
"Peach-colored corrupt official" Xu Qiyao: crazy to accumulate wealth, including more than 100 mistresses, and even mother and daughter eat all


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In that tortuous period of history, the older generation of warriors did not hesitate to dedicate their lives to the rise of the country, leaving us with today's peace and prosperity. They were willing to abandon their families, but eventually fell on the road ahead, leaving their wives and children with no one to rely on.

In order to ensure that the families of these heroes and martyrs can receive the respect and care they deserve, the state has been committed to providing various special care and preferential policies, covering many fields such as education, employment, military service and political participation. The protagonist of this article, Xu Qiyao, is a descendant of a martyr who has enjoyed these special treatment, and he once had a reverence for his father and was determined to make outstanding contributions to the country and the people.

"Peach-colored corrupt official" Xu Qiyao: crazy to accumulate wealth, including more than 100 mistresses, and even mother and daughter eat all

However, the trajectory of life is often full of twists and turns, temptations. On the road of his career, Xu Qiyao gradually lost his original intention and stepped into the quagmire of greed and corruption. The ending of this story is shocking, he not only amassed more than 20 million yuan, but also supported 146 mistresses, including a mother and daughter.

When Xu Qiyao's father died heroically in the Anti-Japanese War, he was only a baby. As a descendant of a martyr, he was able to enjoy preferential treatment from the state, received higher education, and graduated from the East China Institute of Water Conservancy. After graduating from university, he was assigned to the Yancheng Gin Stripping Factory as a cadre, and then quickly rose to prominence, eventually rising to the position of municipal party secretary.

"Peach-colored corrupt official" Xu Qiyao: crazy to accumulate wealth, including more than 100 mistresses, and even mother and daughter eat all

When he first entered the career, Xu Qiyao had the passion for national construction and actively sought the well-being of the people. During his tenure as Party Secretary of Binhai County, he actively promoted the development of the local economy and created a "golden age". In the 1991 catastrophic flood, Xu Qiyao personally led the rescue team, shared happiness and hardship with the team members, and persevered for a whole month without a trace of official arrogance, and finally calmed the threat of flooding.

The mayor who has led by example has shown true leadership in times of crisis, working diligently to do practical things for the people. However, his story eventually takes an incredible turn.

"Peach-colored corrupt official" Xu Qiyao: crazy to accumulate wealth, including more than 100 mistresses, and even mother and daughter eat all

When Xu Qiyao became the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Construction Commission, he was exposed to more opportunities for personal gain. He took advantage of his position and began to get involved in engineering projects to profit from them. At first, others may have sent him to bribe him, but gradually, his greed became stronger and stronger, and he actively used his power for personal gain. Over time, his greed reached incredible levels.

In the end, Xu Qiyao's criminal behavior was exposed, and he faced huge embezzlement amounts, up to more than 20 million yuan. What is even more shocking is that he managed to keep 146 mistresses, including a mother and daughter.

One of the initiators of this incident was a nurse named Wang Xiuli. She is over forty years old, but well-maintained, and has an improper relationship with Xu Qiyao. The connection between the two quickly escalated, and Wang Xiuli's daughter also became Xu Qiyao's target. The 19-year-old girl received help from Xu Qiyao because of Wang Xiuli's intercession, however, it was a terrible beginning.

Xu Qiyao began to pursue the young girl, eventually including her in his own list. He not only provides material luxury, but also psychologically brainwashes her, making her think that she is special and lucky. Before it was exposed, Xu Qiyao was proud of it and did not feel ashamed. He even recorded his evil deeds in a notebook detailing what he had done, which was disgusting.

However, justice will come sooner or later. In 2000, Xu Qiyao's crimes were finally revealed and he was sentenced to death by a court. From a descendant of a martyr with a clean heart to a disgusted "peach-colored corrupt official", Xu Qiyao's fate has changed endlessly.

This story profoundly teaches us that power is not a double-edged sword

, it needs wise, honest people to master. Xu Qiyao's example shows that the abuse of power can turn a person who originally harbored ideals for the well-being of the people into a moral degenerate. He went from being a clean mayor to a corrupt official, and eventually paid a terrible price.

Xu Qiyao's story also reveals the terrible consequences of moral decay. He not only lost his moral bottom line in corruption, but also carried out intolerable behavior towards mother and daughter. This moral decay not only hurt his family and his own reputation, but also caused great mental and physical damage to the victims.

In the end, however, good triumphed over evil. Xu Qiyao's criminal acts were exposed and he was brought to justice, which shows the effectiveness and fairness of the legal system. It is also an important warning that no matter how high our status, we cannot escape the law.

Overall, Xu's story is a warning of moral decay and corruption. It calls us to be wary of abuses of power and emphasizes the importance of moral values. Only by sticking to our original intentions and maintaining integrity can we avoid repeating his mistakes and contribute to the prosperity and progress of society. The story may end tragically, but it's also an important lesson that reminds us never to let greed and moral decay destroy our lives and society.

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