
Pay Korean tuition to your girlfriend, what to do if you break up?

author:China-Korea Legal Knowledge Base

Readers who have paid their girlfriend's tuition fees in Korea know that it takes a lot of courage. South Korea's tuition fees have to pay several million won per semester, and if you pay it once and don't pay it a second time, you will be condemned for not loving her. So people who don't think about the future will definitely not pay tuition to their girlfriends. But some girls don't know gratitude, and they will demand more and more from their boyfriends. Men can't stand this relationship and face a problem when they decide to break up with their girlfriends: can the tuition fees paid be returned?

Pay Korean tuition to your girlfriend, what to do if you break up?

Under normal circumstances, men voluntarily pay their girlfriends tuition and do not return. Because this is an act of gifting, a gift that has already been completed cannot be withdrawn. But if you set conditions before the gift, you have a chance to come back. For example, it is clarified that the premise of marriage is used to help pay school fees, etc. If there are no conditions such as marriage before paying tuition to your girlfriend, it is also possible to set "refund tuition fees when the woman's fault causes a breakup" while the relationship has not yet collapsed.

If you pay your girlfriend's tuition in the form of a loan, it will be relatively easy to get back after breaking up. Because this is a lending relationship, not a gift, there is a right to recover the loan when the repayment date comes. However, if the girlfriend is not Korean, the court of jurisdiction should be set to be domestic. If the girlfriend does not pay back after the breakup, it is recommended to return to China to file a civil lawsuit, and after winning the lawsuit, if you still do not pay back, you can be included in the list of untrustworthy persons. However, in South Korea, even if you win the lawsuit, there are no assets that can be enforced, and it is not harmful to become a dishonest person in South Korea.

In practice, after paying Korean tuition to your girlfriend, it is difficult to get the money back in either case. Because girls who can get their boyfriends to pay tuition generally have financial difficulties, they may also fight for nothing if they get a lawsuit. Coupled with the cost of time, money, and energy consumed in litigation, it is difficult to make people happy even if they get money. So I advise readers who are in love in South Korea not to expect to use legal means to return after the breakup when paying tuition to their girlfriends.

Pay Korean tuition to your girlfriend, what to do if you break up?

Lawyer Jin Yi's thoughts: I think readers should be very angry and will not ask their girlfriends for money after breaking up. After all, it was money voluntarily given out of love, and it was not forced by his girlfriend. Therefore, after breaking up, I feel a little distressed about paying, so it is not recommended to pay tuition to my girlfriend at the beginning. So as not to get into more headaches in the case of a breakup, because of the dispute over money. At the same time, girls who also want their boyfriends to help pay for their tuition must understand why their boyfriends spend money on themselves. If you can't do the same effort, don't ask each other excessively, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to find a better one after breaking up.

Author: Lawyer Jin Yi

Pay Korean tuition to your girlfriend, what to do if you break up?

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