
In 2021, the municipal building industrial park will start to declare the building industry chain incubation of 100 billion output value

author:Chongqing Daily

A few days ago, the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology released the news that from now on, the declaration of the identification and key cultivation of the municipal building industrial park in 2021 will be launched, and the compliant declaration unit can submit a declaration to the economic and information commission of the county where it is located before November 5.

As of now, there are 149 such municipal building industrial parks in the city, of which there are 21 industrial parks with an annual output value of 500 million to 1 billion yuan, 16 industrial parks with an annual output value of 1 billion to 5 billion yuan, 7 more than 5 billion yuan, and 7 small and medium-sized enterprises with a total of 7372 small and medium-sized enterprises, achieving sales revenue of 115.822 billion yuan.

In 2021, the municipal building industrial park will start to declare the building industry chain incubation of 100 billion output value

Building industrial parks enable multiple industrial categories

According to the statistics of the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, according to the classification of industries, there are currently 149 municipal building industrial parks, including 50 mechanical processing and equipment manufacturing, 40 electronic information and software technology, 22 e-commerce and cultural and creative categories, 21 pharmaceutical and food categories, 16 consumer goods manufacturing categories, and traditional and emerging industries.

In the "Western Food Valley" building industrial park of Jiangjin Degan Industrial Park, a biotechnology enterprise established by the entrepreneurial team of college students, the pet clean tooth bone product developed by the company has become a "hot model" in the market, and the annual sales volume of a single product exceeds 10 million yuan

"Traditional pet teeth cleaning bones are achieved by physical friction, while our products contain biological enzymes that effectively remove plaque from pets." The person in charge of the enterprise said that since the company settled in the "Western Food Valley", a package of business procedures from taxation to industry and commerce has achieved one-stop processing, and the company can focus on pet food research and development investment, and has formed more than 30 patents, and the product sales are very good.

According to the person in charge of the "Western Food Valley" Building Industrial Park, the park is built in accordance with the integrated mode of "production, learning, research, inspection, recognition and marketing", and has gathered 125 food enterprises, achieving an annual output value of more than 1 billion yuan, and won the title of "National Small and Micro Enterprise Entrepreneurship and Innovation Demonstration Base".

The building industrial park not only promotes the development of traditional industries such as food processing, but also involves emerging industries. The "Huaxiong Times Smart City" 5G Smart Park located in banan Jieshi Digital Industrial Park is one of them. As a 5G smart park, the park focuses on incubating small and medium-sized micro enterprises in the fields of intelligent equipment and digital economy.

"The 5G smart park is expected to introduce 200 intelligent industry-related enterprises to achieve tens of billions of output value." The person in charge of the park said that through the use of China Unicom 5G technology, a 5G high-speed and low-latency network will be formed in the park, and 5G will be applied to scenarios such as science and technology research and development and park management in the park, and 5G technology applications in multiple fields such as office automation and emergency security in the park will be gradually realized, providing 5G information services for small and medium-sized enterprises settled in the park.

In terms of promoting the transformation of scientific research achievements in universities, the building industrial park is also an important incubation platform. For example, relying on the disciplinary advantages of Chongqing University of Science and Technology, the science and technology innovation accelerator platform of Chongqing University of Science and Technology has promoted the accurate docking of university achievements and market demand around high-tech service industries such as new materials and biomedicine, and collected 480 applicable scientific and technological achievements through various "double creation" competitions and university achievement docking activities, forming an innovation incubation industry chain of "co-creation space- incubator- accelerator".

The cultivation of building industrial parks must be well planned

In recent years, by cultivating idle buildings, including idle industrial plants, commercial buildings, scientific research buildings, etc. into building industrial parks, Chongqing has achieved good results, and the development of the city's building industrial parks is at the forefront of the country, and a total of 26 million square meters of building industrial parks have been built, which has become an important part of promoting economic development.

"The building industrial park is the effective use of building-type buildings, providing venues, supporting public facilities and supporting services for the creation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and can be said to be the best carrier for the agglomeration and development of small and medium-sized enterprises." Xiong Ying, president of the Chongqing Building Industrial Park Association, said that with the rapid growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in the city, the lack of suitable production and operation sites has become one of the constraints for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises at this stage, and the building industrial park with the characteristics of land use intensification, enterprise agglomeration, industrial clustering and service supporting can provide centralized production and operation sites and public services for small and micro enterprises, which can promote the agglomeration and development of small and medium-sized enterprises and form industrial clusters.

Xiong Ying believes that in order to continue to cultivate and develop building industrial parks, it is particularly important to do a good job of reasonable planning, of which industry is the foundation of the economic development of building industrial parks, and in many aspects such as industrial positioning, path selection, industrial cultivation and industrial upgrading involving building industrial parks, market selection and active planning are needed to play a joint role.

"In addition, we must do a good job in the top-level design of the building industrial park, and from the overall perspective, we must make overall planning for all aspects, levels and elements of the building industrial park." Xiong Ying suggested that it is necessary to concentrate effective resources to achieve sustained, stable and rapid development of the building economy efficiently and quickly.

Wu An, director of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences, suggested that to do a large building industrial park, each park can form a development pattern of "one park and one industry, one floor and one industry" according to its own characteristics, so as to build a building industrial park with its own characteristics, which is conducive to the formation of differentiated development.

Municipal building industrial parks can receive rental subsidies

To promote the construction of building industrial parks and promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, Chongqing has already done something from the top-level design.

In 2021, the municipal building industrial park will start to declare the building industry chain incubation of 100 billion output value

"In the 2021 municipal building industrial park identification and key cultivation of building industrial parks declaration, the approved reporting units will receive rental subsidies and other support." The person in charge of the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology said that the declaration will be in accordance with the principle of voluntariness, and the qualified building industrial park operation and management institutions can be declared, and the specific declaration conditions, declaration procedures, and declaration materials to be submitted will be subject to the relevant provisions of the "Chongqing Building Industrial Park Identification management measures" and the "Notice of the Interim Measures for Rent Subsidies for Chongqing Key Cultivation Building Industrial Parks".

In addition, according to the relevant provisions of the "Notice of the Interim Measures for rent Subsidies for Chongqing Municipal Key Cultivation of Building Industrial Parks", small and medium-sized micro and medium-sized enterprises settled in key building industrial parks can also obtain rent subsidies, and municipal finance will also arrange special funds to support the development of building industrial parks with good quality.

Next, the city will further promote the upgrading of the park, cultivate characteristic brands, through the implementation of the gradient cultivation plan for enterprises settled in the building industrial park, support the settlement of enterprises to "standardize and upgrade", develop in the direction of "specialization and special new", and cultivate a number of influential and brand-effective demonstration building industrial parks by guiding the construction of smart building industrial parks.