
Age Ya said that this depicts the centenary of life

author:Bright Net

Author: Gong Rong Dang

What is the best time in life? China's traditional culture is profound, and our ancestors had their own wisdom about it, and they gave a beautiful name to each stage of life. These titles are varied, each with its own advantages, and interesting, so let's take a look at how the ancients depicted a hundred years of life.

The total horn of the weeping hair is beginning to grow

The time of the day of life was called "the first degree" in ancient times. The "Departure from sorrow" once said that "the emperor yu chu du xi, Zhao gave Yu a jia name", and later also called the birthday "chu du". The skin of newborn babies is slightly reddish, and the ancients also called children at this time "naked children". In the old custom, three days after the birth of a child, there is a "soup cake feast" to entertain relatives and friends, and the three days of the baby's birth are the "soup cake period".

In general, young children under one year old were called "swaddling" in ancient times. "Liezi Tianrui" wrote: "If there is no sun and moon in life, it is inevitable that those who are swaddled will be ninety years old." "Two to three years old is called "child.". Tang Dynasty Yuan Shu wrote in the "Biography of Yingying": "Yu began as a child, and sex did not coincide. Today, people still use the term "childhood" to describe their childhood.

We start to change our teeth and grow new teeth from childhood, so between the ages of 7 and 8, the ancients called it "dirty", which also refers to children. Girls 7 years old is also called "hair year", boys 8 years old is called "dragon year". The 10-year-old schoolboy who enters the school for the first time is called "preschool learning", and in the Book of Rites, it is called "ten years of life and kindergarten".

And the ancients often named their age after their hair. Children do not wear braids before the age of 9, and their hair naturally hangs down, called "hanging hair", and childhood is also collectively called "hanging hair". After the age of 9, the hair is tied into two knots, separated upwards, and the shape is like a horn, so it is called "total horn". Song Dynasty Su Shi's "Alone by Wine" poem Yun: "The three children of the Li family in the general horn blow onion leaves in their mouths to welcome Weng." "The Friendship of the Horns" also refers to good friends who have known each other since childhood.

Ancient women reached the age of 12 and began to wear gold noodles, known as the "year of the golden noodles". The poem "Song of Water in the River" written by Emperor Wu of Liang in the Southern Dynasty reads: "Twelve lines of gold on the head, five articles on the silk under the feet." "To the effect that these women have a lot of ornaments on their heads, and their feet are shoes woven with five colors.

Cardamom jasper is a good year

From ancient times to the present, youth is a beautiful year. The ancients often used beautiful words to describe a time that no amount of heavy makeup can match.

When the woman reached the age of thirteen or fourteen, she entered the "cardamom age". Cardamom is a plant that blooms in early summer, and it is not yet the height of summer, when the flowers that bloom are newly sprouted and full of aura. Du Mushiyun: "More than thirteen years of lou lou, cardamom head in early February." ”

The Book of Rites and The Inner Rules records that "three years out of ten have been learning to recite poetry and dance spoons." Become a child dancing elephant to learn to shoot the emperor. Therefore, 13 to 15 years old is also called the "year of the dancing spoon". Spoon, a kind of music and dance, ancient underage children practiced it.

Boys between the ages of 15 and 20 are "the year of the dancing elephants". At the age of 15, young boys and girls in ancient times had to disband the two "general horns" on their heads, and the boys tied into a bun to indicate that they were children. Girls reach the age of marriage, curl their hair with a basket, and begin to learn various life skills.

The Analects of Wei Zheng Yun: "Zi Yue: I have five out of ten and am determined to learn." In ancient times, 15 years old was also called "the year of zhixue". Today, the age of 15 years old in junior high school puberty is a period of rapid awakening of a person's self-awareness, who is not yet mature but eager to grow up.

Wei Jinsun's "Jade Song" Yun: "When jasper breaks the melon, the love is reversed." When a woman is 16 years old, it is called "Jasper Year", also known as "Broken Melon Year". In addition, "Tao Li Nianhua" is a synonym for a 20-year-old woman, and "Tao Li" is a metaphor for people's youth. Xu Wei Shiyun of the Ming Dynasty: "I swear to reap the effect of mulberry yu, so as not to be ashamed of the peach and plum, and to pay Yazhi with this word." ”

"Huaxin" refers to the flowering period, women reach the age of 24, the ancients gave women of this age a beautiful title - Huaxin Nianhua, generally refers to the time when women are young and beautiful. Fan Chengda of the Song Dynasty also has a narrative in "Lian Yin After The New Year's Eve" that "who can drum up the flowers and letters, and quickly hit the hundred faces of Yangzhou".

Men reach the age of 20 and come to the year of "weak crown". In ancient times, men had twenty knots of hair and crowns, and their bodies were not strong, which was called "weak crown". The crown ceremony is one of the most solemn ceremonies in ancient times. In the presence of the family, a man over the age of 20 was crowned by a designated GUEST in the temple as a sign of adulthood. Because men at this age are not yet physically strong, they are also called "weak crowns". After the ceremony, life begins a new beginning.

