
The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

author:Humai Talk

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The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

text| @蛋仔AI

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"I am his wife, why doesn't my husband's savings share with me?" Lin asked Xiao Wang in the court angrily.

Xiao Wang took a deep breath and calmly responded: "This is not my decision alone, but the will made by my brother Wang before his death. He decided to leave the deposit to me. ”

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

Lin was stunned when he heard this answer. She couldn't figure out why her husband had made such a decision. After all, they have been married for many years, run the family together, and have given so much to the family, why did the husband leave all his inheritance to his younger brother at the last minute?

However, the facts of the bank told her a harsh truth: her husband transferred all his savings to his brother before he died.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

Marriage of two people

Wang and Lin are college classmates, they met and fell in love during college, got married after graduation, and had a son, Wang Yu.

Their life began very happily, Wang worked in a foreign company after graduation, and with his own efforts, he started as a small employee and gradually rose to the position of deputy general manager. And Lin became an elementary school teacher, and the life of the two can be said to be a well-off life.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

In the first few years after marriage, Wang's work was very hard, often requiring clients to entertain and travel abroad. In order to take care of the children, Lin took the initiative to leave his job and stay at home full-time with his husband and children.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

Wang is very grateful for his wife's choice, he knows the importance of family, and feels that his career success can only be achieved by standing on his wife's shoulders, so he is determined to take good care of his family.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

However, with the success of Wang's career, his work became more and more busy, often needing to socialize and travel.

He also spent significantly less time home, while Lin was alone at home taking care of his children, feeling lonely and tired.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

One day, Wang went to the hospital for a physical examination, and it was found that he had a tumor in his stomach that required further examination to determine whether it was a benign tumor or a malignant tumor.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

Wang did not immediately tell Lin the news because he was worried that his wife would be too worried. So, he arranged an inspection the next day and asked his younger brother Xiao Wang to accompany him.

The next day, Wang and Xiao Wang went to the hospital for examination. The results confirmed that Wang suffered from mid-stage stomach cancer.

Hearing this news, Wang's whole person fell into the brink of collapse. Xiao Wang felt very sorry for his brother and worried that he would not be able to withstand this blow alone, so he offered to stay with his brother and take care of him.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

After leaving the hospital, Wang did not immediately tell his wife the bad news. After much deliberation, he decided to deal with the work matters first and then explain it to his wife. He met with the company's partners and expressed his desire to leave for treatment. The partner understood his decision well and agreed to his application on the spot and promised to continue to take care of his family.

After dealing with things at work, Wang finally plucked up the courage to explain to his wife Lin that he was terminally ill. After Lin heard the news, she burst into tears instantly, she couldn't believe that such a change would happen at home. Seeing his wife sad, Wang also comforted her with red eyes, saying that he would do his best to cooperate with the doctor's treatment.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

The next day, Wang went through the hospitalization procedures. In the following days, he received various treatments in the hospital, and Lin often went to the hospital to take care of her husband and take care of her son. His younger brother Xiao Wang also often visits his brother in the hospital to give him moral support.

However, as time went by, Wang's condition deteriorated day by day, and it was already difficult to eat. Lin felt like a knife in her heart, she didn't know what else to do to help her husband.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

At this time, a man named Zhang Hao appeared in the ward, claiming to be Lin's old classmate, to visit the sick Wang.

The name evokes Lin's memories of the past. Zhang Hao comforted her that to take care of her body, she didn't hesitate to raise any needs. Lin was grateful for Zhang Hao's kindness, and the two began to contact frequently. In the company of Zhang Hao, Lin temporarily forgot the shadow of her husband's critical illness.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

However, Wang saw the WeChat ambiguity between his wife and Zhang Hao on his hospital bed. He felt dead hearted, he thought that his wife would always be by his side, but now he found that the relationship between them had broken down.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

After staying up all night, Wang contacted his lawyer early the next morning and expressed the idea of amending the will. He decided to leave a property and two cars in his name to his son Wang Yu, and all the 10 million deposits in the account were left to his younger brother Xiaowang. He secretly contacted Xiao Wang and transferred 10 million to Xiao Wang's account first.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

In court, when Lin asked Xiao Wang why he didn't refute it, Xiao Wang was silent for a long time, and finally opened his mouth to say something that shocked Lin: "Zhang Hao, do you know this person?" As soon as he heard this name, Lin was instantly speechless, and his face turned pale.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

It turned out that Xiao Wang had already learned about Lin's derailment from Wang. He has been following his brother's instructions and did not tell him about it, because he was worried that it would hurt his young children.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

Lin finally realized her fault, she realized that she had an improper relationship with someone else when her husband's life was dying, which was a betrayal of family values. She had nothing to say but left the courtroom in silence.

In the end, the court ruled to recognize Wang's will. The property and vehicles are owned by his son, and 10 million is owned by Xiao Wang. As the guardian of his son, Xiao Wang needs to properly keep part of his son's inheritance until his son reaches adulthood.

The husband is critically ill, the wife is still "through the sewers" in the macho bed, and the will: 10 million donate to others!

This story teaches us many profound lessons. Marriage is based on mutual respect and fidelity, and temptation and betrayal often lead to the breakdown and injury of the family.

In the face of difficulties and setbacks, couples should support and understand each other, not betray and evade responsibility. Only through sincerity and tolerance can we build a solid foundation of marriage and face the challenges of life together.