
China's first cold-blooded devil, bloodthirsty as life, crazy rape of women, killing 41 people

author:Gentle Britton 3E0U

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Occasionally, we will meet seemingly ordinary people in our ordinary daily lives, who are peaceful and humble, unnoticeable, as if there is nothing out of the ordinary. However, things in life are often not as simple as they seem. Some people, although ordinary on the outside, hide their inner turmoil, and at some point, they will show a side that is completely different from their appearance, and even strange.

In a distant village, there lived a man named Bian Cheng, an authentic rural man who was not good at words on weekdays, and the villagers knew little about him and had a vague impression of him. Bian seems to be hidden, living in a corner of the village, and few people notice his presence. However, when you think you already know someone, often they give you an amazing answer.

China's first cold-blooded devil, bloodthirsty as life, crazy rape of women, killing 41 people

Bian Chuang, this ordinary villager, turned out to be a murderer with cruel methods and bad nature, and once killed a full forty-one people. This gruesome story took place in May 2001 at a recycling station in Xincai County, Henan Province. It was a rainy night, and under the cover of night, the two people quietly launched a series of vicious illegal and criminal acts.

The two criminals, Bian and his accomplice, Luo Lianshun, wore pig-killing knives and black plastic bags over their heads, discreetly lurking near the recycling station, waiting for their moment. After a long period of pedaling, Bian and Luo Lianshun found that the owner of the recycling station was thin and did not look threatening. They decided to take the opportunity.

China's first cold-blooded devil, bloodthirsty as life, crazy rape of women, killing 41 people

The big iron door of the scrapyard was expertly opened by them, as if entering their own home. Once he broke into the inner room, Bian Wei did not hesitate to wave the pig-killing knife and viciously slashed at the man. In just a few moments, the man died in blood. They then took control of the female boss and forced her to hand over the money.

The female boss's terrified cries attracted attention, and the two tied her up and began to search for her belongings, but to little extent. So, in front of the child, they raped the female boss and finally brutally killed her, even to a few years old. The two walked out of the recycling bin as if nothing had happened, and their behavior was appalling. Over the next two months, they continued to commit a series of homicides, rapes and violent robberies at remote recycling sites, killing as many as 41 victims. Their crimes ranged from septuagenarians to babies, and some families were even completely taken by two people.

China's first cold-blooded devil, bloodthirsty as life, crazy rape of women, killing 41 people

How will these two criminals be convicted before the law? According to the provisions of the mainland criminal law, no one may infringe upon the life and safety of others, and life is the basis and guarantee for every citizen to exercise other rights. If a person intentionally takes the life of another person, he or she will be guilty of intentional homicide under the criminal law. Bian and Luo Lianshun took the lives of others in order to seek money, which is obvious intentional homicide and must bear criminal responsibility and accept legal punishment.

China's first cold-blooded devil, bloodthirsty as life, crazy rape of women, killing 41 people

As for their rape and gang rape of female victims, the use of violence, threats or bodily harm to others to force the victim to have sexual relations constitutes rape under the provisions of the mainland criminal law. Bian and Luo Lianshun's behavior was even worse, including sexual assault of underage girls. According to the criminal law, gang rape or rape of an underage girl by two or more people faces a sentence of more than 10 years in prison, life imprisonment, or even the death penalty. This shows that Bian and Luo Lianshun's crimes are extremely serious, and they must bear the punishment of the law.

China's first cold-blooded devil, bloodthirsty as life, crazy rape of women, killing 41 people

It is worth noting that in mainland criminal law, the subject of the crime of rape is limited to men. Although there are very few cases in society in which women use threats or violence to force men to have sex, the criminal law does not criminalize rape for women. Therefore, under the current law, sexual assault by a woman against a man is not considered a crime of rape.


In the end, under the intense pursuit of the police, Bian and Luo Lianshun were arrested. They had to face their crimes and confess to the judiciary. According to their crimes, the people's courts made corresponding sentences and made them pay the price they deserved.

China's first cold-blooded devil, bloodthirsty as life, crazy rape of women, killing 41 people

This shocking case teaches us an important truth: you must not have a harmful heart, and you must have a defensive heart. Behind the apparent calm, there may be unimaginable malice. Therefore, each of us should be vigilant and not easily trust others, especially in unfamiliar or dangerous environments. At the same time, the severe punishment of the law is a powerful deterrent to crime and protects the peace and fairness of society.

This story teaches us that even the most inconspicuous people can have the scariest side. It is very important to remain alert and cautious in our lives, because we never know that the next "hungry wolf" may be lurking around us. At the same time, the deterrent and sanctioning power of the law also plays an indispensable role in maintaining social fairness and justice.

In short, this story teaches us to protect ourselves, to always be vigilant and not to trust strangers, but also to believe in the power of the law to make criminals pay for their crimes. Only then can we live in a safer and fairer society.

The above content and materials are derived from the Internet, and the author of this article does not intend to target or allude to any real country, political system, organization, race, individual. The above does not mean that the author of this article endorses the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. The author of this article is not responsible for any issues arising above or related to any of the above, nor does it assume any direct or indirect legal liability.

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