
The first lesson of the school year丨Escort the opening season of fire safety into the campus

author:Gansu forest fire protection

In order to comprehensively do a good job in school fire safety work in the new semester and further enhance students' fire safety awareness and escape and self-rescue skills, on August 29, the Pingliang City Forest Fire Detachment took advantage of the opening opportunity to go to Pingliang No. 4 Middle School to strictly organize and carry out the "first lesson of school" of fire safety.

The first lesson of the school year丨Escort the opening season of fire safety into the campus

The activity mainly covered fire prevention knowledge, emergency escape skills, health rescue knowledge learning and the use of fire extinguishing equipment, etc., firefighters through the organization to all teachers and students to distribute fire leaflets, shout fire slogans, look at fire prevention display panels, use fire extinguishing equipment, etc., so that students can learn emergency knowledge closely, experience fire equipment, improve personal skills.

The first lesson of the school year丨Escort the opening season of fire safety into the campus

"Toot toot..." At the rapid whistle, the fire escape drill officially began. Students, bend over and cover your nose, and evacuate in an orderly manner according to the direction of escape..." According to the activity plan, the firefighters worked with school teachers to jointly organize and carry out fire fighting and escape drills. The whole process was carried out safely, quickly and orderly, and achieved good results.

The first lesson of the school year丨Escort the opening season of fire safety into the campus
The first lesson of the school year丨Escort the opening season of fire safety into the campus
The first lesson of the school year丨Escort the opening season of fire safety into the campus

Coming to the playground, firefighters carried out special fire safety knowledge lectures on fire prevention, fire safety, emergency escape and other three aspects, and deeply described the basic knowledge of fire safety such as fast and correct fire alarm reporting, fire self-rescue and escape methods. All teachers and students listened carefully, actively interacted, and gained a deeper understanding and awareness of daily fire safety knowledge.

The first lesson of the school year丨Escort the opening season of fire safety into the campus
The first lesson of the school year丨Escort the opening season of fire safety into the campus
The first lesson of the school year丨Escort the opening season of fire safety into the campus

In the next part of the activity, the publicity team members explained to the students the operation and use of fire extinguishers, hygiene and rescue, hemostatic bandaging and other knowledge, and the students actively participated and experienced the use of fire extinguishing equipment, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, etc., further deepening their understanding and mastery of escape skills.

The first lesson of the school year丨Escort the opening season of fire safety into the campus

This fire safety activity on campus not only enhanced the fire prevention awareness and self-rescue ability of teachers and students, but also shortened the distance between firefighters and the campus, built a "safe campus", expanded the effect of fire protection publicity "educating a student, driving a family, and influencing the whole society", laying a good foundation for creating a safe campus and a harmonious campus.