The "Year of Knowing The Wrong" has been open-minded

"I have five out of ten, but I am determined to learn, and I am thirty and stand." Confucius defined 30 years old as the year of "standing" in the Analects, and since then 30 years old has also become a measure for Chinese to settle down in society. Bid farewell to youth and come to middle age, more is maturity and experience.

"Etiquette · Neize" Yun: Thirty and there is a room, starting with male affairs. "First room" also refers to 30 years old. However, in ancient times, men started a family relatively early, they often married at the age of fifteen or sixteen, had children in their 20s, and had children and grandchildren in their 40s. Today is different from the ancient times, many young people often finish college, enter the society within a few years, will turn 30 years old, have not yet established a family, still working for the ideal, from the real maturity is still a long way away.

Entering the age of 40, I have come to the year of not being confused. There is a saying in the Analects that "forty is not confused." Not confused, is not confused, not confused, at this age, life has experienced many things, but also figured out many things, will not be as confused as in youth. According to the Book of Rites, "Forty Years of Strength", at the age of 40, he was named "the year of the Strong". At this age, it is not as impetuous as when you were young, you can control the changes in your emotions, and you can clearly identify things.

The Book of Rites Yun: "Fifty Days of Ai, Sixty days of Qi." "Fifty or sixty years old, called "Qi Ai", 50 years old is the age of "And Ai", white as Ai. In the Analects, it is called "knowing the Mandate of Heaven", that is, "knowing the Mandate of Heaven for fifty years".

Speaking of "knowing the mandate of heaven", some people will mistakenly think that it is the meaning of resigning to fate, but in fact, at this age, they have been indifferent to the gains and losses of honor and disgrace, know the difficulty of realizing the ideal, and no longer demand results when doing things. The Zhou Yi uses the method of fifty yarrows to calculate divination, regarding 50 years old as the "year of great Yan", and "Huainan Zi" believes that "fifty years, and knowing forty-nine years of non", indicating that this age is "the year of knowing non-knowledge". More than half a hundred years old, but also from middle age to old age transition period, life to a more mature and open-minded age.

The days increase the number of years and people increase their longevity

In people's lives, people always linger on the beautiful years of youth, and regard getting old as twilight and loneliness. The ancients told us that as the days go by, people always have wisdom in their hearts, and the present is the best time.

"Sixty years old, seventy years old", people are sixty or seventy years old and have the saying "old age". 60 years old is also known as "ear shun": hear its words, and know its subtle purpose. In ancient times, the dry branch was used to intricately match the heavenly stem and the earth branch in turn, and the 60 years were repeated, so it also referred to 60 years old with "flower nail". Tang Dynasty Zhao Mu's "Pair of Wine" poem Yun: "Hand holding sixty flowers and nails, the cycle falls like a bead." In ancient times, when he was over sixty years old, he could walk on crutches in the township, and he was also called "cane township" at the age of 60.

"Life is seventy years old", Du Fu called 70 years old "ancient rarity". For the age of 70, there are two more sayings, one is "the year of the event". To give a letter, to report on the situation of governance, but also to resign from office. "Li Ji Qu Li Shang" Yun: "The doctor is seventy and gives a deal." The second is "the year of the hanging car". Hanging cars, the ancients generally resigned from their homes until they were 70 years old, and waste cars were not used. In the Second Year of Zizhi Tongjian Qiming Emperor Jianwu," it is recorded: "The edict reads: 'In the year of the hanging car, Fang Qiujin, knowing what to do and forgetting to retreat, and having dust and humility; he may be demoted to the rank of General of Pingbei. The cursive character 绝 is like seventy-seven, so "喜寿" refers specifically to 77 years old.

Eighty to ninety years old is "old age". Cao Cao wrote in "Song to Wine": "Everyone who is old can die. Grace and insects. "In ancient times, when you were over eighty years old, you were allowed to enter the dynasty on crutches. The Book of Rites and the Royal System records: "Fifty rods are at home, sixty rods are in the countryside, seventy rods are in the country, and eighty rods are in the dynasty." A man 80 years old can also be called "the year of the staff dynasty".

Because the word "rice" is taken apart, it is eight at the top and bottom, and ten in the middle, which can be read as eighty-eight, so 88 years old is also called "rice shou". The Erya Shiyi says, "Back, Shouya." 90 years old is also known as "fish back", generally referring to the long-lived elderly. 99 years old is also called "white shou", "white" is "hundred" missing one, ninety-nine people.

100 years old is "period". It refers to the need for 100-year-old people to be nurtured. The Qing Dynasty called centenarians "Shoumin". The grass head of the tea character represents twenty, there are eight and ten below, a skim and a pinch is an eight, which adds up to one hundred and eight, so "tea shou" is a saying of 108 years old.

No matter how the ancients expressed their age, life is endless and cannot be measured by age. May you walk out of half your life and return as a teenager. (Gong Rong Party)

Source: Liberation Daily

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