
Li Jiaqi overturned the goods live broadcast and lost 600,000 fans overnight

Li Jiaqi overturned the goods live broadcast and lost 600,000 fans overnight

Li Jiaqi posted an apology late at night

Was Li Jiaqi scolded unjustly?

On September 10, when Li Jiaqi introduced a certain eyebrow pencil of Hua Xizi on a live broadcast, some netizens left a message saying: Hua Xizi is getting more and more expensive.

In this regard, Li Jiaqi angrily netizens said, "Don't talk nonsense, the eyebrow pencil has always been 79, domestic brands are difficult, sometimes find their own reasons, so many years of salary has not risen, have you worked seriously?" ”

One stone stirs up a thousand waves. #Li Jiaqi brought goods to scare netizens##李佳琦 Hua Xizi# and other related topics quickly appeared on Weibo hot search, many netizens were deeply dissatisfied with its attack on consumers, and questioned: "No matter how difficult it is for domestic brands, is it difficult to beat workers?" "How harsh this sounds, what did the consumer do wrong" "Holding a bowl and scolding the mother, but it's really okay!" ”

Li Jiaqi overturned the goods live broadcast and lost 600,000 fans overnight

(Source: Weibo screenshot)

In the early morning of September 11, Li Jiaqi posted an apology on Weibo and said: I hope to always maintain the best state to accompany everyone, will listen carefully to everyone's suggestions, and serve all consumers well.

Li Jiaqi overturned the goods live broadcast and lost 600,000 fans overnight

(Li Jiaqi posted an apology in the early morning.) Source: Li Jiaqi Weibo screenshot)

But netizens did not buy it, and the Weibo was flooded with negative comments such as "you earn ordinary people's money, and in the end you mock ordinary people for being poor", "don't forget the way you came", "make money until you forget your roots", "I hope you sincerely apologize instead of giving in to money" and other negative comments.

It is worth mentioning that some netizens sorted out the price of Hua Xizi eyebrow pencil in previous years in Xiaohongshu. According to the data sorted out, the eyebrow pencil is a new product in 2020, and the official flag activity price has been 79 yuan to buy one get one free, the usual price is 89 yuan to buy one get one free, and Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room is 79 yuan to buy one get two free, and there is indeed no price increase.

However, some netizens integrated the price per gram of eyebrow pencil of various beauty brands and found that the price per gram of eyebrow pencil of the brand was significantly higher than that of most beauty brands, even equivalent to 1.5g of gold.

As soon as this data came out, netizens fried the pan again and began to fight around "whether Hua Xizi is expensive or not". Among the many ridiculed voices, the "Hua Xi coin" extended from the eyebrow pencil incident suddenly became the exclusive monetary unit of migrant workers, and was used by netizens to refer to the low wages and consumption levels of ordinary migrant workers.

Li Jiaqi overturned the goods live broadcast and lost 600,000 fans overnight

(Source: Weibo screenshot)

Although Li Jiaqi's claim that the price of Hua Xizi eyebrow pencil has not increased may not be a lie, the price of this eyebrow pencil is not cheap among many brands, whether it is expensive or not, it can only be said that it varies from person to person.

However, from the perspective of consumers, everyone is dissatisfied with Li Jiaqi's remarks, and the most important point is not the price, but his attitude.

As we all know, Li Jiaqi's mantra in the live broadcast room in the past was "pig girl buy this, the big bowl is cheap and easy to use", "everyone do what they can", "this is a bit expensive, students can consider other brands", which can be said to be quite considered by consumers.

But judging from the previous overturning remarks, Li Jiaqi not only failed to show the professional level that a head anchor should have, but even treated consumers in a way that was difficult for most people to accept, seemingly disgusted that everyone did not work hard, and even Hua Xizi eyebrow pencil could not afford it.

Objectively speaking, when consumers question the price of the product, the anchor should analyze the pricing of the brand at the first time, such as explaining the reasons for the current pricing from the aspects of development costs, material costs, and publicity costs, after all, whether a product is expensive or not, should be judged by consumers, not by the anchor's unilateral "coffin conclusion" to decide.

At present, it seems that this tragedy caused by a pencil is far from over.

As a head anchor, Li Jiaqi was ridiculed by netizens for inappropriate remarks, which has had an impact on his personal image, and how long this influence can last depends on Li Jiaqi's subsequent performance.

Li Jiaqi overturned the goods live broadcast and lost 600,000 fans overnight

The closer the binding, the more difficult it is to cut

In the past two years, as the top anchors have faded from the public's view, the relationship between big brands and anchors has become more and more delicate.

Data show that on Double 11 last year, there were as many as 17 self-broadcast rooms of the official flagship stores of beauty brands with sales of more than 100 million, and 70 sales exceeded 10 million, and it is expected that this year's brand self-broadcast turnover will account for 50% of the overall live broadcast e-commerce.

It is not difficult to see that big brands have changed from trend to normal, and are now bringing new growth to brands.

It should be noted that as more and more brands begin to broadcast themselves, the relationship between big brands and anchors has not weakened, but has moved towards deeper cooperation.

