
Tian Feng's death is not because he made any mistake, but precisely because he was really right

author:Wilderness Country 60750736

Tian Feng was one of Yuan Shao's main advisers, and he had insight into the current situation and was quite prescient. But it is such a very talented and loyal person who finally died at the hands of Yuan Shao, who served him, which is really sighing and embarrassing.

Tian Feng's death is not because he made any mistake, but precisely because he was really right

The image of Tian Feng in the boss's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

In the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Yuan Shao debuted in the spotlight and radiant - not only good image, good temperament, but also the laurels and titles of "Four Emperors and Three Dukes" on his head. In every way, he is a heavyweight with a lot of money.

In order to expand his influence and facilitate the seizure of power, Yuan Shao himself also took out his family tree of the "fourth and third dukes" at every turn.

Don't say, it really worked at the time. Especially after Dong Zhuo's dictatorship and perverse actions, Yuan Shao relied on this ancestral yin with his own aura and his own strength, ascended to the top, responded to the crowd, and naturally ascended to the honorable position of "martial arts alliance master".

The result is known to everyone: Yuan Shao, the "alliance master", led a group of rabble with different aspirations, and was beaten by the strong Dong Zhuo to lose his armor and lose his armor, and finally scattered as birds and beasts.

Tian Feng's death is not because he made any mistake, but precisely because he was really right

Before the Battle of Guandu, when facing Cao Cao, whose strength was far inferior to his own, Yuan Shao was full of confidence and determined to win. As a result, a good hand of cards was played by him, not only losing all the territory and family base, but even taking the lives of himself and several sons.

If Yuan Shao could adopt Tian Feng's strategy from the beginning, why would he fail?

When Cao Cao was campaigning against Tao Qian and Liu Bei in Xuzhou, Tian Feng advised Yuan Shao to take advantage of the emptiness in Cao Cao's rear, take him by surprise, avoid the truth, and raise troops to attack Xu Chang. Yuan Shao, who was indecisive and slow to react for half a beat, was originally not enterprising, but he felt that Tian Feng's words seemed to be very reasonable, maybe it was really an opportunity? So he reluctantly agreed to send troops to attack Xuchang.

At this time, Yuan Shao's beloved son suffered from scabies. This was not a big deal, but Yuan Shao used this as an excuse to retreat, missing the best window to defeat Cao Cao.

Tian Feng's death is not because he made any mistake, but precisely because he was really right

Cao Cao character Mengde

Opportunities are reserved only for those who are prepared. The opportunity was fleeting, and when Cao Cao had already captured Xuzhou, Yuan Shao reacted, and with the mentality of making up for the dead, he decided to raise troops to rebel and destroy Cao Cao in one fell swoop.

Before the conquest of "Cao Thief", Yuan Shao ordered Chen Lin, a genius son, to write an article "Wooing Cao Qiao", making fun of Cao Cao's origins, saying that Cao Aqiao's grandfather was a eunuch, and his father was a "cheap goods" adopted by eunuchs, belonging to the "black five categories" of unknown origin... In a word, Cao Cao, you are not a thing, and my "fourth and third prince" will psychologically press you.

Look, before the battle was fought, Yuan Shao had passed a mouthful addiction first.

Tian Feng believed that Cao Cao had just won the battle, and the army's morale was strong and it was not appropriate to engage the Cao army at this time.

Tian Feng's death is not because he made any mistake, but precisely because he was really right

Yuan Shao finally gathered enough determination and courage to fight with Cao Cao, but at this time Tian Feng jumped out to oppose, isn't this self-inflicted bad luck?

Sure enough, Yuan Shao, who was competitive and eager to achieve results, was furious, and ordered people to take care of this Tian Feng, who did not know the time and did not have any eyes, and now he did not pay attention to it, waiting for it to fall in the future.

If you are an ordinary person, in the face of such an unfaithful and self-serving Lord, the best way is to shut up. However, this Tian Feng was still a tendon, adhering to the purpose of "death advice" and "martial death battle", and he had to write books in prison, trying to dissuade Yuan Shao from starting a war with Cao Cao for the second time.

At that time, Yuan Shao claimed to have raised more than 700,000 troops, and he had the potential to step on Xuchang. However, Tian Feng, who was in prison, wrote to him: At this time, it is advisable to wait quietly and wait for the sky, and not to be a soldier in vain.

