
Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

author:A Compendium of History

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Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

Zhang Gongyao, a professor at Central South University, initiated 10,000 signatures to abolish traditional Chinese medicine, and the root of the contempt for tradition is here. Traditional Chinese medicine is a medical technique with a history of thousands of years in the mainland, and in ancient times, there was a legend of Shennong tasting hundred herbs, which laid the foundation for the herbology of traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

Although TCM is slow to take effect, it is still deeply trusted by the people, and many patients with incurable diseases will ask TCM practitioners to treat themselves.

However, at the beginning of the 21st century, there was a trend of abolishing Chinese medicine in China, and many people, led by Zhang Gongyao, a professor at Central South University, jointly requested the abolition of Chinese medicine. Why should they not get along with Chinese medicine? What was the outcome of this petition?

Since ancient times, Chinese native doctors have been using materials that can be found everywhere in life to help people heal. During the Warring States period, famous doctors such as Bian Que and Hua Tuo had already appeared on the mainland.

However, because Chinese medicine developed earlier, quantitative research at that time was not yet developed, so the measurement of the effect of Chinese medicine was mainly based on the experience of doctors, and the teaching of Chinese medicine was also taught by master and apprentice, and there were few special books.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

Zhang Yaogong and others grasped this point and claimed that Chinese medicine is a pseudo-medicine.

They say that TCM medicines are not clinically tested like Western medicine, and it is difficult to know whether they are working, and most of the time, the role of TCM comes from the healing power of the patient's own body.

Moreover, rural people are very superstitious about Chinese medicine, and even if it does not work, they will mistakenly feel that they have been cured, thus delaying the treatment of Western medicine. From the fact that there has been no progress in the study of Chinese medicine for so many years, it can be seen that this medicine has long been outdated.

Even Lu Xun once wrote an article satirizing the introduction of Chinese medicine, which often uses grasshoppers in autumn and ash on the beams as medicine, which makes people feel that it is too metaphysical.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

For these reasons, Zhang Yaogong believes that TCM should be regarded as an art, not medicine. His followers, either who had been delayed by TCM, or who had studied Western medicine and looked down on TCM, believed in this statement.

In modern times, however, the problem of measurement has long been solved. Nowadays, most people do not choose Chinese medicine, which is just that the medicine is too bitter, and the effect is slower than that of Western medicine.

Although TCM is not as effective as Western medicine, it has excellent functions in regulating the body. If Western medicine is where pain is cured, then Chinese medicine will help you remove the lesion from the root, but Chinese medicine is relatively mild, so it is difficult to have immediate results.

Tu Youyou used the method of traditional Chinese medicine to extract artemisinin, which solved the malaria that has been helpless in the world, and won the Nobel Prize.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

Not only that, some time ago, South Korea also secretly learned our traditional Chinese medicine technology and wanted to be declared a heritage site in the world. If Chinese medicine is really metaphysics, how can other countries secretly learn it.

Although Chinese medicine has problems that cannot be solved, the practice of Zhang Yaogong and others to directly abolish Chinese medicine is still too much, which is equivalent to destroying our cultural treasures for thousands of years.

In the end, this huge campaign ended with the opposition of the people of the whole country and the state stopping it. Professors from Central South University launched a petition, and tens of thousands of signatures even wanted to cancel traditional Chinese medicine, and clamored that traditional Chinese medicine would die sooner or later.

Although Zhang Yaogong's petition subsided, the academic community's doubts about Chinese medicine continued, and the dispute between Chinese and Western medicine never stopped. But in fact, these two medicines were not opposed from the beginning, and the distinction between Chinese medicine and Western medicine in China has undergone a long evolution.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

So how did Chinese medicine fall from the most important medical technique in the ancient continent to the status of metaphysics today?

In the beginning, Western medicine was brought into China by foreign missionaries, and Christian missionaries found that medicine was more able to win people's hearts locally, so the Western Church sent missionaries who had studied medicine to China.

The implementation of Western medicine in China was not smooth, and the people at that time preferred to trust local doctors rather than go to Western hospitals to see a doctor, let alone go to a hospital for surgery. Therefore, there are often few patients at the door of the western hospital, but there are long queues of TCM patients.

In order to encourage the people to see Western medicine, missionaries even paid people to see a doctor, when a person had a tumor on his arm and needed amputation.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

The man was reluctant to use Western medical treatment to treat his illness, and in the end the missionary gave him fifty gold coins to allow him to perform surgery obediently.

The opposition between Western medicine and Chinese medicine actually existed before 1897. At that time, the Chinese government had just lost to the Western powers, and there was a trend of learning from the West and the East in China.

Many traditional cultures were degraded to feudal superstition, and Confucianism and Chinese medicine became cultural waste and were spurned by intellectuals. After the establishment of the Beiyang government, TCM was excluded from the compulsory courses in schools, and the status of TCM further declined.

At that time, the degree of standardization of Western medicine was high, and the market supervision of traditional Chinese medicine was small, and many half-hangers could open clinics to treat people after reading a few books, which ruined the credibility of traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

Over time, people have gradually realized the benefits of Western medicine surgery, so many people have stopped going to TCM.

