
Inexplicable bruises on your body? Be careful with these 5 situations

author:Shimizu release

When I woke up, a purple piece and a blue patch appeared on my body, but I clearly remembered that these parts had not been bumped and injured before, what was going on?

In fact, bruising is a subcutaneous hemorrhage.

There are many thin and thin capillaries hidden under our skin, many times thinner than a hair, and bleeding may occur at the slightest touch.

Although there is no obvious breach on the surface of the skin, after the capillaries are ruptured, platelets and coagulation factors do not have time to "repair", and part of the blood that flows out penetrates into the soft tissues of the skin and coagulates into so-called bruises.

However, the bruises that accumulate under the skin are generally slowly absorbed by the body, and the bruises usually disappear on their own.

Inexplicable bruises on your body? Be careful with these 5 situations

What are the common causes of bruising?

Inexplicable bruises on your body? Be careful with these 5 situations


Platelet factor

Platelets are the maintenance workers in blood cells, and their main functions are to coagulate and stop bleeding, and repair broken blood vessels.

When blood vessels rupture, platelets rush up in droves within seconds to close the wound to stop the bleeding. In addition, platelets can also release adrenaline, causing vasoconstriction and promoting hemostasis.

When the number of platelets in the human body is significantly reduced, the injured blood vessels are like leaking pipes that constantly ooze blood, and even if there is no obvious bump, it will cause subcutaneous bruises.

There are many causes of thrombocytopenia, such as blood disorders, immune thrombocytopenia, drug causes, viral infections, etc.


Vascular physiology

Our blood vessels actually have a certain resilience of rebound and contraction, which can have a certain buffering effect on external impact, so that blood vessels are not easy to break.

And for some reason, such as age, vitamin C deficiency, will increase the fragility of blood vessels, in the face of impact will be "fragile", just like glass tubes and rubber tubes in the face of the same impact, brittle glass is more likely to break.

Also, do you find that girls are more likely to bruise than boys?

That's because men's skin is generally thicker than girls' and better protects the capillaries under the skin. So with the same impact, the boy may be fine, and the girl will already have bruises.

There is also the fact that girls generally have white skin, and bruises are more conspicuous.


Coagulation abnormalities

The so-called coagulation function is the body's ability to turn flowing blood into a gel state that cannot flow, and when the body bleeds, the coagulation function plays a pivotal role.

Congenital coagulation disorders such as hemophilia, lack of coagulation factor raw materials such as vitamin K insufficiency, and impaired liver function leading to insufficient supply of active ingredients of the coagulation system are common causes of coagulation dysfunction.

Supplementation of appropriate clotting factors and vitamins, active treatment of liver disease can improve coagulation abnormalities.

There are also some elderly long-term oral anticoagulant drugs, the mechanism of action of such drugs is to affect certain coagulation factors in the coagulation process to organize the coagulation process. Therefore, anticoagulant drugs should monitor coagulation function during use to prevent bleeding.


Henoch-Schönlein purpura

There is a kind of subcutaneous hemorrhage, which at first may be dense small bleeding above the skin on the legs, and over time it will fuse into flaky ecchymoses, but there are no abnormalities in platelets and coagulation function. This may be Henoch-Schönlein purpura.

The causes of Henoch-Schönlein purpura are related to infections, immune disorders, allergies, and drugs, and are essentially a vasculitic change.

Some people do not pay attention to their diet, change their living environment, and will appear after a cold. Henoch-Schönlein purpura is more common in children and adolescents, rash often occurs in low-hanging areas, both lower limbs are the most common site, sometimes upper limbs and abdomen will also appear rash, severe joint pain, abdominal pain and kidney damage, but generally after formal treatment, the prognosis of Henoch-Schönlein purpura is still good.


Bromiduron (rodenticide) poisoning

Bromidolon is a rodenticide, improper storage or accidental ingestion can cause poisoning, this preparation will cause coagulation factor synthesis in the body, affect coagulation function.

The general incubation period is 1-7 days. Early manifestations are bleeding and ecchymosis at the trauma site, and the gums bleed easily. As the disease progresses, spontaneous bleeding may occur, such as subcutaneous purpura ecchymosis, epistaxis, and even hemoptysis and hemoptysis.

If there is clear contact with rodenticide, and ecchymosis occurs at the same time, the diagnosis of poisoning cannot be ruled out, and medical examination should be carried out in time.

Inexplicable bruises on your body? Be careful with these 5 situations

When bruising appears on the body

What should we do?

Inexplicable bruises on your body? Be careful with these 5 situations

When injured, do not rub the injured part hard to relieve the pain because of obvious pain, this wrong behavior will aggravate the degree of damage to the subcutaneous capillaries and affect the body's hemostatic process.

The correct procedure should be to apply ice to the bump site immediately.

Icy temperatures constrict the walls of blood vessels, reducing the amount of blood flowing to the broken blood vessels, helping to reduce blood seepage into surrounding tissues and reducing the extent and extent of bruising.

If the injured part is a limb that can be elevated, try to elevate the injured part to reduce bleeding. After 24 hours, warm compresses can be applied to the ecchymosis to promote local blood circulation and accelerate congestion metabolism.

Remember not to apply warm compresses early on the injury, otherwise it will aggravate the bleeding. Generally, bruising will slowly subside within 2 weeks.

If you have repeated bruising after non-traumatic injuries for a long time, it is still necessary to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, such as blood routine, coagulation function, trace elements, etc., to investigate the causes of some organic diseases.

All in all, there are actually many reasons for bruising, if the body always appears inexplicably, or the body is alerting you, do not panic, seek help from a doctor in time, improve the examination, formal treatment, and face the bruise.

Source: Science Debunks Rumors