
A must-have for the strong! 【Fire Source War History】Fire Source War Era Beginning Number Avoidance Guide

author:Guagua Raiders

There are many people who take a lot of detours when they get up the number, so today the editor will summarize these places where the number is easy to take detours, and make a strategy for you not to take detours

A must-have for the strong! 【Fire Source War History】Fire Source War Era Beginning Number Avoidance Guide

1. Precautions for entering the area

A must-have for the strong! 【Fire Source War History】Fire Source War Era Beginning Number Avoidance Guide

1. Before starting the game, you need to consider which district to enter, it is recommended that civilian players enter the suburbs, and Krypton players enter the first district (such as 201, 301). There are many Krypton players in the first district, and the league will be easier to play after that.

A must-have for the strong! 【Fire Source War History】Fire Source War Era Beginning Number Avoidance Guide

2. After entering the game, manually and quickly pass the tenth level, and after passing the tenth level, it will cost you 3,000 lives. You can do something else without affecting the speed of clearance. The opening game needs to be full of players who rush to the leaderboard.

3. Receive the package: Click on the avatar, there is a gift package code entrance in the lower left corner. Redeem all pack codes:

vip666 vip777 vip888 vip999 VIP666 VIP777 VIP888 VIP999 svip666 svip777 svip888 sq666 gzh666 gzh777 gzh888 gzh999 cxk666 ikun666 zb666 zb888 zb999 hyzj07 hyzj08 hydy666 hydy888 xiaoheizi

4. Add as many friends as possible at the beginning to get more ink (friends give each other), and then you can optionally delete friends with higher combat power to reduce the difficulty of grabbing orders.

5. The first two orders of each day have a short time and a large profit from using diamond flash deals, so the first two orders of each day must choose red orders and use diamonds to drop them directly. Then select the purple order without seconds, the fourth order selects red without seconds, and the fifth order selects ordinary orders without seconds, and then proceed in the normal order.

6. Upgrade: The main and main C are upgraded side by side, and the pendant does not need to be raised when it reaches 700. The fourth skill of level seven hundred is useful for Master C.

2. Resource acquisition, use and activities

A must-have for the strong! 【Fire Source War History】Fire Source War Era Beginning Number Avoidance Guide
A must-have for the strong! 【Fire Source War History】Fire Source War Era Beginning Number Avoidance Guide

1. Unpacking order: try to keep the green box, and open the blue, purple and orange boxes at the back first. The output of gold coins in the green box and ink box is proportional to the number of push levels, which means that the higher the number of push levels, the more gold coins are given.

2. Recruitment card: Recruit for free once a day and complete daily missions to get a recruitment card. Try to use ten recruitment cards together to make a red general.

3. Alliances: It is best to join the strongest alliance in the region, and at least the second strongest. The defeat speed of the alliance boss is much faster, and the progress of technology can keep up.

4. Small shop: Zero Krypton store only buys treasure chests, Micro Krypton can also buy gems in addition to treasure chests, Big Krypton is at will. (In the first seven days, microkrypton can buy some recruitment to do 5+5)

5. Blind box: Ordinary coins are saved to 300 before use, and advanced coins are recommended to be hoarded to 160 before use.

6. Chest Event: Do not open the chest without the Chest event. When there is a treasure chest event, after saving enough 3700 points, it will be opened all at once, and then continue to accumulate, and if you do not save enough 3700 points at the end of the treasure chest event, you will not open it until the next treasure chest event, which can ensure that all chests are used to exchange points for universal red fragments and honorary badges.

7. Recruitment activities: 400 recruitment to complete a round of activities, to complete a round of activities need to save enough 360 recruitment tokens, in the same way, the recruitment card is also enough to save 360 before opening, not enough do not open, save until the next recruitment activity.

8. Black Market Events: During the hang up process during Black Market Week, special items will be dropped to redeem rewards. You can get about 6 special items per hour, and the highest rewards need to be recharged to redeem, so it's also best to stock up and get a full round of rewards until the next black market event.

9. Happy Start: There will be a seven-day event for the new server, and the treasure chest and recruitment event will be opened for 5 rounds at the same time. There are a lot of resources given, everyone try to finish 5+5 in the first seven days, and the zero krypton players who can't finish can do it again with one round of resources.

A must-have for the strong! 【Fire Source War History】Fire Source War Era Beginning Number Avoidance Guide