
From overnight popularity to returning to the prototype, it only took one year to become popular overnight, which shows her sobriety

author:Zihan doesn't like to talk

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From obscurity to becoming a "national mother", Zhang Xiaofei's acting career has had twists and turns, like riding a roller coaster. She became famous in early 2021 with the movie "Hello, Li Huanying", but only a year later, she seems to be back in the past. So, let's deeply analyze Zhang Xiaofei's experience this year, as well as her understanding and views on her acting career.

01 "If you are not red, you are the original sin"

The entertainment industry is a place of ups and downs, likes the new and dislikes the old, and not being popular is equivalent to original sin. This phenomenon is particularly prominent in the entertainment industry, but it is also true in real society. In 2012, Zhang Xiaofei was accidentally injured while filming an explosion scene, but was sneered at by colleagues. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to her career path. Some people are laughed at for being injured, some people are comforted with a little skin on their hands, and the injustice is here. However, if it is not popular, it is difficult to be seen even if there is more talent. Later, Zhang Xiaofei decided to devote himself to comedy and build popularity through excellent sketch performances. But the true face of the entertainment industry has also begun to show, she has been treated unfairly in reality show variety shows, and was ridiculed by colleagues in public whether she snored. This behavior was undoubtedly impolite, but at that time, except for Zhang Xiaofei himself, no one seemed to care. The incident also became a topic, but in any case, it did not change her situation at the time. The entertainment industry is indeed a place where "not popular is original sin".

From overnight popularity to returning to the prototype, it only took one year to become popular overnight, which shows her sobriety

02 "Once famous"

In 2006, Zhang Xiaofei received the opportunity to star when she was still studying, and she was beautiful at that time, but the response to the final work was mediocre, which seemed to be a harbinger of her future fate. In her later career, she took on some dramas, but because this type of drama was not popular enough, her career hit a bottleneck. At the same time, her classmates Yang Mi and Yuan Shanshan have emerged, while she herself has gradually declined. Fortunately, she met Jia Ling, switched to the field of sketch comedy, and won the love of the audience through her eclectic performance. However, what really made her popular was Jia Ling's "Hello, Li Huanying", a movie that made her famous overnight. The fickle of the entertainment industry, "once famous the world knows". This also made her understand that the popularity is not long, and the audience will expect something from her, but this does not mean that she can always rely on traffic.

From overnight popularity to returning to the prototype, it only took one year to become popular overnight, which shows her sobriety

03 Silence again

Although Zhang Xiaofei signed with Song Media after "Li Huanying", this caused some turmoil, and some accused her of being ungrateful. In fact, this signing was because her commercial value had risen sharply, and Big Bowl Entertainment could not bear such commercial pressure, so she decided to give it to a more professional company. But the incident made her realize that traffic is not eternal, and she needs to have her own work. As the traffic receded, she fell silent again. She acted in several plays, but the response was mediocre. However, the audience still recognized her acting skills. She understands that traffic comes and goes, and she needs to improve herself and let the work do the talking.

From overnight popularity to returning to the prototype, it only took one year to become popular overnight, which shows her sobriety

04 Conclusion

Zhang Xiaofei's experience reflects the cruelty and unpredictability of the entertainment industry. Actors need to constantly improve themselves, speak with their works, traffic is temporary, and the audience's recognition of acting skills and works is the long-term solution for actors. I hope that in the future, Zhang Xiaofei can bring excellent works again, so that the audience remembers her performance, not just traffic. The actor's road is long, but as long as you keep working hard, success will come.

From overnight popularity to returning to the prototype, it only took one year to become popular overnight, which shows her sobriety

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