
Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

author:Cold sit

Recently, due to a recording by Li Min, the Zhejiang TV Good Voice program group fell into the vortex of public opinion. Rumors abound. At this critical moment, the well-known singer Hemingway also stood up and released a thought-provoking text, targeting the two British sisters.

Hemingway, as a well-known figure in the music industry, everyone was surprised by his statement. Especially his standing at this time surprised me.

According to Hemingway's revelations, The Voice has many unknown shady scenes, and the most serious of them is the Na Ying sisters. At that time, one of them was a producer and the other was a mentor.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public
Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

However, interestingly, Hemingway's revelation was reported shortly after it was released and is now impossible to view. Hemingway was not surprised by this, and generously said: "I wish everyone a happy Tanabata in this harmonious society." "It seems that he has compromised with reality.

Despite deleting his own revelations, Hemingway still forwarded Li Min's articles defending Li Min and denouncing the program team. In addition, Hemingway also shouted in the message, hoping to launch an investigation as soon as possible, because the truth may be more terrifying.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

It is worth mentioning that shortly after Hemingway's revelation, Na Ying suddenly and urgently canceled the Spring Wave Music Festival performance. The Organizing Committee of the Spring Wave Music Festival had already announced the guests, of which Na Ying was also the finale. Na Ying's refusal to participate embarrassed the festival organizing committee. According to the festival organizing committee, after learning of Na Ying's resignation, they tried to communicate with her several times, but ultimately failed to meet her. One can only accept the fact that she is absent.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

This series of events is distressing. Na Ying couldn't imagine that as a sister in the music industry, she would fall into such a miserable situation!


In 1967, Na Ying was born in an ordinary family in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Out of the hope of her parents, they named her "Ying", hoping that she could be like a hero.

Na Ying was the eldest sister in a group of children since she was a child, and when she grew up, she was unable to enter university due to poor academic performance.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

However, due to her outstanding singing talent, she unexpectedly entered the Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe. At that time, the work of the song and dance troupe was already very good for most people, and under normal circumstances, the average person should be satisfied.

However, Na Ying is different, she has bigger dreams. In 1988, in order to pursue a bigger stage, Na Ying signed up for the "Sunshine Cup" Young Singer Competition and successfully won the gold medal of the competition with a song "I, Find, Arrive, I, Self".

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

Teacher Gu Jianfen, who was a judge at the time, admired Na Ying very much and decided to accept her as an apprentice. Becoming Gu Jianfen's apprentice marked the beginning of Na Ying's musical career. However, success in the music scene is not easy. Fortunately, Na Ying had a flexible mind and quickly found a bold singing method that suited him. Her singing of "Fog · Li · Look · Flower" successfully established her position in the music industry. Soon after, Na Ying launched "White, Heaven, Not, Understand, Night, Black", which was loved by everyone, and Na Ying became popular all over China at once.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

After that, Na Ying appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and performed "Meet 1998" with Faye Wong. This song is still regarded by many netizens as Na Ying's most classic performance. From this day on, Na Ying officially sat on the throne of the music diva of the music world.


While succeeding in her career, Na Ying also met love. In 1998, Na Ying met the Northeast fellow Gaofeng Feng, and the free and hearty personalities of the two of them made them feel that they hated each other so late.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

Subsequently, they often played mahjong and ate together, and gradually established a romantic relationship.

Interestingly, Na Young and Gao Gao remained in a relationship for a whole decade, during which they also gave birth to a son, but the two were not officially married.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

Perhaps in Na Ying's view, the marriage certificate is just a piece of paper, and it doesn't matter if it has or doesn't have it, the important thing is that Gao Gao loves her enough.

However, for Gao, maybe he didn't want to give Na Ying a home, and because of this, he went out to have fun with Na Ying behind his back and had children with other women.

