
Meitai wants to lift the table? The Chinese side will accompany it to the end, and the Taiwan military has the idea of building a large US military ammunition depot on Taiwan Island

author:Bad in the world

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Recently, some people have plotted some moves between Taiwan and the United States that may infringe on the territorial integrity of the mainland. What kind of action does Taiwan seem to be considering, and is it intended to provoke? This situation has raised concerns about the disparity in military strength between the two sides of the strait.

Background of the military disparity between the two sides of the strait

The military gap between Taiwan and Chinese mainland has been a topic of concern. Chinese mainland's military modernization is progressing rapidly, and its military strength continues to grow, while Taiwan's defense force is relatively small and difficult to compete with the mainland.

Quantitative gaps

First of all, in terms of numbers, the PLA has a large number of personnel and equipment, including the army, navy, air force and rocket force and other services. In contrast, Taiwan's military is relatively small and relatively vulnerable.

Meitai wants to lift the table? The Chinese side will accompany it to the end, and the Taiwan military has the idea of building a large US military ammunition depot on Taiwan Island

Unbalanced at the level of equipment

Secondly, in terms of equipment, the Chinese mainland army has made significant progress in military technology and weaponry. They have advanced equipment such as modern fighter jets, missile systems, ships and submarines, and have the ability to strike long-range and air superiority. And Taiwan's armament level is relatively lagging behind, although it also has modern equipment, but its overall strength is obviously inferior to Chinese mainland.

Differences in training and exercises

In addition, the Chinese mainland military pays attention to military training and exercises, and constantly improves the combat quality and actual combat ability of soldiers. Through large-scale military exercises and actual combat training, they have continuously improved the unit's ability to coordinate operations. On the contrary, Taiwan's military is limited by resources and the environment and cannot carry out large-scale combat training, which leads to a relatively insufficient level of training.

Meitai wants to lift the table? The Chinese side will accompany it to the end, and the Taiwan military has the idea of building a large US military ammunition depot on Taiwan Island

Taiwan's self-reinforcing

Given this gap, Taiwan's government has been working to strengthen its own defense capabilities and compensate for the lack of military capabilities by working with allies.

Taiwan's defense sector

Taiwan's defense sector is committed to introducing more advanced weapons and equipment to enhance defense capabilities. They focus on purchasing a new generation of fighter jets, missile systems, radar equipment and other modern equipment to enhance self-defense capabilities.

At the same time, Taiwan's defense department also attaches great importance to the training level of soldiers. They improve the combat quality of their soldiers through actual combat training, simulation exercises, and cooperation with allies, including the army, navy and air force, and strive to cultivate an elite army.

Meitai wants to lift the table? The Chinese side will accompany it to the end, and the Taiwan military has the idea of building a large US military ammunition depot on Taiwan Island

Ammunition reserves of the Taiwanese army

In order to solve the problem of relatively limited ammunition stockpiles, Taiwan's defense department has taken a series of measures. They focus on developing localized ammunition production capabilities to ensure adequate combat readiness.

Shoushan Naval Ammunition Depot

The Shoushan Navy Ammunition Depot is responsible for storing and managing all types of ammunition and equipment required by the Taiwan Navy, including missiles, artillery shells, torpedoes, etc. This depot plays an important role in Taiwan's naval equipment reserve, providing the necessary ammunition support for the combat capability of the Taiwan Navy.

In order to ensure the safety and reliability of ammunition stockpiles, the Shoushan Naval Ammunition Depot has adopted strict management measures, including the establishment of ammunition storage areas, regular inspection and maintenance of ammunition equipment, and the formulation of emergency plans. They follow scientific processes and standards during the receipt, storage, distribution and disposal of ammunition and pay close attention to the quality and service life of ammunition.

Meitai wants to lift the table? The Chinese side will accompany it to the end, and the Taiwan military has the idea of building a large US military ammunition depot on Taiwan Island

Ammunition depots of the US military in the Asia-Pacific region

The United States maintains significant ammunition depots in the Asia-Pacific region to support Pacific Command military operations in the region. These ammunition depots are distributed in military bases in Guam, Japan, South Korea and other Asia-Pacific countries.

