
"National Day Baby" is here! The night before, I was still "listening" to the Asian Games in my mother's belly

"National Day Baby" is here! The night before, I was still "listening" to the Asian Games in my mother's belly

Extreme News Reporter Liu Xun

Photojournalist Wang Yongsheng

Correspondent Gao Chenchen Guan Xiaohan

At 6:39 a.m. on October 1, with a cry from the delivery room, Wuhan Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital ushered in the first "National Day baby", the little one weighed 3.4 kg, and his parents took the nickname "Little October". Coincidentally, the baby, his father and grandfather all celebrated their birthdays during the National Day holiday, and the family was happy.

As of press time, there are still several expectant mothers waiting to give birth in Wuhan Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, and they will all usher in a new life in a festive and lively holiday atmosphere.

"National Day Baby" is here! The night before, I was still "listening" to the Asian Games in my mother's belly

The couple ushered in the "National Day baby"

"National Day Baby" came to report in advance

"This baby will really 'pick the day' and come early." Ms. Huang, 27, said that this is the first baby of the little couple, and the due date was October 20, but she did not expect to meet them on October 1.

Ms. Huang said that on the evening of September 30, she and her husband were at home watching the Hangzhou Asian Games competition, and the baby was also very excited in the stomach, and kept moving around mischievously, and they also joked: "So excited, should it be that you want to come out early!" ”

"One of our jokes came true." Ms. Huang said that at about 2 a.m. on October 1, she woke up from her sleep and found that the amniotic water had broken. The husband hurriedly informed the parents of both parties, picked up the delivery bag prepared in advance, and drove her to the Wuhan Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital.

At 5:15, Ms. Huang opened two fingers at the uterine entrance and was quickly sent to the delivery room to be delivered, accompanied by one-on-one doula by a midwife. As Ms. Huang was a first-born child and was in an unfamiliar environment, the midwife team leader Xu Xin stayed by her side, chatting with her, distracting her, teaching her to adjust the rhythm of production through the Ramazar breathing method, and massaging to help relieve her lumbosacral soreness. At the same time, Mr. Zhou also changed into isolation clothes and entered the delivery room, and accompanied his wife to give birth step by step.

Fortunately, the labor process was very smooth, and at 6:39, a healthy baby girl was born with a weight of 3.4 kg. Looking at the little baby who cried loudly, Mr. Zhou was overjoyed, and tried to hug his daughter under the guidance of the midwife, and joked that it was "quite heavy", amusing his wife and medical staff.

Three generations of the family celebrated their birthdays during the National Day holiday

After observing in the delivery room, after the situation was stabilized, Ms. Huang returned to the second obstetric ward with her baby and husband at about 8 a.m., and the child's grandparents, grandparents were already ready to welcome them.

Although the baby was born early, the couple had already thought of a nickname called "Little October".

"National Day Baby" is here! The night before, I was still "listening" to the Asian Games in my mother's belly

The baby's nickname is "Little October"

"Our family seems to have a special fate with '10'." Ms. Huang said that her birthday was February 11, and her friends called her "Eleven" affectionately; And the husband's birthday is October 3rd, the baby's grandfather's birthday is October 4, the little one came to "fill in the blank", he chose to be born on October 1, and three generations of our family have to queue up for the birthday on the eleventh long holiday, super happy.

Pregnant mothers who love sports teach themselves to stay in good shape

The polar news reporter saw that Mr. Zhou has been busy before and after, and he takes good care of his wife. Ms. Huang said that she and her husband met at a basketball game in college, and after adding WeChat to each other, they learned that they were both fans of the same basketball star, and soon they came together and fell in love. On May 1, 2022, the two had a wedding and planned to have children at the same time.

"National Day Baby" is here! The night before, I was still "listening" to the Asian Games in my mother's belly

Looking at the baby in their arms, the couple's hearts were full of happiness

"When we were shopping on New Year's Day, the two of us drew a blind box and drew a figure of a 'cradle car', and we sighed at that time that the meaning was good." Ms. Huang said with a smile that February 11 was her birthday, and the family was very happy to have a baby on that day.

Ms. Huang has always had the habit of fitness, and she has not stopped when she has a baby, and she follows the video to practice the pregnant mother's exercise classes when she has time. Every time she went to Wuhan Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital for a prenatal examination, she would take the initiative to ask for childbirth knowledge, and often went online to "tutor". With the support of the elderly on both sides, Ms. Huang exercised and supplemented at her own pace, and her weight during the entire pregnancy only increased by 10 kilograms, which was maintained very well.

"We want our baby to be healthy and happy." For the future, the couple is full of hope.

(Source: Polar Eye News)