
FAW-Volkswagen has improved its "six excellent skills" and promoted the high-quality transformation and development of automobile joint ventures in themed education

author:Jilin New Media

As a joint venture automobile enterprise of central enterprises, the FAW-Volkswagen Party Committee has taken a clear stand to do a good job in party building, firmly grasped the general requirements of theme education "learning thinking, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new merits", accurately analyzed the reform and development situation faced by enterprises, resolutely shouldered its responsibility and mission, resolutely implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, resolutely focused on the main business of enterprises, fully fulfilled economic, political and social responsibilities, and was determined to embark on a "new path of self-reliance, self-improvement, innovation and transformation and high-quality development", and improved six excellent skills in theme education. Rejuvenate the enthusiasm of entrepreneurship, promote enterprise innovation and reform, continue to improve the modern enterprise system, and strive to write a new chapter of high-quality transformation and development of enterprises.

(1) Improve the ability to link theory with practice, and grasp the "golden key" of high-quality transformation and development

The FAW-Volkswagen Party Committee insists on continuously improving its ability to use scientific theories to guide practice and promote work. Adhere to the "new path of self-reliance, self-improvement, innovation and transformation, and high-quality development" throughout the entire process of political life within the party, political theory training and strategic discussion. In order to promote the Jetta brand to grasp new opportunities and strengthen the goal of achieving high morale, the FAW-Volkswagen Party Committee team led a team to Hongqiqu and Yang Jingyu Cadre College to understand the fighting spirit of "self-reliance" and "hard work", understand the great power of ideology, strengthen the belief in victory, focus on key strategic topics to carry out in-depth discussions, and consolidate the key measures that must be achieved by business development goals. Before the thematic democratic life meeting, the party committee team focused on the key point of "taking a new path of self-reliance, self-reliance, innovation and transformation and high-quality development", conducted in-depth discussions and reflections, and sorted out 24 problems that restricted the company from taking a new path; At the meeting, all team members and senior managers closely combined with strategic goals, comprehensively examined themselves, and seriously carried out criticism and self-criticism; After the meeting, the rectification measures were carefully formulated, and the rectification results fell on promoting and solving the problems of the company's reform and development.

(2) Improve investigation and research skills to solve "real problems" in high-quality transformation and development

Combined with the characteristics of the joint venture automobile enterprises of central enterprises, the FAW-Volkswagen Party Committee strictly requires and empowers the party, compiles a white paper on investigation and research, and guides the cadre team to improve their investigation and research skills. Focusing on the key and difficult points of transformation and development, highlighting the solution of problems at the scene of problems, positive and negative cases and 12 key points of transformation and development were selected as research topics, and 53 on-site surveys, 326 employee interviews, and 145 typical user exchanges were carried out. The financial department penetrates from the rear to the marketing line, accurately understands the demands of dealers, quickly adjusts sales policies and rhythms, and improves dealer profitability; The personnel department goes directly to the workshop site, listens to the opinions of employees, promotes the rapid implementation of the promotion plan for skilled workers, and smoothes the career development channel of skilled workers; The production department goes deep into suppliers and establishes a collaborative consultation mechanism to ensure the supply of key parts and stabilize the production rhythm. Party organizations and party-member cadres at all levels should "penetrate" themselves physically and mentally into the front line, and earnestly find out and solve the real problems affecting the reform and development of enterprises and party building.

(3) Improve the ability to integrate party building and operation, and solidify the organizational guarantee for high-quality transformation and development

The FAW-Volkswagen Party Committee insists on deepening the brand building of "integration and leadership" party building, and continues to upgrade the theme practice of "six members and one geese", 123 Chinese and foreign party building communication mechanisms and other characteristic carriers. Carry out high-quality party building to lead and ensure high-quality operation, upgrade the management of key projects and difficult topics, give full play to the role of party branches as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in the most urgent and difficult business problems, and the leading and guaranteeing role of party building in production and operation is more prominent. Innovated and carried out "help marketing and co-create through train", 10 third-level party committees jointly made efforts to transform the party's organizational advantages into the advantages of the three-brand synergy and the system of "research, production and marketing" connection, create a new media communication matrix, implement the whole chain of product charm point mining, and make every effort to build a "big marketing" pattern.

(4) Improve self-reliance and self-improvement skills, and temper the ability to develop high-quality transformation

The FAW-Volkswagen Party Committee resolutely implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting FAW, firmly grasps the opportunity of industrial transformation, practices hard and comprehensively enhances core irreplaceable capabilities. Released FAW-Volkswagen's technology roadmap to deepen the operation of a company-level innovation management mechanism. Strive to consolidate the security capabilities of the Internet of Vehicles, and have been rated as an excellent pilot car company in the national automotive data security pilot work. Improve the operation capability of the Jetta brand in the whole value chain, accelerate new breakthroughs in the export field, and accelerate the progress of product development. Improve digital intelligence transformation capabilities, implement the "1521" digital transformation strategy, and promote the digital construction of 17 business fields in a "point, line and surface" manner. Improve the level of talent cadre team construction, reshape talent culture, and further boost the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of cadre talent team officers.

(5) Improve the ability to serve the people and stimulate the strong vitality of high-quality transformation and development

The FAW-Volkswagen Party Committee firmly stands firm on the people's position and resolutely takes employee satisfaction as the test standard for the company's transformation and development achievements. Carry out multi-dimensional care for employees' lives, thoughts, skills, growth and other aspects, and provide care, service and empowerment throughout their careers, and further improve employees' sense of gain and happiness. Implement the "strong confidence and increase vitality" spiritual and cultural promotion project, the "six major actions" of the whole system to make efforts, set up 16+ projects to reduce burden and increase efficiency, and carry out the "five must stress" strategic publicity covering 150,000+ people, effectively stimulating the confidence and vitality of all employees and condensing the passion for struggle. Develop a digital intelligence platform for employee communication to improve the quality and efficiency of employee services through digital intelligence. The 10th Open Day for Employees' Families was launched, and 123,000 employees, their families, partners and users entered the park to share the joy of development; Completed the upgrading of 2 canteens, held 4 employee food festivals, opened 3 new staff supermarkets, built a "crowd reading" staff library, continuously upgraded the employee office environment and cultural landscape experience in the park, implemented normalized inclusive care for 180,000 people, and restarted health recuperation to cover 2,000 people, making employees' lives more convenient and better.

(6) Improve the ability to uphold discipline and escort high-quality transformation and development steadily and far-reaching

The FAW-Volkswagen Party Committee insists on carrying forward the party's self-revolutionary spirit, continuously strengthens the construction of discipline inspection system, and ensures that the supervision and escort efficiency of high-quality development is fully released. Implement the "three doubles" project, grasp the construction of "double excellence", explore the "double exchange" model with local discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions, promote the "double promotion" of discipline inspection commissions at two levels, and strengthen the coordination of discipline inspection systems. Create escort actions, carry out special supervision around the implementation of key strategies of the company's party committees, such as "user-centric" and "digital and intelligent transformation", and make political supervision more specific and precise.

The FAW-Volkswagen Party Committee will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, solidly carry out the second batch of theme education, firmly grasp the opportunities of industrial transformation, and make every effort to transform the strong driving force of overcoming difficulties and practical responsibility in the theme education into solid results to promote the company's reform and development, and strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development of FAW-Volkswagen's self-reliance, self-reliance, innovation and transformation!

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