
"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

author:Even's abundant

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Editor: Peach So sleepy

Eight prominent members of the Transformer family, once known for their "Attention Is All You Need" miracle, ushered in a new era of natural language processing. However, with the passage of time, this amazing work has gradually disappeared into the long river of time.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

It is worth noting that Google recently made a remarkable move: all the email addresses of all the authors in this paper were crossed out, and everything seemed to be erased from history.

This wave of meaningful operations has aroused widespread heated discussions among netizens for a while. Perhaps because the creators behind the paper have embarked on a new journey, or perhaps because Google has made new plans for the direction of the technology. Whatever the reason, this move heralded the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

At one time, Transformer's ranks were star-studded. Now, however, Llion Jones has announced that he is leaving Google to write a new chapter at his startup. This also coincides with the update of the paper, perhaps as a tribute to past glory, or perhaps as a foreshadowing of future technological developments. In this edition, page by page of the paper is turned over, carrying the glory and memory of history.

Netizens have expressed their views on this.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

Some people lamented Google's unique approach and were surprised by the cross-out of the author's email address in the paper. This unusual move may stem from Google's deliberation about the direction of technology, or it may be to cover up some kind of insider. Beyond Google, organizations such as OpenAI continue to explore the possibilities of technology and continue to bring surprises. After all, the progress of technology never stops, and people's imagination and expectations for the future never stop.

And Ashish and Niki, the names of those who have left their footprints on LinkedIn, seem to weave their life stories into the chapter of the startup.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

Their decision may be a perfect combination of technology and innovation, or it may be motivated by the pursuit of a broader stage. It is worth looking forward to how the future will unfold.

Google was a leader in innovation, and its technology is even more talked about. However, some netizens believe that Google may pay more attention to the security of technology and is unwilling to make waves for short-term interests. This cautious attitude may stem from Google's deep understanding of technological development, or its commitment to social responsibility.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

Google has always sought a balance between innovation and robustness.

And these eight "traitors" of Transformer have also written new legends. Jakob Uszkoreit leads the Inceptive Labs team, while Ashish Vaswani grows rapidly at AdeptAILabs. Not to be outdone, Niki Parmar is breaking new ground with Ashish.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

Noam Shazeer co-founded Character AI with Dan Abitbol, and Aidan Gomez built the dream of CohereAI. Lukasz Kaiser worked on OpenAI, and Illia Polosukhin pioneered the NEAR Protocol. Their footprints are all over the temple of innovation and technology, and are witnesses of the progress of the times.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

From "Attention Is All You Need" to the new chapter of their pursuit, Transformer's journey carries the exploration and breakthrough of technology. Google's move may be a farewell to an era, but it is also the starting point of a new journey. Technology never stops, and the spark of innovation will bloom in this blue sky, meeting unknown challenges and opportunities.

Whether it is the past or the future, this paper, this story, will live on forever in the long river of scientific and technological development.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

To learn more about Transformer and its authors, you can click on the original link:

【Open a new chapter】With the passage of time, the eight wizards of the Transformer family have embarked on their own journeys and written different future chapters.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

And just as each turning point heralds a new beginning, the departure of these technology giants also makes people think about the evolution and transformation of the technology industry.

"Attention Is All You Need", which was unveiled in 2017, has now become a page of history. This great initiative redefined the paradigm of natural language processing. However, time pushed relentlessly, and new ideas and new technologies continued to emerge, making this paper gradually recede into the background in the wave of technological development.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

Google's move has also sparked widespread speculation and discussion. In a way, deleting the email addresses of authors in the paper is also a symbolic gesture, perhaps to mean that they have embarked on a new field of research or are chasing a larger technical vision. Google's decision may represent a transition from the past to the future, a gesture of sailing away.

Netizens have different interpretations of this move. Some people see this as a unique style that Google has always adhered to, reluctant to stick to the rules and be brave to innovate.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

Some speculate that this may be related to Google's redirection of technology, or a protective move due to the sensitivity of technology. No matter what kind of interpretation, it fully shows people's interest and curiosity about Google's move.

The departure of one of the eight sons, Llion Jones, added to the update of the paper. Perhaps to honor the glory of the past, or perhaps to meet the challenges of the future, Llion Jones pushed the paper to its seventh edition.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

In this edition, a tribute to the past and a vision of the future are intertwined between the pages of text, forming a new story.

The extraordinary talents of Transformer's eight greats on the tech stage continue into their respective new journeys. From Inceptive Labs in Jakob Uszkoreit, to AdeptAILabs in Ashish Vaswani, to a new chapter co-founded by Niki Parmar and Ashish, each has written their own legend in different fields.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

However, this is just the beginning. Google's decision today may represent a shift in the technology industry as a whole. Perhaps, they will focus more on putting technology into practical applications, turning innovation into products, and bringing real change to people. This is not only a challenge for Google, but also for the entire tech community.

With the passage of time, the development and change of science and technology never stops. The story of Transformer is only a glimpse in the long river of technology, and every name in the paper will walk with the footsteps of technology and leave its own footprint.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted

Perhaps, one day in the future, when we look back again, we will find that this is the beginning of a new chapter, and the future of technology will continue to bloom behind Yako.

【Final Chapter】From the glory of the past to the departure of the present, Transformer Yako has brought endless surprises and expectations to the world. Their papers may have been erased by time, but their ideas and innovations will forever be etched in the history of technology. Google's move, whether to bid farewell to the past or lead the future, is a new chapter on the stage of the times.

"Transformer paper is updated! All eight children left, and Google deleted