
Is Diablo 4 dead and no one is playing? The player has changed to single-player mode

author:3DM Game Network

Since the launch of the first season of Diablo 4, many people have announced that the game is dead, although it is a bit of an exaggeration, but the game's dismal ratings on Twitch prove that players are less and less interested in the game.

Is Diablo 4 dead and no one is playing? The player has changed to single-player mode

Recently, foreign reddit forum user u/eazy937 posted several screenshots of "Diablo 4" and jokingly said that he discovered the game's single-player mode. These screenshots were taken by him in high-traffic areas such as blacksmith shops and wardrobes. However, no other players appear on the screenshot. And from the early days of Diablo 4 to the middle of the first season, these areas were bustling with players showing off their gear.

Is Diablo 4 dead and no one is playing? The player has changed to single-player mode
Is Diablo 4 dead and no one is playing? The player has changed to single-player mode
Is Diablo 4 dead and no one is playing? The player has changed to single-player mode
Is Diablo 4 dead and no one is playing? The player has changed to single-player mode
Is Diablo 4 dead and no one is playing? The player has changed to single-player mode
Is Diablo 4 dead and no one is playing? The player has changed to single-player mode

Some players in the comment area said: "Diablo 4 has a lot of potential, just like everyone commented, I hope they can make big changes." "I don't see how many people are playing anymore." "Honestly, it's all Blizzard's own fault. They slapped the player with a semi-finished product, weakening everything. "My devotion and love for Baldur's Gate 3 is far greater than Diablo 4, and I haven't touched Diablo 4 since Baldur 3 was released."

Despite Diablo 4's fantastic ARPG mechanics and excellent graphics, players generally believe that the game lacks new content, and they hope that Blizzard will improve the game experience, with a large number of updates in the second season to revive the game.

The second season of Diablo 4, "Season of Blood", will be launched on October 17 and will be a vampire-themed. In addition to new missions, unique vampire abilities and five endgame bosses will be offered. Rog Fergusson declared that there were so many things in the second season that they needed two live broadcasts to introduce.