufacturer (JJ) is less famous, but the game graphics are not bad, the hero model and the glory of the king are obviously not in the same grade, but they are quite sophisticated and quite creative.

Honor of Kings: A large number of players are lost, and the Dawning Heroes server is crowded? Seriously you lose!

But the popularity of the game has been very poor, after all, there is the king glory of the mountain in front, there are few similar videos on the online platform, this game gives me the biggest feeling, is that the fluency is not enough, lag is a common thing, and the hero model in the game is large, the field of view is very cramped.

More importantly, the carrying capacity of the server is limited, crashes are a common thing, and the previous experience is very bad, either the login cannot enter, or the match is half a day no one, into the game to talk no one, I doubt whether it is matched to the human machine.

Honor of Kings: A large number of players are lost, and the Dawning Heroes server is crowded? Seriously you lose!

As for the "Dawning Hero server crash" in online rhythm theory, I think it is completely possible!

Even if there is such a result, it will only make the existing players of Dawning, as well as the players of the new transfer, more troublesome, very annoying if they can't enter, and more cards when they enter, and there is no mood at all.

Honor of Kings: A large number of players are lost, and the Dawning Heroes server is crowded? Seriously you lose!

More importantly, what many players do not expect is that when you are accustomed to the glory of the king, spray the glory of the king, and when you reach the dawn of heroes, you will understand the feel of the heroes, which one did well.

Between a large factory and a small factory, I will not hesitate to choose a big factory, not to make the skin look good, not to make the picture better, nor to make the hero design fresh, just to make the popular game run stably.

Downloads drop to third place?

Over the years, the number of downloads of Honor of Kings has been the first in both IOS and Android, which is an indisputable fact.

It can also be said that most of the players have been installed, the number of new users' installs gradually tends to stabilize, and those bloggers who hype rhythmically all day will install back in time even if they are uninstalled.

Honor of Kings: A large number of players are lost, and the Dawning Heroes server is crowded? Seriously you lose!

Why? They have to make money by playing game live broadcasts, and make money by making game videos, and if the games are uninstalled, how can they guarantee the source of income? The bad thing is that while they play King Glory to make money, while making King Glory videos to make money, they also have to spit out fragrant rhythms.

Honor of Kings: A large number of players are lost, and the Dawning Heroes server is crowded? Seriously you lose!

Judging from the screenshots on the Internet, the number of downloads on the IOS side ranks third, is there any problem with this? What does this say?

Indicating that the glory of the king is going to be cold? A screenshot can beat the mobile game brother, do you think it is possible? Why not go to the Android side to check the number of downloads before talking?

If, as rhythm theory says, the glory of the king really cools, then will the bonds you spend in the king, the heroes and skins you have, also be evaporated? Would you like to see such a situation?

Danqing has something to say

What I want to say is that what kind of game to choose, is the freedom of every player, I play both Honor of Kings and Dawn Heroes, I have been deeply compared a long time ago, the quality and reputation of the two games, and finally chose Honor of Kings, Dawning Heroes occasionally play, but not often, mainly because the picture is not very liked.

The works of large factories and small factories are not at the same starting line at all, and the short-term storms driven by marketing will not last long, and the small partners who blindly follow the trend will eventually return to the right position.

Thank you for reading, I am Danqing, a diligent daily author, looking forward to your attention.

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