
In order to solve the debt crisis, Biden took the initiative to make concessions, and the United States was doing what the Chinese side demanded

author:Every second counts Dragonfly Kk

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At the G7 summit, although China did not attend in person, it was clearly in the spotlight. Both Japan, the host country, and the United States, which dominates the G7, have put China on the agenda. The joint statement after the summit even included China's shadow. But at this moment, Sino-US relations have entered a freezing point, and the United States, which has been rejected by China many times, is now in the international arena embarrassment. However, in showing the "strong" face of the United States, President Biden seems to have no hesitation in exaggerating, declaring that Sino-US relations will usher in a détente. On the stage of this summit, Biden threw out a news: the United States has actively considered a certain request put forward by China.

In order to solve the debt crisis, Biden took the initiative to make concessions, and the United States was doing what the Chinese side demanded

In order to resolve the impasse, Biden's compromise should not be underestimated. As we all know, Sino-US relations have taken a sharp turn due to the "balloon incident", and the US side has always been eager to repair the relations between the two countries. Earlier, the United States repeatedly signaled its willingness to send senior officials such as Blinken and Yellen to China for dialogue. Before the summit, Biden made it clear that he would hold a meeting with high-level Chinese officials to restart exchanges between the two countries.

However, the press conference at the summit revealed the calculation of interests behind the US statement. Biden unilaterally declared that although the "stupid balloon incident" posed a setback to Sino-US relations, he firmly believed that the relationship between the two countries may be eased in the short term. Previously, the United States had proposed that the Chinese and US defense ministers would exchange views at the "Shangri-La Dialogue" in Singapore, but China's new defense minister, Li Shangfu, is still on the US sanctions list, which is difficult to accept in China. Against this backdrop, will the two countries meet?

In order to solve the debt crisis, Biden took the initiative to make concessions, and the United States was doing what the Chinese side demanded

At the summit, Biden responded clearly, saying that the United States is considering lifting sanctions against Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu. But how much sincerity can Biden's promise have? History tells us that the United States often has one set of words and one set of actions. On the eve of the summit, the United States, Britain and Japan have already spoken in unison and loudly declared the consistency of their China policies. This unified position has aroused international shock and helplessness. The three countries not only encircled and suppressed China internationally, but also encouraged other countries to cut ties with China. Biden even pledged during the meeting that nuclear weapons would be used to protect Japan, which undoubtedly flattered Japan and Britain. Britain and Japan also plan to strengthen military cooperation, which is a threat to China.

In order to solve the debt crisis, Biden took the initiative to make concessions, and the United States was doing what the Chinese side demanded

The United States pays lip service to improving relations, but its actual actions are very different. This may be the usual method of the United States, putting its own interests first, ignoring the situation of other countries, and even suppressing others in an attempt to maintain its status.

However, Biden's sudden "softening" of his attitude towards China is actually paving the way for solving the internal crisis in the United States. Today, the US government debt has approached the $31.4 trillion ceiling for four months, and the outside world is worried about its fiscal situation. It is reported that the US financial reserves have fallen sharply, and the outside world is increasingly worried about the risk of US default. Today, the "countdown" facing the US government is approaching June 1, the deadline that Treasury Secretary Yellen has warned. The world is concerned about whether the United States defaults, and markets and economies are feeling huge fluctuations.

In order to solve the debt crisis, Biden took the initiative to make concessions, and the United States was doing what the Chinese side demanded

As the U.S. debt crisis continues to escalate, China, as a powerful market and foreign exchange reserve, is the way out. Therefore, it is no accident that the Biden administration has "softened" its posture towards China.

Biden's proposal that the United States is considering lifting sanctions against Li Shangfu is a temptation and a goodwill move. They advocate the establishment of an open hotline so that problems can be communicated and solved at any time. However, the United States often sets up "protective fences" in an attempt to ease tensions, but it has not been able to eradicate the fundamental obstacles to Sino-US relations.

At present, the United States has deteriorated Sino-US relations due to unwise policies, and the deadlock is difficult to resolve. Despite Biden's claims of moderation, we should remain cautiously optimistic. Only when the United States responds to its actual actions can it be justified. We can only wait and see where Sino-US relations go.

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