Lu Xun is one of them, because his father was delayed by quacks, he has always been very opposed to Chinese medicine, he also studied Western medicine in Japan at university, and many of his articles have also attacked quacks in Chinese medicine.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, TCM was still initially ostracized because of the lack of precise experiments and the difficulty of administering medicine, which was considered by experts at the time to be the product of rural feudal superstition.

At that time, China had just freed itself from the shackles of feudal thinking, and the abolition of Chinese medicine was reasonable, and even a progressive act.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

It was not until the founding of New China that the traditional culture that had been abandoned began to be rediscovered, and Chinese native medicine began to be valued again, in opposition to Western medicine.

At that time, China was relatively poor and it was difficult to build health clinics in the countryside, so the burden of protecting the health of rural people fell on the shoulders of barefoot doctors.

The name TCM is understood to mean the opposite of Western medicine, when the country began to widely convey the benefits of TCM in order to promote cultural self-confidence.

Nowadays, there are many medical universities in China, which include Chinese medicine and Western medicine in their training plans at the same time, aiming to allow students to absorb the treatment thinking of Western medicine and the dialectical thinking of Chinese medicine at the same time. While treating the disease, always pay attention to the patient's physical condition and flexibly adjust the medication.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are no longer two opposites, each drawing the essence from the other's knowledge to promote its own development. Professor of Central South University wrote the Book of Ten Thousand People, just to eliminate Chinese medicine? Supporters: Traditional Chinese medicine is immortal, and heaven is intolerable.

Nowadays, many people's attitude towards medical skills is black and white. But if you don't understand a craft that has been passed down for thousands of years, there is naturally a reason for its existence. In this day and age, we should learn from everyone's strengths and integrate them.

As a discipline accumulated by thousands of scholars, what essence should Chinese medicine be adopted? Different from Western medicine, the most distinctive feature of Chinese medicine is its holistic view and dialectical thinking.

TCM starts from the patient's own constitution, selects the treatment plan suitable for the patient, and when the patient's living environment changes and the original plan is no longer applicable, it will flexibly change to another plan.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

Therefore, in the treatment of critically ill patients, traditional Chinese medicine often appears as an adjuvant treatment of Western medicine, which plays a role in improving the patient's physique, allowing the patient to treat both inside and outside, so as to achieve the purpose of disease healing.

Although Western medicine surgery and chemotherapy and radiotherapy cure the disease, this treatment method has a great loss of the patient's physical constitution. After a process, the patient's resistance has become very poor and he is prone to other diseases.

However, after TCM conditioning, the patient's physical fitness will not be excessively reduced during the treatment process, which is convenient for follow-up treatment and conducive to the patient's subsequent life after discharge.

Not only that, the knowledge of Chinese medicine has developed the wisdom of the ancients, integrating heaven and earth with the human body into a whole, balancing the yin and yang of the body, and integrating it with daily diet to achieve the purpose of curing diseases in daily life.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

The ancient continent had the idea of the five elements, and the human body followed this idea, and in a state of natural harmony, the five elements reached balance.

What runs in the human body is qi and blood, and if it accumulates, it means that there is a problem in the body. The smooth flow of qi and blood represents the health of people.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses herbs, acupuncture and other methods to dredge the accumulated qi of the human body, so that the disordered qi and blood of the human body can re-flow, the meridians become smooth, and gradually restore health.

Unlike traditional Chinese medicine, which focuses on harmonizing the entire body function, Western medicine basically points the dots and prescribes medicine according to specific problems.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

It can be seen from here that the body in the eyes of Chinese medicine is a whole, closely related to all things in heaven and earth, rather than an anatomical unit that Western medicine believes.

In today's society, the masses rush to life, facing the long treatment process of Chinese medicine, and have no patience to accept it. However, Western medicine only focuses on the immediate treatment, which can also make it difficult for his body to be healthy.

At this time, it is reflected in the treatment of integrated Chinese and Western medicine. Through Western medicine, the disease is quickly suppressed, and it is regulated using traditional Chinese medicine.

Another point that Chinese medicine needs to pay attention to is that with the increase in the cost of living today, many medicines are under price in the country. But the high price still makes the poor people unable to climb, and cheap Chinese medicine herbs have become a lifesaver.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

Ancient herbalists, their medicinal herbs were the roots of trees on the roadside of the village, and the humble grass growing on the edge of the field, but it could save many lives.

When Western medicine has not yet developed anti-inflammatory drugs, Chinese medicine has learned to use skullcap and crush it on the wound to prevent the wound from becoming inflamed and prevent more problems after infection.

The training of TCM is not as systematic as Western medicine, so the TCM on the market is mixed, which ruins the reputation of TCM, but this is not a problem of TCM itself.

Our country will not give up thousands of years of traditional culture, in recent years, traditional Chinese medicine has gradually recovered, with the development of Chinese and Western medicine exchanges, I believe that this long-standing technology, will usher in its own second spring.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not extinguished, and heaven is unbearable? Professors at Central South University once initiated 10,000 signatures calling for the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine

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