
Huawei Meng Wanzhou: From the most miserable to the strongest fighter

Huawei Meng Wanzhou: From the most miserable to the strongest fighter

Huawei Meng Wanzhou: From the most miserable to the strongest fighter

Author: Jixi

Brief comment: What is the meaning of Huawei's No. 25 development conference? From the worst to the strongest fighter, Meng Wanzhou and Huawei have returned #华为发布会 #孟晚舟 #任正非 #华为

Huawei press conference

Whose face is being hit?

Apples are just a starter

Today is the main meal

Two years ago today

Huawei's eldest princess Meng Wanzhou

Finally returned home

During the 1,028 days of detention

She wears electronic shackles

Received death threats

But she would rather die standing

Never live on your knees

From the most miserable long princess

became the strongest female warrior

Huawei Meng Wanzhou: From the most miserable to the strongest fighter

December 1, 2018

For Meng Wanzhou

It would have been a normal turnaround

I didn't think about it, but I was detained and imprisoned

With electronic shackles

There is no freedom in life

Lives are also at stake

Death threat letters alone

There are five or six in a month

There were also bullets hidden in the letter

But she said: I am not afraid of death

It will never bring shame on Huawei and China

She obviously wanted to go home so much

But when Lao Mei pointed out

As long as you plead guilty

When you can go home immediately

Meng Wanzhou refused

She said: "I plead not guilty

Because I didn't do anything wrong

Nor does it accept any black box operations

A person can die standing up

But never live on your knees

During house arrest

Meng Wanzhou's body

Various problems have arisen

But every court appearance

She was all smiling

Present at its best

She was heavily shackled

But there is a pride that cannot be bullied

Who really sees who is convinced

She did well:

It is better to sit in the bottom of the prison

I also don't want to confess my guilt

Ren Zhengfei, who is in his 70s

I was also prepared not to see my daughter in this life

Such arrogance and conviction

The rest of the second generation

It's not even worth carrying shoes for Meng Wanzhou

He was locked up like this for 1,028 days

Two years ago on September 25th

Meng Wanzhou finally returned to China

She said: If faith has color

That must be Chinese red

But helped Meng Wanzhou survive these three years

In addition to firm conviction

And what she had suffered before

and soaked in honeypots and raised

Other rich second generations are different

Meng Wanzhou has been a left-behind child since she was a child

The house is breezy on all sides

It rained heavily outside and light rain inside

It's so easy for Dad to change jobs

She was reunited with her parents

But not a few years

They divorced again

After college

She went into working in a bank

It's only been a year of work

Just rush to cut the Internet points

She was unemployed again

I want to study abroad

The offers were all gone

But he was denied a visa again

He was arranged to earn a living at Huawei

Bear the title of secretary

It's a chore

Answering the phone, doing hygiene, running errands

All day long

People are tired

Nothing is done well

He was also scolded by Ren Zhengfei to the point of blood

And ordinary people who move bricks with us

It really makes no difference

Even if I read graduate school later

Entered Huawei's Finance Department

Tired work also has to rush ahead

Mattresses are available in the office

It is more convenient to sleep overtime

Red-eye flights to business trips

Get off the plane and go straight to work

2011 magnitude 9 earthquake in Japan

Leak at the Fukushima nuclear power plant

Other telecommunications equipment vendors were withdrawn

Meng Wanzhou wanted to go to the rescue as soon as possible

With Huawei's employees become retrogrades

680 base stations were restored within two weeks

The communication lifeline of the disaster area was guaranteed

It was also in this year

Photo of Meng Wanzhou

First time in the media

A lot of people know

This dirty work is rushed to do

It turned out to be the gold of the big boss

Huawei Meng Wanzhou: From the most miserable to the strongest fighter

Ren Zhengfei said:

Meng Wanzhou's experiences

Like a bomber in WWII

Beaten to pieces, he still insisted on flying

"If she returns, she will be a hero, and I estimate that she may become a hero in the future"

Meng Wanzhou returned home

Huawei is far ahead

Some people, some national faces

Also swollen