Tian Feng's death is not because he made any mistake, but precisely because he was really right

Another of Yuan Shao's advisers, Frustrated, also held the same view, reminding "Duke Yuan" to think twice before acting.

The staff around Yuan Shao are more people who see the wind and follow the trend. Yuan Shao did not listen to the advice, but instead adopted Fengji's bad idea, severely blamed the two on the grounds of "slowing down the heart of our army", and imprisoned Fang Zhi together: After I break the cao, I will be punished with Tian Feng!

It's a mule or a horse, and it has to be pulled out for a walk.

In this battle, Yuan Shao suffered a crushing defeat and almost all the army was destroyed. Yuan Shao, who was embarrassed and angry, could not vent his hatred and ordered the execution of "Crow Mouth" Tian Feng.

Here is a small episode: After the jailer learned that Yuan Shao had returned from a great defeat, he told Tian Feng that the lord had suffered this crushing defeat because he did not listen to his husband. Now everyone knows that you are right and should be free in no time.

Tian Feng's death is not because he made any mistake, but precisely because he was really right

However, Tian Feng, who knew Yuan Shao's temperament and personality, did not think so, and Qi Ran said: The lord is broad on the outside and taboo on the inside, and does not think of loyalty. If you rejoice in victory, you will forgive me; Shame on defeat in today's war, I don't want to live!

Tian Feng really died because of this.

The same prisoner, Frustrated seems to be a little bit better than Tian Feng's luck. Yuan Shao sent him to prison, but Cao Cao released him.

Cao Cao heard of the reputation of frustration, cherished it very much, and had the intention to take it for himself. Who knows that the falling flowers are intentional, and the flowing water is ruthless. Frustrated, he had no intention of defecting to Cao Cao at all, and tried to escape while the chaos was chaotic, but was eventually killed by Cao Jun's arrows.

Self-inflicted sins, do not live. Yuan Shao's failure can be described as self-inflicted and self-inflicted. It's a pity for Tian Feng and such loyal people as Feng.

Tian Feng's death is not because he made any mistake, but precisely because he was really right

There is a way: good birds choose trees to live, and good ministers choose the master. On this issue, Guo Jia is more wise.

Guo Jia was also Yuan Shao's subordinate. After a period of careful observation, it was found that Yuan Shao was actually famous, and after all, he was not a talent who achieved great things. Although he also wanted to emulate Duke Zhou, he didn't know how to recognize and use people at all. So he resolutely defected to Cao Cao.

A person who was originally used for himself turned out to be his own enemy and successfully defeated himself by exploiting his shortcomings. This is the relationship between Guo Jia and Yuan Shao.

Let's take a look at how Guo Jia analyzed and defined the late lord Yuan Shao in front of Cao Cao: wide outside and taboo inside, many relatives; Strategizing and making fewer decisions, collecting honor exclusively, listening to confusion, confusing right and wrong, being good for a false situation, not knowing what the soldiers want, and so on.

Tian Feng's death is not because he made any mistake, but precisely because he was really right

Guo Jiazi is filial piety

Take a look, in front of the strong enemy Cao Cao, Yuan Shao seems to have become a "transparent person" without any secrets; Coupled with those who are really useful to kill, escape to escape, who is willing to work for it? And Cao Cao is a superhuman-like existence, Yuan Shaoyan is undefeated?

According to the description of the history book "Three Kingdoms", after Yuan Shao's defeat, he said to his subordinates: I don't need Tian Fengyan, but I am laughed at. Kill it.

In order to achieve the artistic effect of "flesh and blood" and "vivid description", the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" deliberately added a villain who manipulated right and wrong and provoked discord, and fabricated lies out of nothing, saying that Tian Feng heard of the defeat of the lord's army in prison, and laughed loudly: It is not as I expected!

Yuan Shao was furious: How dare Zhuru laugh at me! So he immediately sent someone to kill Tian Feng.

Tian Feng's death is not because he made any mistake, but precisely because he was really right

Cao Cao's aide Xun Yu once commented on Yuan Shao's thinkers: Tian Fenggang committed a crime, Xu Yu was greedy and unwise, the trial was arbitrary and unscrupulous, and the discipline was useless. These people are incompatible, and they will be born internally.

And that was what happened. It can be seen that intellectuals have always been good at fighting in nests.

What if Tian Feng could jump ship in time like Guo Jia and change to a boss like Cao Cao, Liu Bei or Sun Quan?

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