
Eight products were approved, and finally the big model was opened

author:Billion Euronet

As ChatGPT is out of the loop at an unprecedented speed, large models are quickly moving from the past out of reach to us. Starting today, the Metacarbon Institute will begin to interpret the big model, still remaining hardcore and professional. Today is the fortieth issue, the domestic large model has embarked on a new development path, although it is destined to be full of ups and downs, but the trend of the times is impossible to stop.

In the early morning of the 31st, the first batch of large-model products that attracted the attention of the industry was finally released, and a total of eight products were approved. There are cutting-edge enterprises, start-up companies, scientific research institutions or other institutions. Once approved, their large-scale models can be downloaded on the website or mobile app store and used directly, instead of having to queue up to qualify for the closed beta, which is undoubtedly a good way to attract more fans.

The eight approved companies are divided into five in Beijing and three in Shanghai, as follows:

Beijing: Baidu (Wen Xin Yiyan), Baichuan Intelligent (Baichuan big model), Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zidong Taichu big model), Zhipu AI (GLM big model), Douyin (lark big model).

Shanghai: SenseTime (Nikki New Big Model), Shanghai AI Lab (Shusheng General Big Model), MiniMax (ABAB Big Model).

Eight products were approved, and finally the big model was opened

In the early morning of the 31st, Baidu officially issued a statement saying that "Wenxin Yiyan is open to the whole society", users can download the "Wenxin Yiyan APP" or log in to the "Wenxin Yiyan official website" experience, and Baidu will also open a batch of newly reconstructed AI native applications in the future. Immediately afterwards, SenseTime officials also released news, saying that "SenseTime's large-model application 'SenseChat' will be fully opened to users from now on." "It is worth noting that the previously popular Ali Tongyi Qianwen, iFLYTEK Xinghuo, 360 Wisdom Brain and other large-model products are not in the approval list, and there are rumors that these will be gradually approved with other similar products in the future.

As early as April 11, a few months ago, the Cyberspace Administration of China issued the Measures for the Administration of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (Draft for Comments), which stated that before using AIGC and related products to provide services to the public, security assessments should be reported to the state internet information department in accordance with the "Provisions on Security Assessment of Internet Information Services with Public Opinion Attributes or Social Mobilization Capabilities", and procedures such as algorithm filing, modification, and cancellation of filing should be performed in accordance with the "Provisions on the Administration of Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommendations". At the same time, the content of AIGC should be true and accurate, and enterprises should take measures to prevent the generation of false information. On June 20, the Cyberspace Administration of China issued another announcement on the filing information of deep synthesis service algorithms, announcing the relevant information related to the filing of domestic deep synthesis service algorithms, and listing the specific enterprises involved in the attached list, with a total of 41 deep synthesis service algorithms included in the list, covering Baidu Wenxin Yige, Kugou Music, Meituan, Taobao, Damai and other popular applications.

Eight products were approved, and finally the big model was opened

After the approval of the launch, Baidu Robin Li said that when Wenxin opened its services to hundreds of millions of Internet users on a large scale, it was able to get a lot of human feedback in the real world, which would help improve the basic model in the future, and iterate Wen Xin's words at a faster speed to create a better user experience. From filing to approval, domestic large-model enterprises finally have clear policy access. Enterprises that are the first to be approved can give priority to launching large-model products for C-end users, and naturally can occupy more say in user accumulation, data acquisition and product polishing. Therefore, some people on the Internet say that these companies in Baidu have obtained AIGC licenses. As mentioned before, ChatGPT is famous at the C-end and the B-side to make money, and now the domestic large model has also embarked on this road, although the steps are different.

About half a month ago, on August 15, the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services, jointly issued by the Cyberspace Administration of China, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Science and Technology, was officially implemented, which is the first normative policy for AIGC-related industries in the mainland. It is pointed out that in the drafting process of the Interim Measures, the development and application of new technologies such as AI has always been the focus and foothold of the work, and the innovative application of AIGC-related technologies in various industries and fields, as well as the independent innovation of infrastructure and underlying technologies such as related algorithms, frameworks, chips and supporting software platforms.

Eight products were approved, and finally the big model was opened

Since Baidu Wenxin's debut on March 16 this year, kicking off the prelude to domestic large models, relevant basic capabilities are constantly improving, while application fields are also increasingly popular, and related ecosystems such as AI and AIGC are accelerating development. With the promotion of the hundred "model" war, all domestic large model products are accelerating iteration, and the cost reduction and efficiency increase of AI-related industries will become increasingly significant, promoting the commercialization process of the application side.

Eight products were approved, and finally the big model was opened

At the 2023 Scientific Intelligence Summit held on August 10, Wang Jian, academician of the National Academy of Engineering and director of Zhijiang Laboratory, once pointed out that ChatGPT can be popular around the world at an unprecedented speed, more due to chat than GPT, and chat originally means "small talk" and "dialogue", which is one of many application scenarios. It can be seen that the scientific and technological level and ability of AIGC itself are important, but the application scenario is the key link that can make it from niche to public. The so-called "standing up to the sky" means this, technology can stand up to the sky, but in the end it still has to land. In the past, Steve Jobs often said to the outside world: "The apple in my eyes has always stood at the crossroads of technology and humanities." "Apple's achievements today, this "crossroads" idea can be said to be indispensable, and it is also being learned and imitated by major technology companies around the world. Now the domestic large model industry is also on this road, although it is not destined to be smooth sailing, but once the trend of the times starts, it is naturally impossible to stop.