
That flower bloomed - remember my story with the East Expo

author:China-ASEAN Expo
That flower bloomed - remember my story with the East Expo

That flower bloomed - remember my story with the East Expo

My story with the China-ASEAN Expo began at the 18th East Expo in 2021, when I volunteered to volunteer in access control management positions. In 2022, I once again signed up as a volunteer for the 19th East Expo to continue my unforgettable East Bo Yuan.

I participated in the East Expo volunteer service twice, and what impressed me the most was on the afternoon of September 12, 2021, when we moved the equipment back to the storage place at the end of the day's work. When leaving the exhibition hall, the sunset fell on the ground like broken gold, the soft light plated us with a light layer of gold, the sunset molten gold, the twilight quadrangle, when I turned back, the hibiscus hall under the sunset seemed to be shrouded in a large net woven with gold thread, which was even more magical and charming, making me think of Su Shi's poem "Trickling tears and purple smiles, flames burn the sky red Buddha Sang". A fresh breeze caresses his cheeks, and the exhaustion of the day disappears. In September, the hibiscus flowers on Minzu Avenue are in full bloom, and it leaves an indelible red color on friends from all over the world with its broad mind and full of enthusiasm.

That flower bloomed - remember my story with the East Expo

At the East Expo, I witnessed the bloom of the flower of professionalism. From recruiting volunteers to identifying candidates to finally taking up the post, every step is handled by a dedicated person and the procedures are rigorous. Whether it is the 18th or the 19th East Expo, volunteers have received strict training before taking up their posts. Before the opening, volunteers took a bus to Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center for nucleic acid testing and participated in pre-job training, and the person in charge taught us how to operate the computer and how to use the equipment for scanning. After taking up their posts, the volunteers performed their respective duties, full of enthusiasm, cooperation and enthusiasm, and the volunteers of the customer service center answered questions for foreign friends in fluent English, spread the voice of China with the power of young people, and told Chinese stories well; Volunteers from all over the world introduced the specific conditions of different pavilions to exhibitors from all over the world; The volunteers in each national pavilion gave full play to their professional advantages and acted as interpreters between visitors and exhibitors in Thai, Vietnamese, Lao and other minor languages, providing convenient and high-quality services. After 20 years of hard work, the specialization, internationalization and influence of the East Expo have also increased day by day. The 19th East Expo set up ASEAN and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) boutique exhibition areas, focusing on displaying the advantageous and characteristic products of various countries; A new energy vehicle exhibition area was added, focusing on new energy vehicles, electric vehicles and related technologies and applications with smart vehicles as highlights; The new cross-border e-commerce and new retail exhibition areas, focusing on the display of e-commerce platforms and featured products, and e-commerce supporting logistics services, will promote new breakthroughs in economic and trade effectiveness and create new business opportunities for regional cooperation[1]. New energy vehicles, cultural tourism and health care, cross-border e-commerce and other exhibitions have been added. At the same time, there are facilities such as the certificate hall, the opening conference venue, the restaurant, the news center, etc., and the on-site management and service level are further optimized, so that the audience can find the exhibition area of interest according to their own needs, reflecting the high professional level of the exhibition.

That flower bloomed - remember my story with the East Expo

△Volunteers at the 19th China-ASEAN Expo.

At the East Expo, I witnessed the blooming of the flower of science and technology. From the 18th East Expo to the 19th East Expo, as a volunteer, I deeply felt the amazing progress of science and technology at the East Expo. During the 18th East Expo, I will visit the exhibition hall with friends after work, and there are many high-tech products that we have never seen before, such as intelligent welcome robots, VR immersive interactive games, self-driving buses (models), etc. The 19th East Expo continued to adopt the form of "Cloud East Expo + Physical Exhibition", build a 3D virtual exhibition hall, create high-quality investment promotion activities, and extend online display to offline. Walking into the hall, we were dazzled by all kinds of smart products, and I once again felt the strong pulse of the East Expo.

That flower bloomed - remember my story with the East Expo

△The 19th China-ASEAN Expo Advanced Technology Exhibition.

At the East Expo, I witnessed the bloom of the flower of passion. During the 18th East Expo, I was fortunate to be interviewed by Guangxi Radio and Television Station: "As a volunteer of the East Expo, I feel very honored and proud to be able to contribute my own modest strength to the East Expo and confess the motherland with practical actions." "Not only me, but all the volunteers who can serve the East Expo are the same, with a passionate heart, they write youthful strokes for telling the story of the East Expo. From the warm and thoughtful service of the volunteers to the patient and responsible reception of the staff, to the further deepening of economic and trade cooperation with ASEAN at the East Expo, the promotion of the construction of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Version 3.0, and the expansion of the "Nanning Channel", all of them show China's enthusiasm and openness and inclusiveness in embracing the world. While working, an exhibitor from Malaysia looked anxious to ask for help, but unfortunately, there were no volunteers majoring in Bahasa Malaysia in our group. Seeing that the exhibitor was getting more and more anxious, repeating his questions in Bahasa Malaysia, one of the volunteers in the group immediately stepped forward to ask him in English if he could communicate in English, he nodded and said "OK", it turned out that a customer who was not familiar with English came to his booth and needed our help with translation. Our volunteers went with him to the booth and helped him with language communication. Afterwards, the volunteer in charge of the interpreter told us: "Although the language is not clear, but our hearts are connected, I want to use my strength to help him, help more people, so that friends from all over the world can hear the voice of China and feel the enthusiasm of China." "The 19th East Expo signed a total of 267 international and domestic cooperation projects, with a total investment of more than 400 billion yuan, an increase of 37% over the previous session. A number of cooperation mechanisms and institutions such as China-ASEAN Media Port, China-ASEAN Institute of Statistics, and China-ASEAN Technology Transfer Alliance have been launched or landed [2]. A batch of projects have taken root, important documents have been released and implemented, and the results of the East Expo have been reflected one by one. The East Expo further condensed the cooperation consensus of all parties to deepen pragmatic exchanges and cooperation and jointly promote regional development and prosperity, witnessed China's determination to expand opening up, and was another vivid practice of building a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future.

The morning light penetrated the clouds and sprinkled on the hibiscus flower hall, and the flowers of the East Expo under the morning sun were in full bloom. My life is also like a blossom, and the story of the two years with the East Expo is like a gentle spring breeze, the spring rain is delicate, seemingly without a trace, but it actually leaves warm memories in my heart. I am very lucky to meet the East Expo, even if spring and winter come, our story will not usher in the final chapter, and the future is still far away.

[1] See Lin Hao, "The 19th East Expo Sets Up ASEAN and RCEP Boutique Exhibition Area to Create New Business Opportunities for Regional Cooperation", China News Network Baijia Number, September 15, 2022.

[2] See "The 19th East Expo Closes with a 37% Increase in Total Investment Signed Over the Previous Edition", China Information News, September 22, 2022, 1st edition.

Author: Deng Shuyi

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That flower bloomed - remember my story with the East Expo

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