
Tu Lei's grandmother died of the new crown and was buried and cremated today, and I was busy deleting comments because of the controversy caused by the misnomer

author:Funny branches

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In the Spring Festival of 2023, an unusual tragedy befell Tu Lei and his family. On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Tu Lei released a harrowing video dynamic, announcing the bad news of his grandmother's death the day before yesterday. This news shocked and distressed his fans, and expressed their condolences and support for him in the comment area.

In the video, Tu Lei's face looks haggard, his eyes are puffy with sadness, and even though he is wearing a thick cotton suit, the cold weather still makes his skin wrinkle and his lips grin from dryness. He said in a sad tone: "Grandma still couldn't carry it in the end, left the morning before yesterday, and today the farewell ceremony was cremated and buried, and grandma went all the way." This sentence is full of deep thoughts for loved ones and farewell pain.

Tu Lei's grandmother died of the new crown and was buried and cremated today, and I was busy deleting comments because of the controversy caused by the misnomer

Then, Tu Lei added: "Grandma is finally reunited with my grandfather and my mother, and I wish all the elderly a safe and healthy 2023." This sentence reveals the deep sadness in his heart, and perhaps tears still have tears in his eyes when recording this video. However, Tu Lei's word "finally" sparked heated discussions among netizens. Many people think that the term is used inappropriately here, as if to imply that the death of my grandmother is a relief. This interpretation may lead to misunderstandings, but we must also understand that in the face of the great grief of the death of his loved ones, Tu Lei may not have much room to think about words.

Tu Lei's grandmother died of the new crown and was buried and cremated today, and I was busy deleting comments because of the controversy caused by the misnomer

It is worth mentioning that Tu Lei once released a news on January 20, informing his grandmother that she was receiving treatment for the new crown virus. He hurried to the hospital, worried if he would be able to see his grandmother for the last time. At that time, he prayed that his grandmother would overcome the disease, but the final outcome was deeply regrettable.

Tu Lei's grandmother is 97 years old, old, and her physical condition is not good. Coupled with the decline in immunity, even after three days of rescue, it still failed to save her life. This also means that for Tu Lei, this Spring Festival will become his last reunion time with his grandmother, and the second day of the Lunar New Year will become his grandmother's festival day, which is heartbreaking.

Tu Lei's grandmother died of the new crown and was buried and cremated today, and I was busy deleting comments because of the controversy caused by the misnomer

It is worth noting that before his grandmother was infected with the virus, Tu Lei's family was also diagnosed positive. At first, his symptoms were not serious, but then his condition took a sharp turn, the high fever did not subside, the cough did not stop, and the whole person looked emaciated. Eventually, he went to the hospital for examination and was diagnosed with a lung infection. Fortunately, he sought medical attention in time and did not cause more serious consequences.

Tu Lei also took this opportunity to remind everyone that once diagnosed, do not be careless, even if there is no fever, you should seek medical attention in time. This painful experience was undoubtedly a profound lesson for him.

Tu Lei's grandmother died of the new crown and was buried and cremated today, and I was busy deleting comments because of the controversy caused by the misnomer

During the entire process of illness, Tu Lei was not only physically tortured, but also faced the deterioration of his grandmother's condition and the eventual parting. In response to the questioning of his misnomer, we should probably not increase his psychological burden. His original intention is undoubtedly to hope that his grandmother will pass away safely, and at the same time, he also wishes all the elderly a healthy and safe new year, and reduces the sadness of parting.

In short, Tu Lei's experience taught us to cherish the time we spend with our loved ones and care about the health of ourselves and our families. I hope that in the new year, not only the elderly can be safe and healthy, but everyone can usher in happiness and well-being. In this challenging and uncertain time, we need to unite and care together to overcome this difficult time.

Tu Lei's grandmother died of the new crown and was buried and cremated today, and I was busy deleting comments because of the controversy caused by the misnomer

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