
ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

author:Quantum Position

ChatGPT has a new "Paper Search Artifact" plugin called "Consensus."


Instead of listing keywords, just describe the problem you want to know in one sentence, such as "what are the benefits of xxxx" and "how xx affects xx".

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

It searches and sorts out answers from 200 million papers:

Each point is accompanied by a link to the paper.

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

Even write a simple review based on your question:

Of course, it is also by summarizing relevant research, and links to papers will be attached.

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

Most importantly, unlike ChatGPT, which sometimes makes up fake links, Consensus's papers are absolutely searchable (all peer-reviewed). [Dog Head]

With it, it is simply not too convenient to find papers~

Specific usage

Let's look at the specific usage, a total of four.

01. Given a question, give the answer by summarizing the research of each paper

For example, the official example: "What are the benefits of mindfulness meditation?" ”

It will answer the question with a list of 1234 enumerations, each of which is backed by a paper.

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

02. Given a topic, write a simple review with the ideas of each paper and give the source

For example: "Write me a paragraph on the impact of climate change on GDP, with a quote." ”

As you can see, the answer given by the plugin is relatively comprehensive, listing the conclusions of 5 studies and giving specific data for each.

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

03. Search papers without keyword matching

No specific keywords are needed, you just tell it what topic you want, and you'll be thrown a bunch of papers, each containing the author, year, journal, and one-sentence summary.

For example: "Find me 5 papers on how immigration affects the economy", and the answer given by the plugin is this:

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

04. Cite thesis research and write an SEO-friendly blog

Prompts such as "Write an SEO-friendly blog discussing whether CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) can treat fear, include links to peer-reviewed papers."

The answer given by the plugin is a good title, and the beginning is ready for the topic introduction.

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

The text (What the Research Says) is not much different from the previous one, and it summarizes the ideas of the paper.

Finally with a brief summary, and a reminder: be sure to refer to the original research paper for a comprehensive understanding of balabala.

With a little polish and expansion on top of that, a blog can indeed come out.

So, how to get the plugin?

As long as you are a valued Plus user, go to the "Plugin store" and search for "Consensus" to install.

About Consensus

Just as OpenAI allows developers to make third-party plugins that can be officially launched after review, Consensus comes from "third-party companies."

The company has the same name as this plugin and was probably founded in 2021.

The core team includes former employees from Google, Waymo, and Amazon.

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

Consensus itself is a product that does paper search, trained by tens of thousands of papers labeled by PhDs.

The source data comes from Semantic Scholar and is updated monthly.

The official website looks like this, and the current features are still in beta testing.

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

Give a question at random, the results are as follows, the latest paper is from 2019.

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords

If you don't have a plus member with ChatGPT, it's worth using this site alone to do some scientific searches.

The official website also gives some of the best ways to ask questions and negative cases, which can be referred to if you are interested.

ChatGPT launches "Paper Artifact" plugin! Search 200 million articles without keywords


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