
"The grave does not bring four fruits, and the house does not produce calamity", which four fruits does this say? What's so particular about it

author:Extraordinary Science Acc

#古训与传统: The upper grave does not carry four fruits#

Traditional Chinese culture has always paid attention to respect and remembrance of ancestors, and the sacrifice of ancestors is an important part of it. The meticulousness and elaboration of the sacrifice is an expression of people's deceased loved ones and a manifestation of traditional values. Among them, there is an ancient admonition "go to the grave without four fruits, and the family house does not produce disasters" that has been passed down to this day, and there is a profound cultural connotation and meaning behind this sentence. This article will explore the meaning of this ancient admonition, as well as the values and attention contained in it.

"The grave does not bring four fruits, and the house does not produce calamity", which four fruits does this say? What's so particular about it

The "four fruits" referred to in the ancient admonition "Go to the grave without four fruits" does not refer to the specific name of the fruit, but covers four situations and meanings. The four situations are: fruits that the deceased did not like during his lifetime, fruits with unlucky homophonies, fruits with many seeds, and bunches of fruits. These taboos are not simple superstitions, but have profound reasons and meanings in traditional Chinese culture.

2. Respect the personal preferences of the deceased

In ritual activities, respect for the deceased's personal preferences is seen as a way to show respect and remembrance for the deceased. Everyone has their own tastes and preferences during their lifetime, including likes and dislikes of food. In this case, it becomes crucial to understand the preferences of the deceased. This is not only a tribute to the deceased, but also a traditional custom of respecting personal preferences.

"The grave does not bring four fruits, and the house does not produce calamity", which four fruits does this say? What's so particular about it

Third, avoid unlucky homophony

In Chinese culture, homophony often carries a special symbolic meaning. During the festival, avoid fruits with unlucky homophonies to avoid negative energy and ominous meanings. For example, the homophony of pear is associated with parting and separation, which does not correspond to the auspicious atmosphere of sacrifice. Choosing fruits that symbolize peace and health, such as apples, can convey good wishes for the well-being of the family.

However, it is important to note that different regions and different customs may give different meanings to different fruits. Therefore, when choosing a fruit to offer, it is crucial to understand the local customs and traditional meaning.

"The grave does not bring four fruits, and the house does not produce calamity", which four fruits does this say? What's so particular about it

The prohibition of offering seeded fruits, such as pomegranates, is to maintain family unity and harmony. In the occasion of sacrifice to the deceased, people prefer to offer fruits that symbolize respect and reverence than multi-seeded fruits that are regarded as treasures. Such a choice not only expresses respect for the deceased, but also conveys a wish for family unity and prosperity.

In addition, the absence of bunches of fruits, such as grapes, is also intended to express the desire for family unity and harmony. These fruits imply the death of family members and the desire for family reunion. Therefore, it is not advisable to eat such fruits during sacrifices to maintain family cohesion.

"The grave does not bring four fruits, and the house does not produce calamity", which four fruits does this say? What's so particular about it

The taboo of not carrying four fruits in the tomb is not just a ritual, but also contains certain thoughts and meanings in traditional culture. These elaborates reflect respect for the deceased, the pursuit of auspicious meaning, and the wish for family unity and harmony.

By following these taboos, people not only pass on respect for their ancestors, but also carry on this attitude of respect to their dealings with others. This traditional custom not only reflects the individual's nostalgia for his ancestors, but also reflects the values of attention to detail and etiquette in traditional Chinese culture.

"The grave does not bring four fruits, and the house does not produce calamity", which four fruits does this say? What's so particular about it

Respecting the personal preferences of the deceased, avoiding unlucky fruits, not offering seeded fruits, and not bringing bunches of fruits during the ritual convey an important message: respect and remembrance of the deceased, the expectation of family unity and harmony.

In contemporary society, these traditional values are still relevant

Righteousness. Although society is constantly changing, these traditions are still an important part of the inheritance. As the ancient adage says, "go to the grave without four fruits", this act of respect and remembrance not only reflects the individual respect for the deceased, but also transmits respect to the entire family and society.

"The grave does not bring four fruits, and the house does not produce calamity", which four fruits does this say? What's so particular about it

In addition to the ritual activities, this tradition of respect and respect is reflected in all aspects of the family and society. In the family, people often remember and respect the deceased by sharing their stories, traditional foods, etc. In society, traditional festivals and ceremonies are also one of the ways to pass on these values, and by participating in these activities, people not only perpetuate traditions, but also convey respect for the deceased and family solidarity.

In short, the ancient admonition "go to the grave without four fruits" contains rich connotations and values in traditional Chinese culture. This tradition of respecting the personal preferences of the deceased, avoiding unlucky fruits, not offering fruits with many seeds, and not carrying bunches of fruits not only reflects respect for ancestors, but also conveys prayers for family unity and harmony. In contemporary society, these traditional values still have profound meaning, and we can pass on this respect and respect by incorporating modern elements. As this ancient adage shows, respecting our ancestors and carrying forward traditions has always been an important part of our cultural heritage.

"The grave does not bring four fruits, and the house does not produce calamity", which four fruits does this say? What's so particular about it

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