Ammunition depot in Guam

Guam is one of the important forward bases of the US military in the Asia-Pacific region and an important ammunition storage area. Anderson Air Force Base and Southern Naval Base are the two main military bases on Guam that house a wide range of weapons and ammunition depots, including missiles, shipborne weapons and aviation ammunition.

Ammunition depots in Japan and South Korea

In addition, Japan and South Korea also play an important role, each shouldering the important responsibility of maintaining stability and security in the region. In Japan, both Yokosuka Naval Base and Iwakuni Naval Base are located

Meitai wants to lift the table? The Chinese side will accompany it to the end, and the Taiwan military has the idea of building a large US military ammunition depot on Taiwan Island

Large ammunition depot for all types of ammunition needed by naval ships and aircraft. In South Korea, the U.S. military has a military base in Yongsan-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, which also has a certain ammunition reserve.

These ammunition depots were created to ensure the rapid deployment and combat capability of the U.S. military in the Asia-Pacific region. They store large quantities of weapons and ammunition, including missiles, artillery shells, rockets and aviation ammunition. The strategic distribution of these resources provides the United States with the ability to maintain and strengthen its presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

The strike capability of the continental forces

Chinese mainland has multiple combat platforms, including fighters, bombers, patrol aircraft, guided-missile destroyers, submarines and rocket launchers. These weapons and equipment have highly accurate strike capabilities, and can accurately hit targets at long distances. The combat platforms of the mainland forces can launch attacks from the air, sea and ground, forming a three-dimensional strike posture.

Air combat capability

In terms of air operations, the fighters and bombers of the Continental Forces have long-range strike capabilities that can deliver precision strikes against military-industrial facilities and ammunition depots. In addition, mainland patrol aircraft can also provide intelligence support to provide accurate target information for subsequent strike operations.

Maritime combat capability

In terms of maritime operations, the mainland's guided-missile destroyers and submarines can deliver precision strikes against enemy military installations and ammunition depots by means of long-range strike weapons. Continental's guided-missile destroyers are equipped with advanced anti-ship missile systems and are capable of striking targets at sea. Submarines can quietly approach the target and launch missiles to carry out strikes.

Ground combat capability

In terms of ground operations, the mainland's rocket artillery units have a variety of long-range strike weapons, which can suppress and strike at local military-industrial facilities and ammunition depots. The rapid deployment of rocket artillery and its highly accurate strike capabilities make it an important force for the Continental Forces in combating enemy threats on the ground.

Applications of hypersonic missiles

It is worth noting that hypersonic missiles are in the spotlight for their unique characteristics. Its biggest feature is that it flies at speeds more than 5 times the speed of sound, even reaching Mach 6 or above. This high speed allows the missile to quickly break through enemy defenses, reducing the time window for interception. In addition, hypersonic missiles have excellent maneuverability, capable of high-frequency, large-scale maneuvering during flight, increasing their survivability. It also has a strong penetration ability, can overcome the barriers of enemy defense systems, and deliver effective strikes.

The strategic importance of hypersonic missiles

Given the importance and sensitivity of the US military's ammunition depots, if the mainland faces the necessary escalation, the use of hypersonic missiles to strike at it is a viable option. The high speed and maneuverability of hypersonic missiles allow them to quickly reach targets with high strike accuracy. It can carry out rapid and precise strikes on the US ammunition depot by using cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, destroy the enemy's combat readiness capability, and effectively weaken its combat effectiveness.


To sum up, the issue of the cross-strait military strength gap has attracted much attention, and the Taiwan authorities should fully understand this reality and should not take down the actions of the United States as a way to confront the mainland. In the current situation, a prudent foreign and defense policy will help maintain regional peace and stability. The two sides should resolve their differences through dialogue and consultation in order to achieve a situation of peaceful coexistence, rather than military provocations. Only through cooperation and understanding can peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region be maintained.

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