Taking Li Jiaqi as an example, since the resumption of broadcasting last year, Li Jiaqi has continued to reduce the frequency of appearing in the live broadcast room, but on the homepage of his live broadcast notes, you can not only see the "slices" of the live broadcast and self-made variety shows he launched, but also the content co-creation videos created by the domestic brands represented by Hua Xizi and them.

In addition, in 2021, Li Jiaqi also joined the product co-creation of Hua Xizi, participating in the creation of Hua Xizi's "Miao Impression" and "Dai Impression" and other related products.

Li Jiaqi overturned the goods live broadcast and lost 600,000 fans overnight

(Li Jiaqi Miao Impression Series product promotional image.) Source: Hua Xizi)

On the surface, brand self-broadcasting has replaced live streaming as a mainstream choice. But in fact, the anchor and the big brand have not been unbound, and the two sides are still inseparable.

Netizens who often pay attention to Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room should know that Hua Xizi's initial popularity has a lot to do with Li Jiaqi. Tmall data shows that in 2019, "Double 11", Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room contributed nearly 80% of the total traffic to the Huaxizi Tmall flagship store, and more than 64% of the transaction volume came from Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room.

Also in this year, Hua Xizi frequently appeared in Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room, and on average, Hua Xizi's products appeared once every two live broadcasts.

Obviously, Li Jiaqi and Hua Xizi are still deeply bound in a relationship, and even in the live broadcast room, Li Jiaqi did not shy away from saying, "Hua Xizi has cooperated with me for so many years, almost hollowed out their family to me, almost Hua Xizi has the surname Li." ”

Nowadays, due to the incident of Li Jiaqi angry netizens for defending Hua Xizi, the public has produced many speculations about the relationship between Li Jiaqi and Hua Xizi, and doubts about Hua Xizi's commission to Li Jiaqi as high as 60%~80% are raging.

In response to a series of questions from netizens, Hua Xizi customer service staff responded this morning that the matter has been recorded, there will be a special department to investigate, as for the 80% commission problem circulating on the Internet, the customer service said that it is not clear.

Li Jiaqi overturned the goods live broadcast and lost 600,000 fans overnight

(Hanako responded to the question.) Source: Western Decision Weibo screenshot)

Although whether Hua Xizi's commission to Li Jiaqi is as high as 80% cannot be verified for the time being, from the cost expenditure of the past few years, Hua Xizi has indeed spent no less money on marketing.

According to the "China Cosmetics 2022 Annual Revenue Top Brand List", Hua Xizi's annual revenue reached 4 billion, and in the early days, 20 million yuan was invested in monthly marketing expenses on the live broadcast platform alone.

From this point of view, Hua Xizi's product pricing has a lot to do with head anchors like Li Jiaqi, after all, marketing expenses, as an extremely important part of brand costs, basically flow to the "pockets" of head anchors like Li Jiaqi.

The closer the binding, the more difficult it is to cut. The black and red waves of Li Jiaqi and Hua Xizi obviously cannot be easily exposed.

Li Jiaqi overturned the goods live broadcast and lost 600,000 fans overnight

How long can Li Jiaqi's status as a brother last?

Two months ago, the news that Li Jiaqi and his mother jointly opened a new company attracted widespread attention.

The Tianyancha APP shows that on July 18, 2023, Li Jiaqi and his mother Li Wenli injected 1 million yuan to open a company, the legal representative of the company is Li Wenli, and the actual controller is Li Jiaqi.

In addition, there are 9 companies jointly associated with Li Jiaqi and his mother Li Wenli, in which Li Wenli serves as the legal representative and executive director, and shares are jointly held with Li Jiaqi in 6 enterprises.

Up to now, Li Jiaqi has a total of 19 companies under his name, all of which are in existence, including 6 studios solely owned by him and 6 enterprises holding 99% of the shares.

Li Jiaqi overturned the goods live broadcast and lost 600,000 fans overnight

(Source: Tianyancha)

From the perspective of the business involved in these companies, Li Jiaqi's business territory has involved e-commerce, cultural media, network technology, management consulting and other aspects, and it seems that Li Jiaqi has moved the mind to retire and go it alone.

But even so, it does not mean that Li Jiaqi can stand at a high place to judge consumers, whether from the perspective of consumers or brands, Li Jiaqi's rollover this time is epic, and the next Double 11 is not a simple thing to let consumers pretend that nothing happened, and continue to pay for it.

Although there are often things that anchors bring goods to overturn, only recently has Zhang Yuqi live broadcast goods saying that 699 yuan can not buy socks, Qin Niu is threatening netizens "cheap sunglasses do not blackout, next time buy something expensive"...

But relatively speaking, Li Jiaqi, as the "first person" to bring goods, has a wider influence and higher status, and should be a good example in the industry, but unfortunately he did not do it.

It's cold in high places. When the wave of live streaming e-commerce fades and the halo of the head anchor dissipates, how long can Li Jiaqi's position as a brother be stable?

Author | Pandora

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