
School is about to start, give children more "smart dishes", the calcium content is higher than milk, and the nutrition is good

author:Lazy kitchen

  In the blink of an eye, the summer vacation is coming to an end, the children are about to start school, and the summer vacation can still be sloppy in eating at home, but after the start of school, there is huge study pressure every day, and three meals a day are sloppy.

  Today I will recommend a "smart dish" to you, which is higher in calcium than milk and has good nutritional value.

  1. Wakame beef soup

  Ingredients: dried wakame, beef, ground beef, garlic, sesame oil, light soy sauce, salt

  Production method:

  1. Soak the wakame in clean water for a while, squeeze out the water after soaking soft, and cut it into small pieces with a knife; Peel the garlic and chop it into finely chopped pieces;

School is about to start, give children more "smart dishes", the calcium content is higher than milk, and the nutrition is good

  2. The beef tenderloin is relatively tender, cut into thin slices against the grain, without marinating, and can be fried directly in the pan;

  3. Heat the pot, put in a spoonful of sesame oil, put the chopped garlic into it and fry until fragrant, then add the beef slices and stir-fry until it changes color;

  4. Then add the cut wakame and beef and stir-fry for a while, then pour an appropriate amount of water, add a spoonful of salt, a little light soy sauce, and boil over high heat;

  5. After boiling, add a small spoonful of beef powder to the soup and stir well, continue to cook for five minutes before eating.

School is about to start, give children more "smart dishes", the calcium content is higher than milk, and the nutrition is good

  2. Tomato wakame soup

  Ingredients: Wakame, tomato, enoki mushroom, tofu skin, egg, white pepper, salt, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, aged vinegar, oil, minced garlic

  Production method:

  1. Cut off the roots of enoki mushrooms and cut them into small pieces; Wakame softens when soaked in water; Rinse the tofu skin and cut it into fine strips;

School is about to start, give children more "smart dishes", the calcium content is higher than milk, and the nutrition is good

  2. Clean the tomatoes, the skin can be cut directly into small pieces without cutting;

  3. Beat a few eggs in a bowl, add a little salt, and stir well with chopsticks;

  4. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then put the tomato cubes into it, stir-fry the juice, pour in light soy sauce and salt to taste;

School is about to start, give children more "smart dishes", the calcium content is higher than milk, and the nutrition is good

  5. Then pour a large amount of water into the pot, put the cut enoki mushrooms and shredded tofu into it, and then put in the soaked wakame, stir gently, and boil over high heat;

  6. After boiling in the pot, slowly pour the stirred egg liquid into it, and you can turn off the heat after the egg liquid solidifies immediately.

School is about to start, give children more "smart dishes", the calcium content is higher than milk, and the nutrition is good

  3. Wakame fried eggs

  Ingredients: Wakame, eggs, salt, white pepper

  Production method:

  1. Soak wakame in water to soften, clean it, squeeze out the water, and cut it into small pieces;

  2. Beat a few eggs in a bowl, add some salt and stir well;

  3. Then put the chopped wakame into pieces, mix well, and add some white pepper to taste;

School is about to start, give children more "smart dishes", the calcium content is higher than milk, and the nutrition is good

  4. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pan, heat the oil and pour the mixed egg liquid into it and spread it into a cake, fry one side until set, turn over and continue to fry the other side, wait until both sides are fried until golden brown, you can come out of the pan, let cool and cut into small pieces to eat.

School is about to start, give children more "smart dishes", the calcium content is higher than milk, and the nutrition is good

  4. Shrimp and tofu wakame soup

  Ingredients: Wakame, tofu, shrimp, eggs

  Production method:

  1. Clean the tofu, cut it into small pieces, and soak it in salt water for a while; Soak the wakame in water to soften and cut it into small pieces;

School is about to start, give children more "smart dishes", the calcium content is higher than milk, and the nutrition is good

  2. Clean the prawns, remove the shrimp head and shell, open a knife on the back to remove the shrimp line, and leave the shrimp to rinse well;

  3. Prepare two eggs in a bowl and stir them with chopsticks; Peel the garlic and finely chop it; Cut the ginger into slices;

  4. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, fry the minced garlic until fragrant, add the shrimp and fry until it changes color, then add the washed wakame cubes, stir-fry together evenly;

  5. Then pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, put the tofu cubes into it, add some salt and white pepper to taste;

  6. After boiling over high heat, gently stir with a spatula, then drizzle in some egg liquid, and then turn off the heat and get out of the pot after the egg liquid solidifies.

School is about to start, give children more "smart dishes", the calcium content is higher than milk, and the nutrition is good