Na Ying had been kept in the dark until one day, Gao Gao came to the door with their common son, Na Ying woke up like a dream, it turned out that Gao Feng had been deceiving himself for so many years.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

In the end, Na Ying was heartbroken and chose to break up with Gao Gao in tears. Although this relationship brought great harm to Na Ying, fortunately she stopped the loss in time.

Later, Na Ying met Meng Tong, and unlike Gao Feng, Meng Tong not only liked Na Ying, but also hoped to form a complete family with her.

At first, due to the failure of the previous relationship, Na Ying rejected Meng Tong for a long time. However, Meng Tong was not discouraged, he always touched Na Ying with his heart, and finally successfully entered the palace of marriage with her.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public


However, despite a happy family life, Na Ying experienced some troubles in her career.

At a grand awards gala in 2001, the award that was supposed to be received by Tian Zhen was temporarily changed to Na Ying by the organizers.

That day was supposed to be the day Tian Zhen received the award, but he was late because he was holding a concert and couldn't get out. However, the organizers decided that the trophy was useless and decided to let someone else collect it.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

At the award ceremony, Na Ying unexpectedly became the focus of everyone's attention. What happened next, however, was a big surprise. At the moment when Na Ying received the trophy, Tian Zhen suddenly broke into the scene.

When he learned that his trophy was actually taken by Na Ying, Tian Zhen couldn't bear it anymore and rushed to the stage angrily. He unceremoniously made the incident public and accused Na Ying of taking away his honor. And Na Ying remained silent about this, just silently watching the other party's performance.

Since then, the two have been strangers and have never appeared on the same occasion again.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

At a grand awards ceremony in 2010, Na Ying, as a judge, refused Dao Lang to win the "2010 · Ten · Great Shadow · Hibiki · Li · Song · Hand · Award", and criticized Dao Lang's music aesthetic for not being elegant enough, and high sales did not mean everything.

You know, Dao Lang was a well-known singer in the music industry at that time, and he had many loyal fans. Na Ying's denigration of Dao Lang so naturally aroused many accusations.

However, our eldest sister Da Naying seems to have no concern and still maintains her big grinning personality. However, behaving like this will naturally offend more people.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public


Here, I would like to talk about Na Ying's experience in The Voice. On the stage of The Voice, Na Ying made many deep impressions.

For example, she once eliminated Zhou Shen, who was in the spotlight at the time, on the grounds that she felt that his appearance was inferior to Levi. In another competition, she forced her to sing the extremely difficult "All by Myself" because she did not have a good impression of Yao Beina.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

There are many similar things, because she participated in The Voice, Na Ying is actually often criticized. But she was able to hold the position of mentor for a long time, and it is no wonder that Hemingway angrily came out to criticize her.

Of course, in addition to The Voice, Na Ying also shows herself very self-like in other shows. For example, she once ridiculed Zhang Ziyi: "She can't bring out the championship at all, after all, it's not an industry." However, Zhang Ziyi successfully cultivated a champion and completely punched Na Ying in the face.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

In "Sister Lang", Na Ying was also not polite to Cecilia Cheung, and said directly: "Your voice is not good, go down." ”

Another time, the host asked Na Ying if she was willing to be in the same group as Yang Yuying, and she replied crisply: "I don't want to." There are many more similar incidents.

In short, the performance in these shows triggered netizens to criticize Na Ying on social platforms: "This is no longer straightforward and true, but low emotional intelligence and no quality!" ”

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

Who could have predicted that the former queen of music would fall into such a difficult situation. Gu Jianfen once commented on Na Ying: "She has a beautiful voice, but her head is a little stupid. That's a truism.

Na Ying was named by Hai Mingwei, which triggered a strict investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she urgently resigned and refused to appear in public

Finally, I want to say that Na Ying's status in the Chinese music scene is indisputable, but as a senior, we should lead by example and should not use "true temperament" as an excuse to hurt others.

Our "big sister" needs to be careful in her words and deeds, and at the same time hope that she can launch new works, not be too addicted to variety shows, and let us re-recognize the strength of the "music diva of the year"!

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